“Um? The mark can be eliminated after resurrection! Who can die more than 70 times a day?”

Su Wen shook his head.

This talent is something he never wants to use in his life.

But without it~, he really has no confidence in his heart.

This is one of the biggest guarantees for him to dare to challenge difficulties.

Su Wen continued Looking at the 3rd level divine level five elements-escape method

【Level 3 God Level Five Elements Escape Technique: You are proficient in the Five Elements Escape Technique of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, and the escape distance is 10,000 kilometers. Time 10 seconds.

Buff: Steering! During the use of Escape, you can change the direction at will.

Gain: Long Escape! During the process of using the escape method, you can always escape into the five elements for 2 hours and can only move within a range of 1000 meters.

Buff: Avatar! During the long escape process, you can create 100 escape incarnations, escape in different directions, and escape within a distance of 1,000 kilometers for 30 seconds.】

“There are more functions! It shows that the ability to escape and the means of attacking the enemy have become more abundant!”

Su Wen murmured softly.

With the advancement of the Five Elements Escape Technique, his perception and use of the Five Elements Elements has also reached the level of the 3rd level god.

Although this is only the use of the Escape Technique, in terms of basic knowledge, he has already He has the foundation of the 3rd God level. This is of great use to him in learning relevant magic knowledge. He looks towards the next gain-type talent.

【3rd level god level basic gains: defense +12W, block +10W, counterattack +10W, dodge +10W, damage reduction +10W, elemental resistance +10W, life +10W, endurance +12W, 100x all speeds】

“call! No wonder my body reacted so strongly! With such a huge numerical increase, the body has naturally undergone powerful changes!”

Su Wen breathed out.

This is a change in physical fitness.

This change turns various gains into instincts.

It affects the basic level of life.

Su Wen undergoes huge changes from the inside out.

“Next is……”

Su Wen’s eyes moved and he grinned.

Improving your physical fitness is really painful.

【3rd level god level knowledge gain: thinking speed +10W, brain power +10W, learning speed +10W, understanding ability +10W, reading speed +10W】

【3rd level god-level control gain: control skills are obtained, 100 times the control effect, 100 times the control skill cooling time, control damage increased by 10W points, control range increased by 10W times】

【3-level God-level attack skill gain: When using an attack skill, you will get 100 times the damage, 100 times the temporary attribute blessing of the skill, 100 times the release speed, 100 times the coverage, 100 times the skill cooldown, and 100 times the duration.】

【3rd God level special skill gain: When using the special skill, you will gain 150 times damage, 120 times skill cooldown, 120 times skill duration, 120 covered range, 120 times critical hit, 120 times armor breaking, 120 double fatal blow】

“call! A hundredfold improvement! You could kill gods when you didn’t have a hundredfold improvement, but now killing gods is like killing a chicken! I just don’t know if I can kill the God Emperor!”

Su Wen breathed out.

He thought of Zeus, the God Emperor of the Asgard Protoss.

If he had the power to kill the God Emperor, he would kill Zeus without hesitation.


Su Wen looked at Turned 3 God level dragon wings

【3rd level divine dragon wings: You will have a pair of dragon wings that can be hidden, which can allow you to soar into the sky, and also have sharp scales. Speed +10W, defense +10W, sharpness +10W.

Buff: Dragon Fire! You can release dragon flames to the ground through the dragon wings. The dragon flames will cause 1W ignition element attack on the target area, lasting 5000 ignition element attacks per second, lasting 100 seconds.

Buff: Frost! You can spread frost to the ground through dragon wings. The frost will cause 1W frost attack points on the target area. There is a 100% chance of causing a freezing effect on the target. The freezing effect lasts for 100 seconds.

Buff: Sandstorm! You can use dragon wings to roll up storms to the ground and create sandstorms! In the sandstorm area, it causes 1W points of gravel damage to the target and causes the target to lose vision for a period of minutes.】

“Has offensive auxiliary skills! This talent can be used both offensively and defensively!”

Su Wen smiled.

This kind of damaging talent is combined with talent gain.

The effect is unimaginable. It can almost be described as unparalleled mowing grass.

Killing a large area.

Fortunately, the abyss is big enough.

There are enough demons.

Killed one crop. There is still another crop.

Fortunately, the heavens are big enough.

There are too many races.


Su Wen now has wings.

He can destroy some small countries at will.

This kind of ability is simply a super god on Blue Star. ( If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Really, all you need to do is flap your wings.

All nations will kneel down and surrender.

He looked at the last talent to be promoted to the third level of God

【3rd level god-level cicada prophet: You can sense all hostility, murderous intent and attacks directed at you. Within 10 kilometers, you can accurately identify enemies that are hostile and murderous towards you. Can sense the angle, location and other information of the enemy’s attack 108 seconds before the enemy attacks.】

“Only the time and distance have changed!”

Su Wen muttered softly.

This talent disappointed him a little.

After going through all the talents,

Su Wen stretched.

Only a crackling sound was heard.

His body was still changing.

But the magnitude of the change was different from the previous one. The pain was minimal.

Then he stood up.

In a daze[]

He thought of what He Yufei said before.

I couldn’t help but ponder:”It’s time to decorate my room!”

Bang! Snap! Snap! at this time.

A series of hurried footsteps sounded outside the door.

Werewolf butler Mike knocked on Su Wen’s door


Su Wen said softly.


Butler Mike entered the room.

He saluted Su Wen solemnly and handed Su Wen a message from Dudu, the goblin of Jiange City:”Your Majesty! This is an urgent message sent to you by Dudu from Jiange City through the market!”


Su Wen opened it and took a look, his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

“Director Zhong took the commanders of various legions and some young and outstanding lords to form an observation group. They have left Jiange City and are on their way here?”

Su Wen laughed when he saw this.

There are people coming from my hometown.

I should treat him well.

But this accommodation…

I thought of this.

He looked at the butler Mike and asked:”A distinguished guest has come to my hometown. What do you have? Proposal? Such as accommodation and banquets! I don’t have much experience, just tell me what you have!”

“His Majesty! If the guests are relatives, there is nothing wrong with living in the lord’s castle!”

Butler Mike’s eyes lit up, and then he said:”But if the guests are not relatives, I suggest that we build a hotel!”

He told the reason

“Most of the rooms in the lord’s castle have been transformed into rooms for soldiers to live in. The living environment and conditions are not comfortable!”

“Although your private area can be lived in, it is the owner’s place and is not convenient for outsiders to move in!”

“This also affects where you live!”

“Hotel is the best choice!”

“You don’t have to worry about hosting a banquet. Our restaurant has a chef. You can ask for whatever you want to eat. The menu is also very rich. Some precious ingredients can be purchased through the market as long as you approve them!”

He said a lot of ideas and suggestions.

He also asked Su Wen about the taste preferences of Su Wen’s guests, etc.

After Su Wen responded, he felt that what Mike said made sense, and immediately looked for a hotel or inn-like building among the many trophies. Drawings…work….

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