“Just keep the rewards from heaven! I am a person with clear rewards and punishments. Since you followed me here, you will naturally enjoy the heavenly rewards after the copy is successful. This is the most basic benefit!”

Su Wen glared at the fat man, looked at Liu Wen solemnly and said.

Wang Dahai retracted his hand as fast as lightning and smiled:”Thank you! A gift from the Lord!”

“Lord! No matter what, I, Lao Liu, am determined to follow you!”

Liu Wen was not angry because of Wang Dahai’s words. On the contrary, he felt very happy.


Su Wen really didn’t treat him as an outsider.


Wang Dahai would not be allowed to say these words.

What’s more, he also knew it..

Calculated according to the normal and recognized profit distribution of dungeons. The three of them should not be greedy for any benefits.

Even the rewards of heaven must be taken out.

Su Wen must also be given a sum of money.

After all, this kind of leader Download the book and scan the book easily.

The benefits belong to Su Wen alone.

Now Su Wen not only does not ask for their”1,73″ money, but also allows them to receive heavenly rewards.

This is to get close to each other. Only a special person can have such treatment.

At the same time as Liu Wen finished speaking, the countdown to the copy’s departure was already counting down.

“Lao Liu! See you tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow! Seeing this, Wang

Dahai and He Yufei hurriedly greeted Liu Wen.

Liu Wen was stunned and swallowed what he was about to say. He kowtowed solemnly to Su and Wen:”Please give me more advice in the future!””


A light flashed.

Four people were forced to send out the dungeon.

At the same time,

Blue Star’s limit-breaking dungeon Ice Dragon Slayer disappeared into the lord space and Su Wen’s global dungeon channel.

The first time after Su Wen came out.

Then I looked at some of the global channels.

I saw corresponding profits appearing on the channels.

【Lord Points: 35.5 trillion Lord Points]

Look at the income in the point pool.

Su Wen did not transfer the money immediately.

Ding! Ding!

At this time.

He received three close friend messages one after another.

One of them was a message of advice sent by Zhong Jianwen.

This made him couldn’t help but laugh:”Old Zhong took a step late!” he said.

He looked at the second message.

This is from Wang Dahai.

Wang Dahai: Lao Su! I am going to learn the auxiliary profession inscription enchantment. This, combined with my blacksmith main profession, can be used to create powerful enchanted weapons and props.

Wang Dahai: Do you think I can add some like this?

Wang Dahai: Show [Attributes: Strength 115010; Agility 125006; Spirit 116008; Physique 215160;】

“Blacksmithing requires a strong physique, inscription enchantment requires a certain foundation for promotion, and blacksmithing also requires strength and agility! I added it more evenly!”

Fat Wang finally said something in voice.

After reading it, Su Wen replied:”This is not a bad addition! After returning from this mission, I will have a reward for you!”

Wang Dahai: Damn! I’m so happy from the sky!”

“Keep it confidential!”

Su Wen replied with two words.

Wang Dahai: OK! I love you! Oh!

Su Wen: Vomit!


Su Wen looked at the third message.

This is a message from He Yufei.

He Yu Fei: My dear great lord, do you think I can add points like this?

He Yufei: Show [Attributes: Strength 65010; Agility 65014 Spirit 376160; Constitution 65012;]

He Yufei: What I consider is that I am a mage and need Strong mental support. Instead of adding points to mediocrity, it is better to focus on one thing and balance the others! In order to highlight my advantages, I will also prevent my other aspects from being too weak compared to others.

After reading it, Su Wen replied:”Okay! He

Yufei immediately responded: This time I got a treasure in the dungeon. Can you see if it’s useful?

He Yufei: Show [Item: Withered and Prosperous Annual Rings] when you see this.

Su Wen’s eyes widened:”Fuck groove! Am I so lucky?”

He quickly clicked on He Yufei’s display.

【Item: Growth Ring】

【Grade: God Grade】

【Annual rings: nine rings】

【Function: One of the rare materials needed for forging, refining weapons, making mysterious props, changing jobs, etc. Contains 1 silk of dryness rule, which can be used for training and forging】

【Explanation: The annual rings from the withered and prosperous undead trees. Only one withered and prosperous annual ring can be produced for every 100 million withered and prosperous undead trees. The growth rings of prosperity and decline come once every thousand years. This is the condensed output of the ten-thousand-year-old undead tree, and it only takes one year to reach 10 rounds! 】

Looking at the attribute panel of the withering annual rings.

Su Wen’s eyes sparkled with light, and he couldn’t stop muttering:”Okay! Okay! Okay!” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Immediately afterwards.

He responded to He Yufei:”Okay! This material is exactly what I need! When I come back, I will exchange an artifact with you!”

He Yufei: Dear! That’s a big mistake! This thing is yours! You don’t need to exchange anything with me! I am able to achieve this because of your help! I can’t thank you enough!

“Yo ho!”

Su Wen didn’t expect that He Yufei’s mentality had changed.

What is this called?

From an arrogant and slightly jealous goddess to a sweet dog?


Su Wen laughed:”This It’s your reward! Of course, I have other rewards. When we come back, let’s play in the water together!”

He Yufei timidly replied with a hint of sweetness:”Yeah!”

After completing the exchange of channel messages,

Su Wen took a look at the dragon kingdom national lord communication channel.

He found that most of the channels were looking for comments and speculations about the ice dragon slaying strategy team that broke the limit.

Someone guessed that Su Wen……..[]

But some people also gave some objections.

The main reason is that Su Wen’s level is too low.

It’s not easy to believe that this was something done by a new lord.


80% of the lords in the Dragon Kingdom still believe that Su Wen is only level 10 at most.

Read the comments for a while.

He stretched.

A thought came to mind.

Su Wen thought that he still had a useless copy of the Blood Demon Biyuan Pearl.

This is what he plans to use for Yu Feiyu.

He habitually entered the lord communication channel.

Just when I was opening my friends list and looking for Yu Feiyu.

He was suddenly startled:”Gee! It’s really a bit crazy! This is the lord’s communication channel!”

After thinking about this.

He couldn’t help but whisper:”Can everyone under my power establish a public communication channel?”

Thinking of this.

He opened Tiandao Mall again.

He found the territory related in the function module.

Finally, I really found the territory communication channel

【Territory communication channel: A channel where civilians, vassal lords, and heroes in the territory communicate together and can post photos and videos.

Functions: friend module, private message module, group, forum module, news module, government affairs module, help module, remote virtual communication module, virtual conference module. ]

Relative to the communication channel of the lord.

The territorial communication channel has many fewer functional modules.

The three major modules of forum, news, and government affairs need to be assigned managers for specialized management.

Public channel communication can be set up with an administrator or not.

Look at the communication channel in front of you.

Su Wen looked at the price at the back

“With 1 Asanxi lord points, you can open a permanent territory communication channel. For newly recruited civilians, heroes with 0.2 and vassal lords in the future, it will be opened for free!”



Su Wen directly used an anonymous point card worth 1 Asanji number.

Then he completed the purchase of the channel.


At this moment, the members of Su Wen’s territory and those far away were suddenly shocked..Tiandao reminder appeared in everyone’s sight.

【Congratulations to Lord Su Wen of Lingxiao Palace for fully opening the territory communication channel for the territory! 】

After the prompt.

The territory communication channel appeared in everyone’s sight.

Immediately afterwards.

A large number of words of worship appeared on the public screen

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for your blessing!”

“Thank you for your gift, Your Majesty! We will be your people forever and ever!”

“Thank you Lord for your gift! Your light is the guiding light for our followers, and we will follow your guidance……”

“Holy Light Monastery is committed to… Welcome everyone to actively participate in the monastery night classes, listen to His Majesty’s chapters of faith, and become His Majesty’s loyal guards!”


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