“1,000 skill books and 1,000 talent cards!”

Su Wen handed the increased items to Goblin Erya. He then took out a ring and handed it over, and said seriously:”These are the things that were just taken from the presidents of major chambers of commerce. You guys See what works and use it!”

In the ring.

There are all the professions and knowledge and skill books mastered by the president of the 121 clan chamber of commerce that he stripped off through the forced talent stripping in the third round.

Because it is a clan skill, it can only be learned by a specific race.

There are also some set weapons..

These are of little use to Su Wen.

He left here three things: the bloodline, lord points, and lifespan of these 121 demigods.

15 of them were the presidents of their respective ethnic groups.

This made Su Wen Obtained 15 National Fortune Sequence Cards.

These are all useful things for Su Wen.

After completing the delivery of these resources,

Su Wen returned to the territory.

He summoned Sun Shangxiang.

Once again, he gave the opponent a batch of summoning magic circles and the needed materials. Arrange materials.

This time there are a total of 10,000 formations.

Each formation can summon 10,000 abyss demons, undead, and skeleton soldiers.

“Complete the layout of the formation within 10 hours! You can choose to arrange and activate the formation at the same time!”

Su Wen ordered Sun Shangxiang.

This time the task was more urgent than the previous one.

10,000 formations, each providing 10,000 attribute points and 14 resources.

A total of 1 billion attribute points in revenue.

Su Wen decided to use These profits were unscrupulous once.

Sun Shangxiang immediately issued a military order after hearing this.

She hurriedly summoned the soldiers who were preparing to enter the exercise tower and shooting range for training.

This time she mobilized people from the King’s Guard and the Magician Research Group to work together.

Su Wenna Holding a handful of construction drawings of drill towers and shooting ranges that can be associated with the market.

He held it for a while.

He directly built 100 drill towers and 100 shooting ranges in the Node 1 area of the industrial zone.

He also increased all of them..

In a short time, the entire shooting range and the training tower were connected in size.

At a glance, the vast building complex was quite shocking.

Su Wen calculated the requirements for the two economic buildings and recruited people for the shooting range.

32,600 Flower Elf employees.

A total of 20,660 Flower Elf employees were recruited for the exercise tower.

He increased the attributes of all these employees and then sent them to the Workers College for job transfer training.

By the time he finished all this, it had already been 10 hours.

After that, Sun Shangxiang completed the layout of the summoning circle and turned it on.

Su Wen’s attribute points began to skyrocket.

In a short time, he had reached 100 million points.

Su Wen began to prepare 100 Zixiao shooting ranges and 100 practice towers.

Attributes were increased, and then the limit-breaking increase was performed.

The whole process lasted for 12 hours.

During this period, the second shooting range, the 23rd and 33rd exercise towers and the second workers’ academy that had been prepared earlier had officially started operations..

It took less than 10 minutes for the Chamber of Commerce to open.

Goblin Pingping has completed half a year’s training reservations for the shooting range, drill tower and workers’ college.

Everyone paid in full.

Even if they had to wait for half a year, they paid the full amount directly.

Among them The second shooting range can accommodate 20,000 people per hour, and each person earns 50 million lord points per hour.

At 24 o’clock, you can get 2.

4 billion lord points in one day.

In other words, you can open for 240 yuan in one day, and 30 days in a month , you can get a turnover of 7200 Beijing.

The exercise tower has a total of thirty-three battlefield environments.

Each level can hold 10,000 games at the same time.

One exercise can get a turnover of 1 trillion lord points, and one exercise can take up to 1 trillion lord points in the internal space.

It may vary, and the external time is unified to 1 hour.

In other words, 7.

92 million exercises can be performed in one day.

Calculated, the exercise tower can earn 792 lord points in 1 day, which is 3760 lord points in 2 months.

The Workers’ College conducts training in batches.

Each batch is worth 5 trillion lord points.

One batch of training time is 1 hour.

720 batches of training can be carried out in 1 hour.

Calculate carefully.

17,280 trainings can be carried out 24 hours a day.

You can get 8 6400 trillion lord points.

You can get 259 2000 trillion in turnover in one month.

Just these three buildings will allow Su Wen to get 3 1219 2000 trillion every month.

If it is just the exercise tower If it is a shooting range, you can get a turnover of 30,960 yuan in one month.

100 shooting ranges and 100 practice towers.

This allows Su Wen to earn a monthly income of 309,6000 yuan.

One year is 1,456 Gai Lord Points.

This is for Su Wen now.

It is a huge benefit that can last for a long time.

(If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) As long as the clans and consortiums of all races don’t get involved.

Su Wen could do this business for the rest of his life.

Even if the consortium members take action.

It can’t beat his 100 shooting ranges and 100 practice towers.


He also has Su’s Hot Spring Hotel.

Coupled with the trade of Su’s Trading Company.

Earning 10 yuan a year is still a bit difficult for him now.

But it’s still worth seeing.

(Calculate 10,000 yuan for 1 yuan, 10,000 yuan for 1 yuan, 10,000 yuan for 1 yuan, and 1.

1 trillion yuan.

) Immediately.

He used the 1 billion attribute points obtained by summoning monsters and monsters through the Summoning Array to enhance these 200 economic buildings.

Among them, the cost of breaking the limit for 100 level 100 thirty-three practice towers is 880 million attribute points.

The cost of breaking the limit for 100 level 100 shooting ranges is 8.

8 million attribute points.

A total of 888.

8 million attribute points were spent

[] at the moment.

Su Wen still has 136344013 points.

Among them, more than 10,000 attribute points come from the attribute points obtained every day from the talent level 3 to God level, and part of them come from Wang Dahai and He Yufei’s dungeon strategy.

After completing the augmentation of all buildings.

Su Wen asked Goblin Pingping to arrange for all employees to enter each building to prepare.

In order to enable the thirty-third heaven exercise tower to be fully operational.

Su Wen applied all the medium and large magic crystal mine secrets he obtained into the core of these 100 thirty-three-layer exercise towers.

After using up these medium and large magic crystal mine secret realms.

He now only has one Ganges sand-level magic crystal mine secret realm that Wang Dahai is responsible for digging, and 72 small undeveloped magic crystal mine secret realms.

At this time.

Goblin Pingping began to notify each customer according to the list, and waited to go to the Chamber of Commerce at 7 o’clock the next morning to make their reservations.

“There is still 1 hour until the auction!”

Su Wen glanced at the time.

He took out two treasures that he had traded from the Behemoth Spirit not long ago. One of them was the Puppet Divine Sword of Morpheus.

The other was the Blood Demon Biyuan Pearl.

He first looked at it. Toward the Puppet Divine Sword of Morpheus

【Equipment: Sword of Morpheus】

【Grade: 1st to 3rd Grade God Level 447 (MAX)】

【Occupation: no limit】

【Attack power: 50W】

【Number of puppet gods: 3000】

【Puppet God Grade: 6th Grade God Grade】

【Puppet God attack power: 10W】

【Puppet Attributes: Physical Immortality】

【Enchantment 1: Speed! All puppet gods gain 50 times speed!】

【Enchantment 2: Critical hit! All puppet gods receive 50 times critical hits!】

【Enchantment 3: Immune to interference! All puppet gods will not be interfered by any spiritual magic!】

【Enchanting 4 showdown! All puppet gods gain 10x attack power】

【Enchantment 5: Combat Awareness! All puppet gods will share the controller’s combat awareness】

【Enchantment 6: Guard! All puppet gods will actively help the controller to resist all attacks!】

【Enchantment 7: Puppet Refining! You can refine the corpse of any god below the 1st level of god level into a puppet god. The total number of puppet gods enslaved by the puppet god sword is: 3600!】

【Enchantment 8: God-level multitasking! You can precisely control all the puppet gods’ attacks and moves】

【Enchantment 9: Assimilate! The more times you use it, the higher your chance of being assimilated into a puppet god. The current level has a 70% assimilation probability!】

【Description: This sword has extremely powerful attack power and assimilation ability. Every time you use it, you are risking your life. 90% of the puppet gods in the sword are assimilated from the master of the sword. Once assimilated, no one can save them and they will become one of the sword’s puppets.

This is a sword cursed by Morpheus!】

“A very powerful sword! The side effects are so scary! 70% chance of assimilation. Once someone like me uses it, he will definitely become a puppet god… No! Maybe he will die directly!”

Su Wen looked at the gorgeous god-level weapon in his hand and shook his head.

He didn’t like this kind of weapon.……

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