“Um? Can the highest skill level be upgraded to yellow level? Levels above First Grade Yellow cannot be upgraded for the time being!”

Su Wen stood at the outdoor shooting range and looked at his skills.

After half a day of training, the firearm skills Baihuasha, Hualuoyu, the special skill Night Release and the special skill Dongfeng have all been upgraded to the yellow level.

Every time He has used a skill at least 100,000 times.

Fortunately, there are enough bullets.

Otherwise, he would not be able to test the range’s improvement limit for long-range skills.

From no level to yellow level, it takes 100,000 times of practice.

Each practice must meet the requirements of the shooting range. Requirements for skills.

These include landing point, attack position, area control, etc.

The skills that can be promoted through this are no different from Su Wen’s skills through attribute gain.

Su Wen looked at the four professional skills

【Yellow Stage Hundred Flowers Kill: After the bullet is fired, it decomposes into countless flower seeds. After the flower seeds fall to the ground, they quickly grow into one-meter-high flower plants. Any enemy passing through this flower area will be attacked and blocked by the flowers.

Slowness +500, suffer 500 points of poison attack per second, leave the range to detoxify the flower poison, suffer 500 points of piercing attack; confusion effect, lasts for 10 seconds; the flower area lasts for 10 hours】

【Huang Jie Hua Yu: Shoot the bullet into the sky. When it reaches the highest point, the bullet changes into a ball of flowers with a diameter of 500 meters.

The flower ball decomposes after 1 second. The hardness of the petals is +500, the sharpness is +500, the attack power is +500, the critical hit rate is 5 times, and the falling speed is +500. It creates a covering petal attack on the area within 600 meters.】

【Huangjie’s special skill is night blooming: the clouds in the sky turn upside down and turn from day to pitch black in an instant. A 650-night walk will cause a change in the sky. Fluorescent flowers will grow and bloom on the dark night clouds within a diameter of 15 kilometers.

The flower energy released after the flowers bloom contains flower poison. Enemies within the range will continue to be attacked by 1500 poison points for 15 minutes, and will enter their own mental fantasy for 5 minutes.】

【Huang-level special skill Dongfeng: The bullet will fly in Qian Xuesen’s ballistic trajectory. The moment it is fired, the bullet will gain 15 times the volume, 15 times the power, 15 times the critical hit, 15 times the flight speed, and 2W damage points.

Bullets cannot be intercepted and have tracking and positioning effects, causing 5W points of basic damage to the target, plus 1500 points of fire damage per second, lasting for 5 minutes.】

“The added data is not a lot!”

Su Wen murmured softly.

This is a good thing for him.

At least the firearms professional skills of Xiandenjun and the bow shooting skills of Huayu Archer can be upgraded through the shooting range.

This is for some lords who lack the resources to upgrade their skills..

It is also an indispensable economic building.

Su Wen looked at the shooting range and thought:”It can not only improve the skills of my subordinates, but also bring convenience to other lords! This is a very useful functional building!”

“I just don’t know if I can charge external fees!”

He murmured softly.

This function needs to be related to the market.

Su Wen thought of the Hot Spring Hotel.

This kind of building has the function of being related to the market (bdeb).

The shooting range he used did not have this function.


He entered the storage ring and rummaged around.

Soon, he once again took out a stack of construction drawings about the shooting range.

These drawings were exactly the same as the shooting range used by Su Wen.

The only difference was that some of the drawings did not The function of the simulation training ground.


Su Wen found a drawing.

The drawing was finally labeled as [This drawing can be associated with the market and become one of the economic buildings of the territory!]

Seeing this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly..

Then he searched for the corresponding materials.

Then he flapped his wings and flew.

After a while, he came to the side of the Hot Spring Hotel.

And he rebuilt the second shooting range according to the new drawings next to the hotel.

“Now let’s wait for the results in 5 hours!”

Su Wen increased the construction time.

After completing this, he returned to the Shenxiao shooting range again.

After arriving at the shooting range, the staff at the shooting range had officially started working.

Everything became orderly.

Su Wen came to the bullet polishing room.

He He wanted to fuse the runes of splitting bombs and concussive bombs together.

This was his attempt


【You are not qualified as an inscriber and cannot use this room for bullet polishing!】

“Well! Does the auxiliary profession have to be an inscriptionist?”

Su Wen’s eyes moved and he sighed immediately.

He went to the Skill Improvement Center again.

Tiandao also gave out usage restrictions.

【You do not have the qualifications to develop skills. Please work hard to upgrade and master the third profession before trying it!】

“Well! never mind! For high-level lords!”

Su Wen shook his head.

He is now good enough to continue to advance.

But he is not in a hurry.

He needs time to learn the knowledge of the alchemist and master the auxiliary profession as soon as possible.

Then. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Recruiting several vassal lords.

After the Su’s Trading Company officially opened and made money for at least a month, he could go to the academy to apply for clearance.

After coming out of the shooting range,

Su Wen looked at the exercise tower that was about 33 stories high. The tower had been built three hours ago.

Its shape is like a giant millstone.

The top is the double-eaves verandah roof of the ancient Dragon Kingdom style palace.

The occupied area is 1 million square meters.

But every interior The area of the first floor is at least 10 million square kilometers.

It is the same as the shooting range, military camp and hot spring hotel.

They are all buildings with their own caves inside.

These thirty-three-layer drill towers can provide a total of thirty-three types of drill experiences..

There are about thirty-six floors.

The thirty-sixth floor is divided into thirty-three rooms. Each room has an area of about 10 million square kilometers and can store 10 million soldiers.

There are large-scale magic arrays and images arranged inside. Formation.

This is a place specially provided for each floor of exercise space for pre-war preparations and post-war experience summarization. The first floor is the reception hall, which is divided into thirty-three passages, through which you can directly enter the thirty-third exercise space..

You can also purchase large-scale teleportation tokens here.

Use the tokens to lead the army into the exercise space.

The second level is the maintenance area, which can monitor everything in each exercise space in real time, and fine-tune and rest the data and terrain in the space..

This is also the core of all magic formations in the entire exercise tower and the magic crystal energy supply center. The exercise tower is the same as the Hot Spring Hotel.

After its completion, it was actively associated with the market.

It also became one of the economic buildings of Su’s Trading Company.

Su Wen’s eyes lit up when he saw this:”You can build two buildings, one for the market lord’s army and one for your own army!”

He murmured softly. He already had a general idea in his mind.

Immediately, he entered the training tower[]

Each exercise tower opens a level of exercise space.

It requires the consumption of 1 million magic crystals.

It is divided into: tropical rainforest warfare, plain warfare, mountain warfare, plateau warfare, swamp warfare, siege warfare, defensive warfare, cavalry warfare, infantry warfare, bow warfare, street warfare, naval warfare, air and space warfare, stronghold warfare, and blitz warfare.

There are 22 conventional battlefields, including beach landing battles, floating island battles, underground cave battles, lava mountain sea battles, glacier and snowfield battles, disaster battles, and comprehensive environmental battles.

There are also 6 abyss battlefields.

There are Abyss City Battle, Abyss Divine Battle, Abyss Lava Battle, Abyss Maze Battle, Abyss Demon Abyss Battle, and Abyss Assault Battle.

Plus 5 special battlefields.

These five special battlefields are divided into the Abi Hell Battlefield, the Undead Battlefield, the Poisonous Miasma Battlefield, the Weird Battlefield, and the Boundary-Breaking Battlefield.

Among these thirty-three battlefields.

What shocked Su Wen the most was the boundary-breaking battlefield among the five special battlefields.

This turned out to be a virtual battlefield created with the scene of breaking through the God Realm.

Here you can not only experience the battle of the true gods, but also the war after the army enters the Kingdom of God.

To know.

Breaking the boundary does not mean that the god is dead.

The Kingdom of God is still under the control of hostile gods. only.

The gods were blocked by their own gods and did not have much energy to manage the kingdom of God. fighting in this environment.

The invading party will be subject to various restrictions.

Even hostility from the entire world!

How to win such a war?

This is a great test for battlefield commanders.

Su Wen looked at the records of this level and related settings, and suddenly he felt an urge to move in his heart:”Do you want to lead troops and try it?”

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