“His Majesty!”

On the sentry tower of the Eye of the Territory, Tang Fen flew down with a group of King’s Guard soldiers. They knelt on one knee and saluted Su Wen.

Su Wen asked seriously:”How is it over there in the Great Rift?”

“There are only hundreds of demon sentries active around, and they are drawing a map of the surroundings. Judging from the situation, the inside of the rift seems to be preparing to attack, but there is no demon army around the rift!”

Tang Fen solemnly reported.

Su Wen sighed regretfully after hearing this.

He played a cruel trick on the big rift.

Now he can sense the threat on the other side of the rift.

This is through the third-level god-level cicada prophet. Perceived.

There are at least 16 powerful oppressions in the Great Rift that can threaten his life.

As soon as he enters the Great Rift, he will immediately be attacked by death.

The perception of the Cicada Prophet told him.

There are things under the Great Rift. Trap.

Therefore, it is somewhat difficult for Su Wen to go deep into the Great Rift again.

“Since there is no solution on the other side of the rift! Then”Seven Four Seven” just…summon the magic circle!”

Su Wen murmured softly.

He handed a ring to Sun Shangxiang and gave her an order:”Within 12 hours. Arrange 5,000 summoning arrays in an area 10 kilometers away from the territorial turret!”

“I will deploy 400 flower magicians, eagle men, and magic groups in the magic tower for you to use!”

Each of these 5,000 summoning circles can summon 10,000 abyss monsters, and a total of 50 million can be summoned.

This will bring a gain of at least 50 million attribute points to Su Wen.

After that!

Su Wen looked at Sun Shangxiang.

After hearing this, Sun Shangxiang nodded and said,”Your Majesty, please rest assured! Guaranteed to complete the task!”

Then she said again:”Your Majesty! I don’t need eagle people and magic groups! All you need is the magician and the first to join the army!”

“This is originally one of the compulsory lessons for soldiers!”

“Quickly setting up a summoning magic circle in the enemy’s territory, harassing the enemy by summoning monsters, undead, and skeleton legions, or diverting the opponent’s troops are all compulsory subjects for the army!”

“I also happened to take this opportunity to familiarize our pioneer warriors with the use of the summoning circle!”

“3,000 warriors who advance to the army, and 400 flower magicians as assistants are enough!”

She said solemnly.

Su Wen’s eyes lit up after hearing this, and then he nodded and said,”Okay!”

He is becoming more and more satisfied with Sun Shangxiang.

When it comes to war, his thinking is still focused on school teaching.

Sun Shangxiang is a commander who led troops to fight a long time ago.

Naturally, he has richer knowledge of war than he does.

The general will After the task was handed over to Sun Shangxiang,

Su Wen did not stay here.

He took this opportunity to go to Su’s Hot Spring Hotel and took a comfortable bath here.

Blue Star’s observation group arrived from Jiange City Here.

The fastest flight speed is at least 12 to 18 hours.

If you are walking on land

, even with a mount, it will take a day.

According to his calculation, when he completes the promotion of the training tower and shooting range.

In Wait a few hours.

Zhong Jianjun and others should be back.

Thinking of this, he thought of Wang Dahai and He Yufei who were on a mission. He couldn’t help but wonder:”I wonder how their mission went?”


At this time.

He Yufei is in a deep ravine about 300 kilometers away from the territory.

She had just found a low cave.

The cave is about 1 meter high and bottomless.

A gloomy cold air continued to float inside the passage.

A pair of green eyes could be seen from the darkness.

Those are the resentful eyes of an innocent soul

“The innocent soul is afraid of the sun, so it dare not come out during the day!”

He Yufei murmured softly.

This area is a large crack in the plain created by He Qiufeng and others’ extermination forbidden spell formation.

Standing at the entrance of the cave,

He Yufei gently pulled her clothes.

She faced the elements around her. The magician ordered:”Attack with fire! The earth element strengthens the cave wall, and the water element and wood element are on guard! The gold element cooperates with the fire element to attack!”


The other side.

Wang Dahai was leisurely following the soldiers of the King’s Guard, walking underground.

His location is also a large crack in the plain.

The large crack is about several hundred meters wide, wider than He Yufei’s side. but.

This crack leads directly to the bottomless area underground.

I didn’t see any monsters along the way.

“Slower! Slower! Let’s take it slow and steady! There is no need to march in a hurry, and there is no need to act too hastily!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wang Dahai ordered as he walked:”Pay attention to the light range! After the lighting magic scroll expires, the second scroll will be replaced immediately. We must first ensure the line of sight!”

“right! right! right!”

“that’s all!”

“Keep up the pace!”

“The perimeter alert time is up, now switch to defense!”

He was not in a hurry about the task at all. He was marching in an orderly manner and seemed to have his own strategy.


After he entered the ravine about three thousand meters deep, movement finally appeared in the darkness.

“what is that?”

Wang Dahai looked at the green eyes in the darkness ahead and asked in a low voice.


At this time, the flower elf unfolded a lighting scroll.

The light reappeared[]

Darkness dispelled.

The green-eyed monster quickly closed its eyes and turned around to escape into the darkness. puff! puff! puff!

At this time, the soldiers of the King’s Guard who were in charge of the attack raised their bows and killed several monsters…..

Wang Dahai trembled with fright, and he cried out:”Oh my God!”

This monster was not a demon, nor a goblin, nor an undead.

But two-meter-tall rat-men!

This is the Dick Rat Clan of the Chaos Clan!

This rat race is similar to humans.

Known as the hunter in the dark.

A social creature

“Ring defense formation! The inner magic forbidden scroll is ready! Wang

Dahai hurriedly issued an order:”The Dick Rat Clan is extremely vindictive. After killing their clan members, these rats will fight us to the death!””

“If this was just one group, we would only have to deal with thirty or forty thousand rat armies!”

“What if there are multiple groups of rats!”

“We have to deal with at least 100,000 rat troops!”

“They will release a powerful poison!”

“So, don’t let them get closer than 10 meters from us!”

“Be careful above your head and the walls on both sides!”

“We just need to defend in place and wait for them to die!”


Wang Dahai first put a dozen defensive magic scrolls on himself.

Then, he used seven or eight magic scrolls on the entire team.

After the lighting magic scroll disappeared, a faint sound came from the darkness.

Under the light of defensive magic,

Wang Dahai saw the densely packed Dick Rat clan.


“Um? Attribute values are growing rapidly! Fatty or He Yufei finally entered a fighting state!”

Su Wen, who was far away in the territory, sensed it.

His eyes lit up and he couldn’t help but mutter.

That’s it.

After seven or eight hours. 4.3

Sun Shangxiang sent someone to inform Su Wen.

Su Wen’s mission has been completed.

Su Wen’s eyes lit up when he saw this. He lay lazily in the warm hot spring and said to the warriors beside him:”Tell Sun Shangxiang to activate all the summoning circles and don’t let go of any monster that walks out of the summoning door!”


The soldiers who were the first to enter the army took the order and left.

About 30 minutes later,

Su Wen’s free attribute points jumped directly from the gain level of 3,044 per second to the gain level of 10W and 20W.

This rapid gain has been maintained. An hour later.

When Su Wen’s attribute points soared to 50,379,271, the rapid increase stopped.

It became a growth rate of one or two thousand.


Su Wen walked out of the hot spring, Under the service of the waiter, he put on new clothes.

He first enhanced the shooting range near the hot spring.

After the enhancement reached level 100, he then looked at the attribute panel of the shooting range.……

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