“hehe! In fact, the Qilin you know is the Qilin Beast! The Qilin tribe I am talking about is a humanoid race with Qilin bloodline! Liu

Wen explained with a smile.

The Qilin Beast and the Qilin Clan have the same bloodline.

In real terms, they are two species.

If the bloodline is orthodox, it must be the Qilin Beast.

Because the bloodline of the Qilin Clan comes from the ancient times. The Qilin beast.

The Qilin beast is the descendant of the Qilin beast.

Later, the Qilin tribe grew from a few to many and became a member of all the races in the world.

The Qilin beast was originally an auspicious beast that lived in the mountains and wilderness. They feed on dead souls, evil spirits, demons and strange monsters.

Because they have a blood connection with the Qilin clan, they are often close to the Qilin clan. Over time, the Qilin beast and the Qilin clan have come together.

Nowadays, only the Qilin clan has Qilin beasts.

Qilin beasts The cavalry is the orthodox cavalry of the Qilin tribe.

“Although this is a mouthful,”six nine three” but it is true!”

In order to understand this information, Liu Wen also spent money to buy a lot of knowledge.

He even took the opportunity to ask Tiandao to verify this matter.

“In this case, if you buy the benefits of the colony habitat, I will exchange it for you with something else!”

Su Wen smiled slightly.

He then looked at Liu Wen’s panel.

【Name: Liu Wen】

【Occupation: Qilin Knight Lord (yellow rank, vassal, first turn)】

【Affiliation: Su Wen】

【Rating: 40 (99.99%)】

【Kirin vitality: 10W】

【Title: Shura (during combat, 2x strength, 2x agility, 2x spirit, 2x constitution)】

【Bloodline: Qilin (2x attack power, 2x explosive power, causes an additional 5x damage to evil ghosts and monsters. Sense of Spirit +500)】

【Attributes: Strength 15255; Agility 15030; Spirit 15033; Constitution 15134;】

【Equipment: Kirin Cavalry Armor Set】

【Professional skills: Riding skill proficiency, sword skill proficiency, archery skill proficiency, unarmed combat proficiency, Bajiquan, yellow level teleportation, unicorn holy light, evil-breaking slash, special attack holy light full moon kill】

【Talent: Qilin Vitality】

【Bajiquan: It is fierce and powerful, and it can hurt the enemy when you strike. Gain 2x attack speed, 2x critical hit, 2x damage, and 2x dexterity when cast.】

【Yellow level teleportation: Any teleportation can be carried out within a range of 300 meters. Each time it consumes 5 points of spirit, the skill cooling time is 1 second.】

【Kirin Holy Light: Releases a buffing halo to yourself or allies. Can benefit 5 people at the same time. Under the aura of holy light, the damage caused to the lives of the five groups of Yin, evil, ghosts, demons and monsters is doubled. Gain 2x movement speed and cause 100 points of burning damage per second to the restrained target. Can be stacked with the effect of Kirin Bloodline. Consumes 1 point of Qilin vitality every second. Stop consuming after closing】

【Evil-Breaking Slash: Use the Sky-Breaking Dao Gang on the target! Each sword blade causes 2x physical and magic damage to the target. Causes 4 physical and magical damage to the restrained target and ignores the opponent’s armor. Each Dao Gang consumes 100 points of Qilin Vitality】

【Special move: Holy Light Full Moon Kill: Centering on himself, he instantly releases 1,000 sword lights condensed from Qilin’s vitality to enemies within a radius of 1 kilometer. The sword light can be pointed in one direction or in multiple directions.

The default state is to release evenly to the circular area centered on itself.

Each sword light causes 1000 points of damage to the enemy.

And ignites the restrained target, causing 100 points of burning damage per second, lasting 10 seconds.

This kill ignores the enemy’s armor. Consume 1W points of unicorn vitality】

【Qilin vitality: The unique sacred vitality of the Qilin clan. This energy can destroy evil spirits and ignite the opponent. Automatically obtain 10 points of Kirin Vitality every second, and automatically obtain up to 10W Kirin Vitality every day. The maximum amount of Kirin energy that can be stored is 10W】

“Um? Liu Wen also has blood? The talent corresponding to Qilin’s vitality and bloodline?”

Su Wen was stunned when he saw this, and couldn’t help but think of Ye Jinpeng.

He had guessed before.

Ye Jinpeng’s bloodline might have been provided by Ye Feng.

Now after seeing Liu Wen, he denied this idea.


Su Wen’s expression Yi Zhen:”Why is there Bajiquan among the skills?”

Everything else is understandable.

What’s going on with the Bajiquan?

Is the killing technique of the Dragon Kingdom also found in all the worlds?

Or is this just a coincidence?

“Liu Wen! What’s going on with you?”

Immediately afterwards, Su Wen asked about the doubts in his heart.

After hearing this, Liu Wen explained:”Bajiquan is a boxing technique that I have practiced martial arts since I was a child. In an accident, I got a martial arts promotion card, so I changed Bajiquan. Boxing has been upgraded to a skill!”

“As for bloodline and talent!”

“These two go together!”

“The country and Blue Star have made statistics in this regard!”

“Only 1% of Huang-level professionals will receive such a blessing from heaven!”

“But this phenomenon only exists in Huangjie!”

He said it very seriously.

Su Wen nodded after hearing this, and then asked:”What about talent?”

“Well! There are many talents! This seems to be random, and no one knows the principle!

Liu Wen scratched his head:”I asked Director Zhong and the others!” Director Zhong said that the state also bought corresponding information in the market, but it was of no use! It’s almost the same as our conclusion!”

“forget about it!”

Su Wen said softly…0

It can be seen from Liu Wen’s attribute panel.

Liu Wen has an additional title. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is an additional Bajiquan.

An additional unarmed combat proficiency.

More yellow-level teleportation.

Su Wen was suspicious.

This guy spent all his money on increasing his strength.

When Su Wen was about to increase Liu Wen’s attributes,

Liu Wen chose the place.

He took out a card.

The things sealed inside it were directly revealed.


There was only a flash of light and shadow. A city about 30 kilometers long and wide appeared in front of Su Wen’s eyes.

This city was similar to what Su Wen had seen in his history textbook. The ancient city is exactly the same.

It has an urn city and a moat.

The planning of the city is also very standardized.[]

Own the inner city.

The outer city is a large number of fields and villages.

There are rivers and roads running through the fields.

The inner city is centered on the lord’s castle and is divided into four areas by four crisscrossing roads.

Every area is well organized.

Viewed from above.

Liu Wen’s city is like a template of an ancient city.

The construction is simply perfect. and.

The moment Liu Wen released the city.

Everything in the entire city came alive instantly.

A large number of first-born dragon horns, surrounded by a group of luminous people with a holy luster like flames, walked out.

They went to various target points in an orderly manner.

A large number of people entered the fields.

Some people went to shops in the city. soon.

There are also some cavalry riding Qilin Beasts patrolling the streets in 5.0 City.

Su Wen looked up.

I saw an area in the outer city that was not a field.

A large number of large and small unicorn beasts are being bred.

This scene.

Su Wen looked a little dazed.

“Is this the Qilin tribe? Su

Wen had an idea, and then asked Liu Wen fiercely:”Why is your card different from Ye Jinpeng and Wenying’s?” Can life also be banned?”

“This is a more advanced method of territorial relocation! It cannot be purchased in Tiandao Mall and can only be obtained through missions!

Liu Wen chuckled and said with a proud face:”To get it!” I went through more than 1,000 time-limited dungeons day and night before I got a Time Forbidden card! That’s why I have so much money to build my territory!”

“Have you been preparing to become a vassal lord of other lords? When Su

Wen heard what Liu Wen said, he was immediately puzzled.

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