“You can take advantage of this little time to eat some memory bread!”

“Let’s have some of those from the alchemist and the flower elf!”

As he spoke,

Su Wen took out the memory bread from the divine ring of Cleus and ate it with a big mouthful. This thing looks similar to bread.

In fact, it is not full at all.

If you eat too much, you will choke..

There is indeed something in the mouth after eating.

However, who can bear to eat 24 hours a day!

No matter how good your teeth are, you can’t stand this kind of torture.


22 minutes will come soon.

The light in the room dissipates.

Incubation The sound of eggshells breaking was heard from the fantasy beast eggs in the nest.

Not long after, a new fantasy beast appeared in front of Su Wen.

“Ember Sky Flame Dragon Hongying! Meet the great master!”

The phantom beast bent down and saluted.


The Four Seas Sword Spirit Alasuo came out of the phantom beast space. She smiled at the new phantom beast and said,”Welcome! New partner!”

This is a white-haired female fantasy beast wearing a golden-red robe.

On her head are dragon horns made of flames.

Golden flames bloom all over her body.

The powerful aura almost ignites the entire building..Thanks to Arasuo suppressing her power.

Jingtian Yanlong Hongying quickly restrained all her aura and said embarrassedly:”Sorry! Owner! Almost burned your lair down!”

“Ha ha! fine!”

Su Wen laughed.

He looked at the panel of Jingtian Yanlong Hongying.

【Name: Hongying】

【Race: Flame Dragon】

【Occupation: Advocate】

【Nickname: Ember Sky Flame Dragon】

【Fantasy beast type: God level】

【Owner: Su Wen】

【Gender: Female】

【Rating: 0 (0.00%)】

【Rank: 0】

【Attributes: Strength 2000; Agility 300; Spirit 2000; Constitution 300】

【Equipment: Dragon Flame Dual Guns】

【Professional Skills: Advanced Spearmanship, Advanced Strategy, Advanced Combination, Advanced Possession, Advanced Gain, Advanced Charge and Attack, Must-Kill: Dragon War Embers of Fire, Must-Kill: Blazing Flame Unparalleled】

【Mount: Dragonization】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Advanced gun skills: When wearing dual guns in battle, increase critical hit by 500%, armor breaking by 500%, and attack speed by 500%.】

【Advanced Fusion: Can be combined with elf-like beasts, and the attributes will be doubled after the combination.】

【Advanced possession: Can be possessed by weapons, equipment, and owners. Different objects have different blessings.】

【Advanced gain: The distance between the phantom beast and its owner does not exceed 10 meters, which can increase the owner’s attributes by 100%. This blessing is not permanent and is not calculated into the owner’s actual attribute values.】

【Advanced Charge: On the battlefield, gain an additional 500% attack speed, 500% armor penetration, and 500% critical hit】

【The must-kill dragon fights the burning prairie fire: one of Hongying’s secrets of battle, causing 5000 points of physical damage and 5000 points of magic damage to enemies within the range! When performing a special move, it will gain 2000% critical hit, 1000% attack speed, and 5000% armor penetration! Cooling time 1 minute】

【The unparalleled killing flame: the secret breath of the flame dragon Hongying. It will cause 1W points of fire explosion damage to enemies within a 45-degree fan-shaped area in front and a distance of about 1000 meters! After that, the enemy suffers 5000 points of continuous fire damage every second for 30 seconds.】

【Explanation: The peerless genius of the Yanlong clan, the fire dragon soul burning in her body always drives the unquenchable fighting spirit in her heart, stimulating her fighting enthusiasm and fanaticism. 】

Looking at Hongying’s panel.

Su Wen’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

Hongying is more powerful than Arasso.

This person’s ability is indeed particularly powerful.

Just when Su Wen was checking Hongying’s attribute panel.

Hongying has already chatted with Alasuo

“elder sister! Please give me some advice later!”

After Hongying had a brief chat, she changed the topic and looked at Araso with a fighting spirit.

Araso smiled lightly:”My sword never attacks one of my own!”

“Your rank is particularly high. I think I can learn some secrets of battle from my battle with you! Please promise me! I’m a person who can resist beatings, so don’t worry! Anyway, our phantom beasts cannot be killed!”

Hongying said enthusiastically.

There were some problems with her last sentence.

Alasuo shook his head:”No! Phantom beasts can be killed! First, after you die, your lord is unwilling to spend a huge resurrection fee to resurrect you! Secondly, if the master dies, we will also truly perish!”

“At the same time, if you are resurrected after death, it will not be without cost!”

“You will permanently drop levels!”

“The cost of upgrading is high!”

“You get no credit for anything!”

“Why do you ask the master to pay so much for you?”

She preached seriously.

Hongying’s eyes moved after hearing this. She felt that what Alasuo said was very reasonable:”Sister’s words are very nice! I think you said a lot! I have to make a great contribution first before I can ask for a fight to the death that will forget me! ……elder sister! Can you tell me, are there any rebel lords in our territory? Or an enemy?”

“You are such a warmonger!”

Arasuo was speechless. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hongying’s personality did not match her.

Su Wen then enhanced Hongying.


In the blink of an eye,

Hongying’s body suddenly trembled..

Her cheeks turned red.

Her eyes were full of disbelief.

She saw more raging and violent flames bursting out from her body.

The powerful flames seemed to completely burn the room.

Aratho used his mind and momentum to destroy this flame. The flames were firmly controlled within a certain range.

Su Wen directly used the ancestral dragon bloodline.

At this moment, the raging flames stopped instantly.

They turned into two flame dragons and wrapped around Hongying’s body.

Wait for ten a few seconds later[]

Hongying knelt down on the ground with a plop:”Greetings to the great master! Greetings to the great heir of the dragon bloodline! I have undoubtedly offended you by my humble position, please forgive me!”

Su Wen smiled slightly:”Very good! I like obedient people the most! You must be obedient from now on!”

“Um! I’m very good! I never like socializing or talking nonsense! Hongying said with a sincere nod.

Su Wen looked at her attribute panel again.

【Name: Hongying】


【Rank: 12 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 4096000; Agility 608400; Spirit 4096000; Constitution 608400】

【Equipment: Dragon Flame Dual Guns】

【Professional Skills: Advanced Spearmanship, Advanced Strategy, Advanced Combination, Advanced Possession, Advanced Gain, Advanced Charge and Attack, Must-Kill: Dragon War Embers of Fire, Must-Kill: Blazing Flame Unparalleled】

【Mount: Dragon Transformation] 113 [Loyalty: 100%】

【Advanced gun skills: When wearing dual guns in battle, increased critical hit by 20 times, armor breaking by 20 times, and attack speed by 20 times.】

【Advanced gain: The distance between the phantom beast and its owner does not exceed 2000 meters, which can increase the owner’s attributes by 100%. This blessing is not permanent and is not calculated into the owner’s actual attribute values.】

【Advanced Charge: On the battlefield, gain an additional 20 times attack speed, 20 times armor breaking, and 20 times critical hits.】

【Must-Kill Dragon Battle Embers of Fire: One of Hongying’s secrets of battle, causing 20W physical damage and 20W magic damage to enemies within the range! When performing a special move, it will gain 20 times critical strike, 20 times attack speed, and 20 times armor breaking! Cooling time 10 minutes】

【The unparalleled killing flame: the secret breath of the flame dragon Hongying. It will cause 40W points of fire explosion damage to enemies within a 180-degree fan-shaped area in front and a distance of about 5 kilometers! After that, the enemy suffers 10W points of continuous fire damage every second for 120 seconds.】

“Damn it! At the same level, he is stronger than Arathor! Is it because it is a god-level fantasy beast?”

Su Wen sighed secretly. His wrong decision at the time made his Arathor weaker.

He then looked at his attribute values.

At this sight, his whole person was shocked.

At the same time, the Tiandao mission suddenly come

【A large wave of abyssal legions has been detected in your defense zone, forming a large-scale abyssal invasion!】

【Mission: Abyss Invasion Defense Battle!】

【Explanation: As the bridgehead of the human front, you must firmly guard the territory of Lingxiao Palace to contain the abyss army!】

【Success reward: a copy of military formation skills! Failure: Death! 】.

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