“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Han Li took the civilians of the Shadow Clan to kowtow to Su Wen.

Then, they entered the teleportation array one by one and returned to the Shadow Guard Mansion.

This time, after seeing the panels of the civilians of the Shadow Clan, Su Wen stood up for Han again. Han Li recruited 10,000 shadow tribe civilians.

After all these civilians were increased to level 12,

Han Li was asked to take people to the east gate to perform construction and other tasks. After completing Han Li’s vassal work,

Su Wen looked up. Toward the Lord’s Castle.

His eyes collided with the fiery eyes of Xu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xiaohua.

From the moment the two women laid their eyes on him, he had already sensed that these two waves contained two different Affectionate eyes.

One greed!

One admiration!


Su Wen spread his wings and flew up the tower. He came to the two women.

He looked at the two women and asked with a smile:”Which one of you two comes first?”


Xu Xiaoxiao spoke up immediately.

As soon as she finished speaking, she lowered her head with slightly red cheeks, showing a shy and timid look.

Zhang Xiaohua, on the other hand, winked at Su Wen with a calm and composed expression. Blinking, he couldn’t help but mutter in his heart:”Bitch!”

“good! Then start with Xu Xiaoxiao! You are the tidal elf lord, majoring in 24 industry auxiliary, and good at cultivating various ornamental and economic aquatic products! Plus aquatic plants and corals!”

Su Wen nodded and told Xu Xiaoxiao’s abilities.

Xu Xiaoxiao nodded and finally said:”Because of my professional group, I need the waters of the marine environment!”

“This is a bit different from the fat-headed fish group in my territory!”

Su Wen said softly.

There are now 10 members of the Fathead Fish Clan.

These 10 people are currently living in the small freshwater lake that Su Wen opened with his nirvana and are responsible for the cultivation of freshwater fish.

Although Su Wen has no control over this period , They.

But judging from the documents Mike handed over, fish have begun to be produced in the small lake.

In particular, some rare species of freshwater fish have been successfully cultured.

They have become one of the business projects of the Su Chamber of Commerce.

Xu Xiaoxiao is engaged in marine fishery.It complements the fat-headed fish clan.


Su Wen nodded.

He tapped lightly.

Tiandao Mall was summoned by him.

Then, he found some environmental waters of the inland sea in it. He shared these waters in front of Xu Xiaoxiao:”Choose a suitable one. The ocean environment where tidal elves live? Xu

Xiaoxiao’s eyes lit up when he saw this, and he quickly looked at it carefully:”Is this Tiandao Mall?””

Zhang Xiaohua also looked over one after another.

This kind of mall was different from the ones they had been exposed to.

She couldn’t help but be surprised.

She had a heart-to-heart talk with Zhong Jianwen. She learned a lot from Zhong Jianwen.

Especially Tiandao Mall. From new lords to national-level forces, all will have basic Tiandao functional modules.

The difference is that the more comprehensive the functions of Tiandao Mall, the stronger the power.

According to her observation, it seems that she did not learn from Zhong Jianwen. She had heard that the national Tiandao Mall can purchase natural environments.

This shows that

Su Wen’s Tiandao Mall is stronger than the national one.

This made her couldn’t help but ask:”Lord! Your mall……”

Don’t wait for her to finish.

Su Wen responded directly:”I got it from a god who is a vassal of a high-level civilization through the auction house! This thing is of great value!”


Zhang Xiaohua was shocked again.

She knew that Su Wen’s Su’s Trading Company had sold sky-high prices in an auction not long ago, and even received support from Tiandao Market.

But she didn’t dare to imagine.

Su Wen actually We have already started doing business with the gods.

This is so fucking mysterious!

This level of business seems to be something that only countries or legion forces can deal with.

Su Wen, a new lord, can actually do this.

It is really shocking.

“Is this his own achievement? Or is it the help of the goddess?”

Zhang Xiaohua couldn’t help but think.

At this time,

Xu Xiaoxiao had already completed her choice:”Lord! That’s it!”

Su Wen looked at Xu Xiaoxiao’s choice.

This is an inland sea called the Huanghai.

It is about 500 kilometers long and 300 kilometers at its widest point.

It is shaped like a teardrop.

There is a 14 miles long and 10 kilometers wide in the center. Small island.

There is a ready-made pier in the natural environment of Huanghai.

There are some flat open spaces and thatched houses on the deserted island.

Su Wen looked at the price of Huanghai.

This made him frown.

The value of Huanghai reached an astonishing 1,000 Ganges sands. Lord Points

“So expensive?”

He looked at Huanghai’s introduction again.

From the following introduction, he found out that there is a level 60 limited-time dungeon under the sea of Huanghai. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The dungeon is called The Dragon King’s Throne.

The dungeon The time limit is 12 hours.

There are still 7 hours before the dungeon disappears.

Seeing this, Su Wen turned to look at Xu Xiaoxiao.

Xu Xiaoxiao said solemnly:”I also saw this dungeon accidentally! I think since you can clear the Ice Dragon Slayer dungeon, this dungeon should be very easy!”

Su Wen nodded.

This environment is worth at most 5 Ganges Sands Lord Points.

1,000 Ganges Sands Lord Points is equivalent to buying a limited-time copy and giving away a natural environment.

According to the final introduction of the environment. Each environment in Tiandao Mall is in Different locations.

It is also the area where the Tiandao dungeon appears randomly.

Therefore, it is very common to encounter a dungeon when purchasing the environment.

But the chance is very small.

Su Wen thought of this[]

Bought Arahai directly.


A crystal ball appeared in Su Wen’s hand.

There was a dazzling red dot on the crystal ball.

Take a closer look.

It shows the copy countdown and level.

“This sea should be placed four or five kilometers away from the small lake east of the castle!”

Su Wen said as he flew out with Xu Xiaoxiao.

The reason for this arrangement is that the fat-headed fishman’s breeding talent can help Xu Xiaoxiao manage Huanghai.

After he selected the place,

Su Wen put the crystal ball Throw it towards the predetermined spot.


There is a sound of water flow.

Then the moist breath and the sea breeze blow on your face. The blue waves are rippling on the deserted sea, which is about 500 kilometers long. The wind is sunny and the sun is bright. You can see the blue sea at a glance. , a flock of seagulls were flying.


Su Wen landed on the flat ground of the desert island with Xu Xiaoxiao in shock.

“Thank you, my lord!”

Xu Xiao023 Xiao had the courage to gently scratch Su Wen’s palm when shaking hands with Su Wen.

There was a strange light in her eyes:”This environment is really good! So hot!”

As she said that, she took off her coat.

She wore a white T-shirt underneath.

The T-shirt was all white.

It was not too wide.

It fully displayed Xu Xiaoxiao’s enchanting figure.

“His Majesty!”

Xu Xiaoxiao changed the title and raised her voice.

Su Wen nodded and took the lead to check the thatched huts on the island.

Xu Xiaoxiao followed closely.

She turned her head and glanced at the surrounding environment. She couldn’t help but He asked:”Your Majesty! Do I want to live here in the future?”

“certainly! You are now mainly responsible for the marine fisheries in my territory! When you become proficient in this business, you can take over the fat-headed fish clan over there in the freshwater lake!”

Su Wen walked into the hut and responded softly.

The inside of the hut was covered with cobwebs and dust.

There was a thatched bed. There were tattered mosquito nets and quilts on the bed.

There was an earth stove next to it.

The iron pot on the earth stove was rotten. Most of them.

Obviously, no one has lived in this place for a long time.

Xu Xiaoxiao walked in holding her nose, and she quickly backed out:”Can I live over there in the castle? Just like going to work, come to work every day!”

At this moment, she couldn’t think of anything else.

Let her live alone on the vast sea.

She was really scared.

Su Wen laughed and said cheerfully:”Of course! However, this area can also be regarded as your territory. You must build and develop it well. This is related to my training of you!”.

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