“call! This time the additional house consumed a total of 500 tons of stone, 75 tons of wood, and 25 tons of metal!”

Su Wen looked at the materials in the lord’s castle warehouse and couldn’t help but sighed:”It’s really useless!”

In addition to these, he also spent a lot of materials building barracks and other buildings.

During this period, he purchased materials worth a thousand lord points.

It seems that it is still not enough.

He also needs to build steeples and other defensive buildings.

He also needs to buy a lot of building materials..


He purchased a thousand tons of each of the three basic materials of wood, stone, and metal.

After spending three thousand lord points,

Su Wen entered the market and bought each level 5 flower spell killing king. A set of leather armor, a long knife, and a rose bow of words.

These alone cost Su Wen 200,000 lord points.

His original points were only 111,237 points.

It was not enough to pay for this transaction.

He could only use the white pattern He sold 360 Prosperous Pyracantha Fruits at a price of 800 Lord Points each, and got 288,000 Lord Points.

After paying the transaction, he still had 1,991,237 Lord Points left.

Then, he went to hatch the fantasy beast egg based on the materials. , went to various shops to trade.

After a while, although the materials were found, the lord points were not enough.

Among the hatching materials.

The hatching special cannibalize 10,000 lord points per kilogram, and 3 kilograms is 30,000 lord points.

The fire essence requires 100,000 1 catty or 2 catties costs 200,000 lord points.

The cheapest gold basin only requires 10 lord points to get a basin made of gold with a diameter of 3 meters.

Every 1,000 ml of spiritual dragon blood requires 100,000 lord points.

100,000 ml requires 1,000 Thousands of lord points.

This kind of consumption is astronomical for any lord of the same level as Su Wen.

But this is not a problem for Su Wen.

He has attribute enhancement talents, which can be obtained quickly by recruiting firethorn tree spirits.


Although it was a waste to sell the white-striped Prosperous Pyracantha Fruit in this way.

But in order to increase the chance of winning the Overlord’s Siege Trial, he also worked hard.

After some calculations, Su Wen and the werewolf wise man Mike, the King’s Guard Commander Qi Na, and the hero Yu Feiyu re-planned the defense map and included the Pyracantha Tree Spirits in the defense.

This time he planned to recruit 40 Pyracantha Tree Spirits at once.

Pyracantha Tree Spirits after level 5 possess poisonous fire The two skills of Thorn and Deadwood Cage.

If used properly, they will be an unexpected killer weapon.

After two hours of discussion, the locations of the Pyracantha Tree Spirits were finally confirmed.

Su Wen then From the civilian recruitment space in the bonfire, he spent 200 lord points to recruit 40 Pyracantha tree spirits.

He upgraded all the tree spirits to level 5 one by one, and asked the werewolf wise man Mike to guide the tree spirits to their rooting positions and tell them how to deal with the enemy.


Su Wen entered the market with the 14,040 white-striped Prosperous Pyracantha fruits he had just harvested.

He exchanged them for 11,232,000 Lord Points at a price of 800 Lord Points each.

These fruits were exactly 39 Pyracantha fruits.

The fruit of the tree spirit, and the remaining fruit of the tree, he was sure to use to make the last material needed to hatch the fantasy beast, the prosperous pyracantha juice.

After completing the transaction, Su Wen just got tens of millions of points that were not yet warmed up.

, instantly turned into 2.

993227 lord points.

After that, he returned to the castle.

First, he increased the power of all the equipment purchased in this transaction one by one.

He also found Yingren Feiyun to enchant them.

By the time I finished this, it was already around 2 o’clock in the morning.

Su Wen put the corresponding materials into the golden basin in sequence according to the hatching requirements of the fantasy beast egg.

As he poured the spirit dragon’s blood into the basin.

The silk and fire essence in the basin began to melt one after another.

When he poured the juice of 360 white-striped pyracantha fruits into the basin.


A crisp voice sounded.

The blood-red liquid in the basin turned into a colorful liquid of light.

Look at the magical scene in front of you.

Su Wen took out the fantasy beast egg from the love saint’s infatuation ring.

Carefully put it into the basin.


The next second.

The light in the basin suddenly penetrated towards the eggshell of the fantasy beast egg.

In the blink of an eye.

Dense lines appeared on the fantasy beast egg.

at the nodes of these textures.

There are ever-changing runes floating around all the time.

Su Wen did not recognize these runes.

It can be seen from the style.

This is a divine pattern.

It is an ancient elven clan among all the clans in the sky.

It is a written word used to worship the heaven.

“call! Then you have to wait!”

Su Wen looked at the fantasy beast egg in front of him, and a moment appeared in the realization.

【Item: Hatching Nest】

【Level: 0】


【Incubation time: 72 hours】

“There’s not enough time! Can attributes be increased?”

Su Wen’s eyelids twitched. This is not possible.

He spent such a high price.

He can’t let it lie down.

Thinking of this, he tried to use the attribute point increase.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

In an instant time.

The hatching nest lit up with five lights in succession.

Such a change made Su Wen immediately overjoyed.

When he looked at the hatching nest again, he saw.

【Item: Hatching Nest】

【Level: 5】


【Incubation time: 22 hours]

See here.

Su Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

It is expected that the phantom beast will be hatched by this time tomorrow.

This made him extremely excited.

After dealing with these.

He dragged his tired body to the bed.

This day was simply too tiring.

Plus I didn’t sleep much last night.

It’s already around 4 a.m. by now.

Do the math.

He hadn’t had a good rest for two days and two nights.

Even an iron man can’t hold it. only.

He was just about to sleep.

Suddenly I felt something soft sticking to my body.


Su Wen suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment,

Yu Feiyu’s face appeared in his sight.���


Su Wen was stunned, feeling that he might have taken it for granted.

He couldn’t help but murmur to himself: It’s a common problem among otakus!

When he closed his eyes again, the soft, soft, warm feeling made him extremely comfortable.

This special Only when two people sleep can we feel warm.


Su Wen opened his eyes again.

Yu Feiyu smiled slightly and realized that he had been discovered:”Dear Lord! Your bed warmer girl is helping you warm your bed! Do you need other services?”

“Get out!”

Su Wen sat up suddenly in anger.


The war is coming.

I must have a good rest.

If this continues,

I will have to kill myself.

The words of the ancients are indeed true.

Women are bone-scraping steel knives.

I have just become Lord, don’t waste your energy too much!

He said.

He grabbed Yu Feiyu.

With a slight force of his arm, he threw Yu Feiyu under the bed.


Yu Feiyu let out an ouch.

She ignored the pain. , couldn’t help looking at Su Wen in shock, and murmured in disbelief:”My king is extremely strong, and he must be majestic in that respect! no! Today I want to be a princess!” As she said that, she pounced on Su Wen.


Su Wen took the trouble and could only use the Love Saint’s infatuation-level spring breeze skill.

A spring breeze blew by.

Yu Feiyu froze in place for an instant.

Su Wen was worried about Yu. Feiyu would come again and sprayed more than twenty puffs of spring breeze.

Then he said to Yu Feiyu:”Go outside and hit the wall!””

Rumble! Boom! Boom!

Yu Feiyu squatted down and curled up into a ball. According to Su Wen’s request, he really rolled out of the room, rolled down the stairs, and rolled outside.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ten times in a row. After hitting his face against the wall several times,

Yu Feiyu fainted…

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