“Filled in!”

Qi Na screamed.

The backflow of water stopped.

The ocean outside became peaceful.

The abyss demon filled the hole with earth magic.

Su Wen’s eyes moved and he turned to face the other five elements elements that came up with the water element. The Earth Elemental Clan:”In an area 50 kilometers away, dig a moat about a thousand meters deep and about a thousand meters wide! Expand both inward and outward!”

“His Majesty! Is it a ring?”

The 12th-level civilian earth element master of the earth element clan asked solemnly.

As he spoke, he used the earth element to condense a sand table out of thin air.

Su Wen’s eyes lit up and he said with a smile:”Yeah! It’s a ring shape!”

The people of the earth element clan nodded repeatedly after hearing this:”Yes!”

The 25 earth elements worked together and used their abilities to start casting spells.

With the blessing of the Territory Eye and equipment.

Crash! Crash!

The ground 50 kilometers away began to crack automatically, and a large amount of soil was forming. Rolling towards both sides.

The hole sealed by the abyss demon’s magic was dug out again.

This time

“”147” There was nothing they could do.

Because the power of the earth element was too strong.

They directly dug a pit about a thousand meters deep and about a thousand meters wide.

This time, there was no need for the water element to take action.

The rolling underground water Automatically rose.

The abyss warriors stopped again.

They had to apply the scroll they had just obtained to the underground waterway.

Just like that.

After more than half an hour of extreme spell casting, they surrounded the area 40 kilometers away from Lingxiao Palace. , a huge pit about a kilometer wide and about a kilometer deep appeared.

This time the water element was casting its vast ocean.

The water finally had a place to gather.

All the stirring water flow entered the moat.

But this still couldn’t stop the demons. Actions

“His Majesty! Let me do it!”

At this time, Yu Feiyu came upstairs wearing a charming dress. She looked at Su Wen passionately and said.

She has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

“you? Su

Wen moved, then nodded and said:”My request is that the entire moat becomes a deadly poisonous place!” I demand that the sudden earth around me must also be polluted!”

Now his territory has been integrated with the Kunwu Holy Palace.

Even if the outside is extremely polluted, it will not affect the inside.

“do not worry! I’m the best at this one!”

Yu Feiyu chuckled.

Her smile was quite charming.

The five elements were dumbfounded and lowered their heads in shame.

The flower elves were also a little crazy.

“Wait a moment!”

Su Wen thought for a while and stopped Yu Feiyu.

Although Yu Feiyu’s fatal red poison disaster is powerful, it is not strong.

Su Wen looked at Yu Feiyu’s attribute panel.

Try to give Yu Feiyu The sure-kill disaster of Hongdu and the poisonous plague were used to increase the attributes.


It really worked this time.

This made Su Wen laugh.

He first increased all the skills of Yu Feiyu to the highest level.

Then he attacked Huang Jieju alone. The Poison Plague and the Bane of the Red Poison have undergone limit-breaking increases.

Both skills have been increased to level 1 and level 24.

This time, Su Wen spent a total of 707,800 attribute points.

He still has 2,329,522 attribute points left..

Because there is a summoning circle in the prison that is summoning at all times.

In addition to the death of the underground demon at this moment, his attribute points are still increasing slightly.

Feeling his own power, Yu Feiyu knelt on the ground excitedly:”Thank you. A gift from the Lord!”

At this moment.

She cried!

Su Wen looked at Yu Feiyu’s panel

【Name: Yu Feiyu】

【Race: pufferfish】

【Occupation: King of Medicine and Poison】

【Gender: Female】

【Level: 0】

【Rank: 12 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 1113; Agility 1130; Spirit 1780; Constitution 1133】

【Equipment: Fishbone Staff Poison】

【Occupational skills: Yellow-level poison element immunity, Yellow-level drug identification, Yellow-level medical king, Yellow-level poison king, Yellow-level group healing ray, Yellow-level vaccine technology, 1 to 24 divine level poisonous plague, 1 to 24 divine level must Kill: Red Poison Bane, Yellow Rank Must Kill: Deformed Puppet】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Yellow level group healing ray: It costs 5 points of energy to perform a trauma healing spell on 100 targets within 3000 meters at the same time. The cooling time is 1 second.】

【1 turn to 24 god-level poisonous plague: unlimited range damage, regardless of the life of the enemy or ours, you will be attacked by 10W poisonous elements per second. It is extremely contagious. If left unchecked, it will contaminate very far away!】

【Turn 1 to 24 God-level Red Poison Scourge: Those who are infected by the poisonous plague will continue to suffer critical hits of 50W poisonous elements per second. If they die within 5 seconds, the corpse will explode, and the flesh and blood will be shattered and splashed. Become a permanent pollutant and cause permanent damage to the surrounding environment and life!】

【Huang-level must-kill aberration puppet: People who are infected by the poisonous plague will continue to suffer 1,500 points of poison element attacks per second. After death, the corpse will be deformed into a zombie puppet, controlled by the caster]

See here.

Su Wen said to Yu Feiyu:”Let’s start!”

“kindness! With your blessing, the demon army is doomed this time!”

Yu Feiyu tried her best to suppress her desire to burst into laughter. She kowtowed excitedly and said.

After standing up,

Yu Feiyu raised her staff and pointed it in the direction outside.


In an instant, an invisible force was struck by Yu Feiyu. The non-fish was transported outside the invisible barrier created by my lord. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The 1-turn 24 god-level poisonous plague was released unscrupulously towards the surroundings.

Very quickly.

The close-range defense artillery that was bombarding the ground stopped attacking.

This indicated that the demons in the tunnel had been poisoned and died.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of abyss demons fell to the ground one after another in this thousand-mile-long underground passage..

If Su Wen entered the tunnel to check, he would be shocked to find that the demons not only quickly dug out more than a thousand kilometers of tunnels, but also dug out huge tunnels at various nodes on both sides of the tunnel.

The underground cave hall.

In the cave hall, a large number of demons are building fortifications in an orderly manner.

It seems that[]

They seemed to want to attack Lingxiao Palace from the ground.

All this was perceived by Yu Feiyu through her skills.

She quickly recounted what she perceived.

The earth element is based on the description of fish and fish.

Quickly use earth elements to build a sand table.

With the appearance of sand tables one after another.

Qi Na and others’ eyes widened in shock:”These abyss demons are all rats turned into spirits!”

Su Wen was happy.

His attribute values are rising at an alarming rate.

In less than half an hour.

His attribute points have reached over 5 million.

This is much faster than leading his team to kill enemies with musket skills.

Time passed little by little.

Yu Feiyu is still sensing all this.

Su Wen stood on the Territory Eye sentry tower and waited silently.

He saw that the time crisis was temporarily resolved.

Then the people from the elemental tribe returned to their territory.

About 2 hours later.

Yu Feiyu opened his eyes suddenly:”Your Majesty! I am the first in this battle!”

He said.

She violently raised the fish bone staff in her hand, and excitedly and loudly chanted the incantation of the red poison disaster.

With her high and low dolphin sound. boom! boom! boom!

In an instant.

The ground in front of Su Wen shook violently.

A large amount of green smoke came out of the tunnel dug by the abyss demons.

2.2 Countless poisoned corpses exploded one after another.

A large number of poisonous plants began to grow rapidly from the contaminated soil.

Blah blah blah!


Just the blink of an eye.

Su Wen saw that the plants in the moat had climbed to the ground.

On land outside the moat.

In a strip area about a thousand miles long and hundreds of meters wide.

A large number of poisonous vines sprouted from the ground.

The gleaming light spread to the ends of the world.

At first glance, the scene is quite spectacular.

Blah blah blah!

The wanton destruction and encroachment of red peril plants.

The magic circle that broke through the underground river blocked by the abyss demon.

The underground river water emerged again after losing the confinement of the magic circle. soon.

The moat is filled with underground water. only.

The whole river exudes green fluorescence.

This is not a normal moat.

But a poisonous river

“His Majesty! Do you want to go a thousand kilometers away and see?”

At this time, Yu Feiyu extended an invitation to Su Wen.

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