
Han Li knelt down on one knee excitedly and thanked him sincerely:”Thank you so much, Lord, for your gift!”

“Um! I……”

Su Wen talked about some principles, rules, rewards and punishments.

Immediately afterwards.

He said to Han Li:”Next! Release your lord’s castle!”

“Well! Han

Li, who had just stood up, glanced into the distance in embarrassment. After a few seconds of silence, he weakly and cautiously lowered his head and said,”Sell!””

“sold? Can this thing still be sold?”

Su Wen was stunned.

He didn’t know that the Lord’s Castle could still be sold.

Today really shocked him.

Han Li nodded and said:”In the Legion Academy, as long as you confirm in the General Tower, you will become a full vassal lord in the future. After that, you can do this! You can also sell other buildings!”

“A level 0 lord castle sells for 2,000 lord points! A level 0 bonfire sells for 100 lord points!”

“I had already planned my future route when I entered the academy!”

“In order to improve your strength, buy knowledge!”

“I sold everything I could!”

Speaking of which, he said solemnly:”After I came to you, I thought I would be in charge of a department! Just like Page, the Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Tribunal, he never thought that one day he would become a lord… 22″

“Are there many people like this? Su

Wen asked Han Li.

Han Li nodded:”A lot!” All white-level lords, 70% of green-level lords, 50% of blue-level lords, 30% of purple-level lords, and 10% of yellow-level lords will make such a choice!”

“The academy has planners who specialize in helping lords plan their future paths!”

“I am a Shadow Assassin. I am now level 30. I will become a Shadow Assassin after changing my profession! Because of my ethnic origin, I am only suitable for assassin or espionage work!”

“So, after 3 days and 3 nights of careful thinking and summary, I decided to take the path of vassalage!”

“There is no way around this!”

“If we don’t make a choice at the beginning, we will make such a choice after we graduate from college!”

“From the cases I have come across, 45.5% of our blue star lords will choose to become vassals of other lords, of which the yellow rank accounts for 5%!”

“Most of these choices are made within 1 to 3 years after graduating from college!”

“If you don’t make a choice during this period, you will probably face a situation where no one wants you in the future! Unless the area occupied by your territory is of sufficient value!”

He introduced Su Wen in detail.

The lord who has been running the territory independently for 4 years.

Basically no one will ask for it.

Because at this time, he has seen the limit of this lord.

“Lord space is cruel! Worthless lords usually die quickly! Because, no matter which lord you are, if you have stayed in the lord space for two years, you must go to the national frontline to participate in the war! Han

Li then said:”Those who have a leader will cooperate with the leader in their own legion and have the greatest chance of survival!” Unless the lords who personally participate in the war are like Liu Wen’s Qilin Legion, otherwise after a war, the weak will be swept into the deep sea by huge waves, leaving no bones left!”

“Do you know how many lords our Blue Star has died in the past 10 years?”

“At least 5 billion! There are wars almost every day, and weak lords die every day. Even the lords trained by the academy are constantly replaced by death! He said sadly.

Su Wen frowned and asked,”Isn’t there anyone who can help?””

“You are so naive! In that kind of situation, it’s like stud! Under the coercion of the army, you have to rush if you don’t want to! The weak die quickly because they are weak! Even a powerful lord might not be able to survive such a chaotic scene! Han

Li shook his head:”If I take care of myself, who else can I expect to take care of you?””

“In this situation!”

“You can only move forward!”

“Once you quit!”

“Your information will be disclosed to the headquarters by Tiandao immediately!”

“He retreated privately and fled, but he was determined to kill him!”

“Under the law of heaven, the rules are ruthless.”

Speaking of this, he stopped.

Su Wen thought of Liu Wen’s story.

The cruelty of the lord space passed through Han Li and Liu Wen.

He also learned a thing or two.

Fortunately, he has the ability to increase attributes.


The consequences were really unimaginable.

Immediately, he looked at Han Li, whose face was cleaner than Kabuto. He took out a divine ring and searched it carefully.

Then, he looked at Tiandao Mall.

Finally, in A building suitable for the Shadow clan was selected in Tiandao Mall – Shadow Guard Mansion

“how was it?”

Su Wen asked Han Li.

The Shadow Guard Mansion is the same as the Holy Tribunal.

It is a functional building that can independently cultivate the army.

This is an organization similar to the Jin Yiwei and the bad guys.

It is responsible for assassinations, espionage and sentry detection.

At the same time, you can also form a shadow guard army.

It is a building that is more in line with Su Wen’s expectations.

Han Li looked at the building in front of him and felt a little dizzy:”Gudong! Lord! Wouldn’t this be too wasteful? A more ordinary building would be fine!”

“Ordinary buildings cannot produce good soldiers!

Su Wen shook his head and said decisively:”That’s it!””


He directly spent 1,000 Ganges Sands Lord Points to purchase the Shadow Guard Mansion building.


In an instant.

Under Su Wen’s operation, a thousand-meter mansion appeared in the central plain area of the Dark Valley..

Han Li looked at Su Wen who didn’t even blink, and couldn’t help clenching his fists:”I, Han Li, finally met a good big brother! The future is promising!”

Su Wen’s financial resources dazzled him.

Soon, a three-story Shadow Guard Mansion equipped with a training ground appeared in front of Su Wen and Han Li. The

Shadow Guard Mansion was divided into two courtyards, the front and rear.

The front yard is smaller, with a garden and a small lake.

The backyard is a training ground. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The training ground of the Shadow Guard Mansion is mainly for physical training.

The first floor of the main building is divided into banquets Living room, martial arts hall and reaction training ground.

The second floor is the skills training hall and intelligence knowledge training ground. The third floor is the assassin training hall and sentinel training hall.

The auxiliary building is the dormitory.

There are two floors in total, located on both wings of the main building.

There are Two buildings.

Each building has 12 rooms on the first floor. One room can accommodate 12 soldiers, and a total of 576 people can live there.

There is a huge intelligence room underground in the main building.

The storage method is used in the storage format.

It was built At that moment, he took the initiative to contact Su Wen’s Lord’s Castle.

An intelligence room also appeared underground in Su Wen’s Lord’s Castle. At this moment, a prompt appeared in front of Su Wen’s eyes, and he chose to confirm.

Lord’s Castle Only Su Wen and those with Su Wen’s permission can enter the intelligence room.[]

After visiting the entire Shadow Guard Mansion,

“Does this feel more like a workers’ college?

Han Li said solemnly.

Su Wen nodded:”Yes!” But it’s more powerful than the Workers’ College!”


He looked at the panel of the Shadow Guard Mansion.

【Building: Shadow Guard Mansion】

【Grade: 0】

【Function: A place to train Assassin spies, process and collect intelligence】

【Lord of Mansion 753: 0/1】

【Deputy Palace Master: 0/3】

【Intelligence: 0/100】

【Assassin: 0/100】

【Shadow Guard: 0/300】

【Training subjects: physical training, reaction training, skills training, intelligence knowledge training, assassin training, sentinel detection training】

【Training time: 1 week (1 week in territory time, 1 year in actual internal training time))】

【Cultivation of troops: spies, assassins, shadow guards】

【Skills for cultivating arms: White level, espionage knowledge, assassin knowledge, identification, tracking eye, hidden weapon proficiency, drug proficiency, all weapons proficiency, unarmed combat proficiency, medical proficiency, secret language proficiency, teleportation, shadow possession, must Killing skill Shadow Blade (skills can be added manually)】

【Annex building: 2 buildings, 2 floors, each building has 12 rooms on each floor, 12 soldiers live in each room, equipped with weapons and equipment warehouses】

【Training fee: 10 trillion lord points per person】

【Lord points reserve fund: 0】

【Related Building: Sacred Barracks】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

【Note: The Shadow Guards can be trained through the Lord’s Sacred Barracks. There is no upper limit on the number of Shadow Guards trained through this barracks.】

【Note: This building can only cultivate the shadow clan】

“The money was indeed not wasted!”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up.

Just add skills manually.

The Shadow Guard Mansion is worth it!

This is the first building for which Su Wen can plan his own skills.

It is more targeted than Athena’s synthetic tower. Sex.

Each has its own benefits.

Seeing this, he raised his hand towards the Shadow Guard Mansion.


In an instant, a brilliant light bloomed.

Seeing this, Han Li couldn’t help but glared and broke his guard again:”Fuck!”!……”

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