“The civilian recruitment space in Bonfire has undergone huge changes due to the vassal lord incident! The refresh time has been extended again!”

Su Wen looked at the 15 civilian cards in the campfire space and the refresh countdown on them and couldn’t help but sigh.

This is a mechanism of heaven.

He can’t interfere.

In the current campfire space, the first position was a werewolf civilian, recruiting 1 It requires ~5 lord points.

In the second position, flower elf, it takes 1 lord point to recruit 1 person. In the third position, eagle man, it takes 10 lord points to recruit 1 person.

In the fourth position, tree spirit, recruits 1 The position requires 1 lord point.

The fifth position, the Shadow Clan, requires 1 lord point to recruit 1 person. The sixth position, Wood Elf, requires 1 lord point to recruit 1 person.

The seventh position, Tide Elf, recruits 1 person. It requires 1 lord point.

In the eighth position, it takes 1 point to recruit a dragon knight. In the ninth position, it costs 1 point to recruit a unicorn.

In the tenth position, it costs 200 to recruit a level 1 mountain dwarf. Point points.

The eleventh position is a level 6 water element, and it takes 3,000 points to recruit 1. The twelfth position is a level 2 fire element, and it costs 500 points to recruit one.

The thirteenth position is a level 1 gold element, and it costs 1 to recruit 1 The position requires 200 points.

The fourteenth position is a level 2 wood element, and it takes 500 points to recruit one. The fifteenth position is a level 5 earth element, and it takes 2500 points to recruit one.

15 positions.

Only 3 positions Does not belong to the lord professional group.

Su Wen realized.

There are not enough positions in the campfire space.

If this is refreshed.

The 13 positions are fixed, and the 1st, 3rd, and 4th positions change.

There are too few options.

Thinking of this.

He Start amplifying the bonfire

【Is there a limit-breaking boost for the bonfire? Consume 1W attribute points!】


Su Wen’s eyes moved when he saw this.


The fire pit of the bonfire became hot.

Han Li, who was waiting, saw his eyelids twitching:”This… the increase will be increased if the lord said it!…I said before that there were not enough resources, but this one war will suffice? Could it be that the Lord’s increase in power consumed us…the devil’s soul? Or maybe it’s some kind of power we don’t know about……”

“The spirit of war?”

“Fighting spirit?”

“Or is it murderous intent?”


“It seems that this gain is not unlimited or conditional!”

He had some faint judgment.


Su Wen stopped.

This time, he spent 88W.

Successfully promoted the bonfire to level 100.

【Will the bonfire be increased beyond the limit? Consume 100W attribute points! 】

Tiandao’s prompt appears.

Su Wen did not choose immediately. He looked at the bonfire’s attribute panel.

This look.

Su Wen’s pupils shrank.

Immediately afterwards.

He chose yes.


100W attribute points disappear.

A new entry has appeared in the bonfire.

This entry made Su Wen excited.

He glanced at the free attribute points in his attribute panel.

Once again, I chose the limit-breaking increase.


The bonfire has been upgraded to level 102.

The attribute data changes again.

Su Wen stopped:”If this continues, these attribute points of mine will not be able to meet 100% of the requirements. It seems that we can only suspend it!”

He murmured softly.

Looked carefully at the panel of the bonfire again

【Building: Bonfire】

【Grade: 102 (MAX)】

【Gain 1: Long-range troops within a 10-kilometer range gain 50 times the total combat power of additional fire element attacks!】

【Gain 2: The range of long-range units within 30 kilometers is increased by 50 times!】

【Gain 3: After each successful recruitment, civilian loyalty is 100%】

【Gain 4 to wash away demons! You can use a campfire to wash away the enchantments you don’t need and turn them into high-level enchantment stones.】

【Gain 5: Shuffle! There is an opportunity to shuffle the cards every day, and only 100 racial cards can be shuffled each time. This opportunity can be accumulated. Accumulated times: 0】

【Gain 6: High-quality civilians! The civilian level in the civilian recruitment space is level 12. The points for recruiting lords are constant at 100 points, and the recruitment points for lord professional groups are constant at 1 point.】

【Gain 7: Adjust the level! In order to recruit space mediation, the grade of civilians needed to be recruited, with a gain of 6 high-quality civilian grades as the maximum limit. The lowest limit is level 0】

【Gain 8: Parallel Displacement! For positional civilian cards that are not needed, they can be replaced with other lords of the same camp.】

【Gain 9: Fire of Life! A symbol of cohesion formed by the ethnic group! The children born to the people in the territory will receive a unique life mark. Marks allow children to inherit their parents’ outstanding abilities! There is a 100% chance of giving birth to a naturally high-grade heir! Mark (Dragon!)] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Gain 10: New life without disaster! The gathering of the people in the territory will break the ethnic restrictions and increase the fertility rate of the people in the territory by 10 times! Newborns are immune to all diseases and stay healthy!】

【Gain 11: Loyalty! Newborns in the territory will be 100% loyal to the lord!】

【Gain 12: Faith! All new lives born and nurtured in the territory regard the lord as their only belief and master.】

【Gain 13: Resource sharing! Your campfire recruitment space can be shared with lords of the same camp once a month, and each time you need to pay 100 billion lord points.】

【Gain 14: Career restrictions! Each time you change the cards, you can shuffle them according to your professional needs】

【Gain 15: Eternal Lock! You can permanently lock 36 civilian cards except the lord professional civilian cards to be used as fixed recruitment cards.】

【Gain 16: Forced recruitment! You have a 1.5% chance of forcibly recruiting a group of non-recruiting decks among all the tribes in the world that do not send their subjects into the recruitment pool.】

【Gain 17: Historical Recruitment! You have a 0.2% chance of recruiting an extinct ethnic group from the historical fragments of Tiandao】

【Gain 18: Legend Recruitment! You have a 0.06% chance of recruiting legendary ethnic groups from the legends of the previous Tiandao era.】

【Recruitment cards: 72]

After level 12 to level 102, a total of 8 buffs are obtained, and the recruitment shot increases from 15 to 72.

Among them, the last gain 16 forced recruitment and gain 17 historical recruitment only increase the chance by 0.1% for each level.

The final buff 18 legendary recruitment appears after level 100.

Each level up only increases the chance by 0.03[]

Now it seems.

If you want to recruit these last three gains.

It just depends on luck.

Unless Su Wen is willing to spend a lot of attribute points to buff the campfire.

At this stage it seems.

The bonfire is enough for Su Wen.

Continue to gain.

It’s just a waste of attribute points.

Su Wen could only sigh after seeing it.

But it is a ray of hope. after all.

The ethnic groups in this era of Heavenly Dao are known as all ethnic groups.

There were definitely not a few ethnic groups in the previous Tiandao era.

After reading.

Su Wen first fixed the first 15 positions permanently.

Then he looked at the other civilian cards.

The positions of night elves, murlocs, omnics, goblins, and Beamon were also permanently fixed.

After completing these.

He began to set restrictions on recruitment levels.

And set all these limits to level 0.

The reason for making such considerations and arrangements.

The main reason is that Su Wen’s talent increases his attributes.

With this talent increase, a level 0 civilian is promoted to level 12, and the attributes and skills obtained are relatively comprehensive.

And if you recruit randomly through campfires.

There will be a huge gap in the attributes of level 12 civilians.

Benefits are.

Such civilians have their own expertise and characteristics.

No need to focus on training anymore. but.

Here in Suwen.

He pays more attention to the fourth-dimensional attributes of civilians.

After completing a series of settings.

Su Wen gave orders to the various vassal lords under his command.

The lords are requested not to train civilians into warriors after recruiting them.

After he has advanced the civilians, he will conduct training.

He also asked the lords under his command to report to him the status of recruitment in the territory, preparations for military training, and other information.

After completing these.

Su Wen then began to recruit the Shadow Clan.

Now, except for the master of the Shadow Guard Mansion.

A total of 124,003 civilians from the Shadow Clan are needed.

Based on the needs of the Shadow Guard Palace, Su Wen recruited all the civilians needed by the Shadow Guard Palace.

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