【Name: Ye Jinpeng】

【Occupation: Dragon Knight Lord (divine level, vassal)】

【Affiliation: Su Wen】

【Rating: 30 (99.99%)】

【Bloodline: Dark Flame Dragon Bloodline (3x physical attack, 3x spell attack, 3x defense, 3x speed)】

【Attributes: Strength 15271; Agility 13027; Spirit 13025; Constitution 13030;】

【Equipment: none】

【Professional skills: Huang-level riding proficiency, yellow-level polearm proficiency, yellow-level dragon control, yellow-level dragon summoning, yellow-level charge, yellow-level special move Dragon Flame, yellow-level special move Tianlong Baqiang】

【Talents: Devouring Dragon Bloodline, Dragon Affinity, Dragon Body】

【Yellow Level Dragon Control: Can communicate with any dragon and control all dragons whose mental attributes are lower than yours. The probability of success is 90%】

【Yellow Level Summoned Dragon Rider: Summon a giant dragon as a mount. The dragon has 10 times your four-dimensional attributes.】

【Yellow Charge: In the riding state, gain 10 times speed, 10 times critical hit, and 10 times damage. After hitting the target, the target will be stunned for 5 seconds. Skill cooldown time 5 seconds】

【Huang-level special skill Dragon Flame: In the riding state, control the dragon to breathe dragon flame towards the target. Covering an area of 1000 meters in a straight line, it will cause 1W points of physical damage and 1W points of fire damage to the target, and ignite the target. After being ignited, the target will continue to suffer 1000 points of fire damage every second for 100 seconds. Skill duration is 30 seconds, cooling time is 1 minute】

【Huang’s special move, Tianlong Eight Spears: Holding a gun, stab the enemy with eight spears at a very high speed. The spears will critically hit and break the defense. 2x attack speed 867, 2x critical hit, sharpness value +500, special defense-breaking effect: ignore the opponent’s defense. Skill duration is 8 seconds, cooling time is 10 minutes】

【Devouring Dragon Bloodline: Devouring Dragon Bloodline increases the Dark Flame Dragon Bloodline. Every time you swallow 1 dragon bloodline, you will gain 1x bloodline blessing.】

【Dragon Affinity: You have the aura that naturally draws dragons close to you, and can make any dragon put down 30% of its wariness when it comes into contact with you for the first time. You will have a 50% chance of gaining the dragon’s trust】

【Dragon Body: You can transform into a young dragon, and gain 5 times the temporary four-dimensional attributes after transformation. In this state, you are a dragon!】

“Damn it! This guy wants to increase his bloodline by slaying dragons! Now that I have obtained these talents, wouldn’t it be even more powerful? Su

Wen looked at Ye Jinpeng’s attribute panel and couldn’t help but murmured in a low voice:”In ancient times, Taoist friend Shen Gongbao stayed, but only Ye Jinpeng and Brother Long are safe!””


Thinking about it makes people feel excited.


Su Wen looked stunned.

He thought of Wenying’s attribute panel.

It seemed that after the increase, only Wenying’s skills changed.

His talent did not increase.

What’s the reason for this?

Su Wen couldn’t understand.


Ye Jinpeng knelt down directly.

He cried and said:”Oh! Woo! Woo! Brother! You are really my reborn parents! Thank you so much! Thank you so much!”(caei) Don’t worry! My life, Ye Jinpeng, will be yours from now on!””

“I will kill whoever you ask me to kill!”

“If anyone dares to disrespect you, I will destroy his whole family!”

He didn’t even know how to express his excitement.

God-level professional!

Three talents!

What he wanted in his dreams.

He didn’t expect that Su Wen would give it to him so easily.

This touched him. He once swore to heaven at night that if anyone allowed him to become a god-level lord, he would definitely treat him to pieces.

At this moment, he wanted to dig out his heart and confess his love to Su Wen.

Su Wen grabbed Ye Jinpeng, He didn’t expect that this guy would do this.

This really made him a little overwhelmed.

We are all young people.

There is no need to be so excited.

Ye Jinpeng sat on the ground and cried for a long time before he stopped.

He rubbed His eyes were red.

He looked at Su Wen and kept saying thank you.

What should he do if he ran out of words?

Then repeat what he said before.

“alright! Release your lair! After I check it out for you, I can arrange it for others!”

Su Wen finally couldn’t stand Ye Jinpeng’s annoying words of thanks, so he said directly and seriously.

Ye Jinpeng stopped immediately.

He raised his head and looked at Su Wen


He nodded and smiled like a fool.


Afterwards, Ye Jinpeng could no longer control his emotions and couldn’t help laughing.

Su Wen was speechless:”This guy is a little crazy!”

Fortunately, Ye Jinpeng recovered quickly.

He released all the territorial buildings that had been turned into a bunch of cards through the Heavenly Dao props.

This guy had no rules at all.

It was just a random arrangement.

Lord’s castle, bonfire, Monuments of faith, barracks, temples of heroes, arrow towers, city walls, private houses, mills, etc.

After Ye Jinpeng placed all twelve buildings,

Su Wen discovered that Ye Jinpeng’s territory was like a refugee camp.


The city wall was missing A large area of private houses was built on the edge of the cliff.

The mill was arranged next to the lord’s castle.

The monument of faith was placed in a very far place. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Barracks and Heroes’ Temple It forms a triangular angle with the arrow tower.

The Lord’s Castle is placed next to a 10-lane road.

“Didn’t you learn about territorial planning in school? Su

Wen couldn’t help but asked.

Ye Jinpeng scratched his head and said with a smile:”Learned it!” But this thing is useless in combat, I even forgot about it!”

“All right!”

Su Wen was speechless.

He checked all of Ye Jinpeng’s buildings and found that it was exactly what he had seen before.

Immediately, he did not stop and looked directly at Ye Jinpeng’s Lord’s Castle.

This is a building about 100 meters long. A dragon’s nest about 30 meters high.

The upper part of the dragon’s nest can accommodate flying dragons.

The lower part of the dragon’s nest is where the lord lives.[]

【Building: Dragon’s Nest】

【Grade: Level 0】

【Functions: 100 storage spaces in bedroom, hall, warehouse (equipped with vassal lord resource application module, vassal lord resource supply module), teleportation room】

【Dragon Nest: 12 flying dragons/1 giant dragon】

【Population limit: related to the main lord’s castle (118,620,160)】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station (main lord functional building related)]

Su Wen entered the dragon’s nest and took a look.

It’s absolutely miserable here.

There are many dolls in the bedroom.

There is an inflatable pillow on the bed.

There were some papers scattered messily on the ground next to it.

On the bedside table was a tablet filled with various resources.

There is a lot of meat, grain and flour in the warehouse

“Well! Let me introduce that! My wife!”

Ye Jinpeng awkwardly covered the things on the bed with a quilt, pointed to the pattern on the pillow, and said solemnly.

Then, he carefully muttered to Su Wen:”There are countless resources in my tablet, do you want to observe it?! There are also some antique-level videos! Guaranteed to be exciting!”

“What kind of lord, why do you have to solve it yourself? You are really capable!”

Su Wen rolled his eyes.

He left the dragon’s nest and stood outside.

Su Wen performed an amplification on the dragon’s nest.


Ye Jinpeng, who was about to say something, was stunned again.

His pupils trembled suddenly, and then he was horrified. Shrinking. I saw that his dragon’s nest became extremely huge at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

The dragon’s nest turned into a giant dragon’s nest 3000 meters long and 100 meters high.

“Oh my god! Boss! Your talent is too scary!……”

Speaking of which.

He shut his mouth sharply.

Ye Jinpeng looked at Su Wen in disbelief. He couldn’t help but exclaimed:”The rumors are unbelievable! They say you are a pretty boy! What I see now is that you are a fucking tiger in pigskin!” Damn it!……” suddenly.

He seemed to have thought of something.

He couldn’t help but asked with some trembling:”Boss! Could it be that you led the team to break through the level 69 limit-breaking dungeon? That ice dragon’s bloodline… Damn it! I should have thought of it a long time ago!… Hahaha! This time I really found a boss I can rely on!”

“Boss! A kiss!”


He rushed towards Su Wen……

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