
Pieces of dense killing sword light flashed by.

There were bloodstains and tattered clothes on the ground, as well as a big hole.

The scene before her eyes shocked Qi Na and other soldiers of the King’s Guard!

They were stunned instantly!

“Oops! His Majesty dropped his clothes and ran away!”

A soldier couldn’t help shouting.

Qi Na looked at the big pit in front of her tremblingly, and couldn’t help but said:”Should I… we… kill… your majesty?……”



“Your Majesty has 50,000 points of four-dimensional attributes! He promised us that his special attack would never hurt him at all! I do not believe! I do not believe!”

“Woohoo! Why do I think this is true?”

“But why?”

“Your Majesty is fine, why do you want to die?”

“My heart hurts so much! Did we really kill His Majesty?”

“His Majesty! You wait! I’ll go accompany you right now!”


The mentality of the flower elves collapsed again.

Each one shed tears and fell to the ground in despair. They knelt in the pit and argued feebly in front of the bloodstains and broken clothes.

I don’t know how long it took.

Maybe for a moment.

Or maybe it’s a few long months

“cough! cough!”

A light cough sounded behind the girls.

This suddenly shocked the flower elves.

The flower elf who was about to die stopped.

Qi Na turned her head sharply and looked.

The flower elves who were slower to react couldn’t help it. They turned their heads dully and looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

The moment they turned their heads, they froze again.

All the flower elves turned into sculptures.

Each of them showed eyes of disbelief.

Tears seemed to be in their eyes. Frozen.

The whole picture turned into an extremely weird oil painting.

“how? I’m so weak, and I was chopped down by you together, not even a single bone was left?”

Su Wen pretended to be angry and scolded everyone.

As soon as he said this, poof!

Qi Na and the other 50 flower elf warriors of the King’s Guard couldn’t help but laugh.

They stood up quickly and lowered their heads in embarrassment!

As if ashamed of the fuss just made

“His Majesty! This joke is not funny at all! Qi

Na pouted and said

“Huh? Where are your clothes?.?”

At this time, a team leader asked in surprise.

Everyone was stunned.

Weren’t Su Wen wearing the clothes?

The next second.

They were stunned again.

Su Wen’s clothes before were a black sportswear.

Now it’s turned blue!

How is this going?

“Are you embarrassed to say it?

Su Wen looked at everyone relaxedly and said jokingly:”It’s my fault too!” Although I resisted being beaten, my clothes were not invulnerable!”

“You all tore my clothes to pieces!”

“I have to teleport back and put on suitable clothes before I come back!”

“Do I want to be honest with you?”

“If this spreads out, wouldn’t he be called a coward?”

He said with a smile.

These words made the flower elves’ cheeks burn.

They said boldly:”We are not afraid!”

“His Majesty! We are all here to dedicate ourselves to you if you need us!

Immediately afterwards, some people who had longed for it said bold words.

Qi Na quickly glared at everyone:”Okay!” OK! Your Majesty is fine! The clothes are just torn! Don’t be glass-hearted, everyone! All back! I’m back!”


The soldiers of the King’s Guard hurriedly accepted the order and became excited again.

When they left, they still felt a pity.

If they had known this, they should have had a”frank interview” with His Majesty.

Qi Na waited for others to fly out. Finally, he quickly pinched Su Wen’s whole body.

“how? Want to have fun here?”

Su Wen hugged Qi Na and asked with a smile.

Qi Na rolled her eyes:”Are you really not injured?”

“Is there still a holiday?”

Su Wen patted his chest to assure himself.

Qi Na looked at the pit again:”But this……”

“Just some deception! If this happens in the future, don’t lose your morale and kneel on the ground crying! I don’t want my beauty to be captured by the enemy!”

Su Wen raised his hand and waved.

The blood stains and clothes on the ground were blown up by a gust of wind, and the surrounding soil covered the traces.

In fact, he was indeed killed.

During this test, he put away the god-level suit. He got up.

He could also control his flower body and power.

Only then was he strangled with more than fifty knives.

Then, he was resurrected in the blood that he had left in advance in the room on the second floor of the Lord’s Castle.

The feeling of death made him extremely frightened..

Even now, I am still a little panicked. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fortunately, the second-grade god-level resurrection is not blocked.

In fact, the resurrection was completed within 3 seconds after he made the choice..

This resurrection not only brought him back to life.

It also brought back equipment such as the divine ring on his hand and the Love Saint’s Infatuation Ring.

It also gave Su Wen a clear understanding and understanding of resurrection.

After that,

Su Wen took a minute to calm down and change clothes.

Then he returned here to comfort the flower elves.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that this test would completely destroy this group of loyal guards.

Immediately afterwards, Su Wen He whispered to Qina:”Go to the lake over there and clean it up! I heard there is a different feeling in the water!”

Like this.

About two hours later,

Su Wen and Qi Na flew back to the territory again.

Qi Na went directly back to the castle.[]

Su Wen went to the new building that had just been built, feeling comfortable.

This time the mandarin ducks were playing in the water.

It also convinced him.

Second-grade god-level resurrection is indeed powerful.

The ability is still the same as before

“Workers’ College?”

Su Wen first came to the Workers’ College.

He walked in.

The college was empty and very quiet.

It was no different from Blue Star’s school.

However, when he visited the classroom, he did not activate the teaching magic circle in the classroom..

Just from the first glance, it’s hard to see what this place is for.

He looked at the properties panel of the Workers’ College

【Architecture: Workers College】

【Group: Flower Elf】

【Grade: 0】

【Related factories: military factories, textile factories, restaurants, steel mills】

【Association mode: automatic】

【Discipline model: Factory full-time technical training】

【Study time: 3 months】

【Commissioning fee: 10W lord points per period】

【Study Fund: 0】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station]

Su Wen looked at the attribute panel.

He frowned slightly:”There is no winery! Buildings built independently in the territory will not be associated with Tiandao Buildings!”

“It seems that if you want to have an independent industry, you have to develop your own characteristics and autonomy!”(Okay)

“There is still a long way to go!”

“I don’t know if the technology in the Tiandao Building can be learned!”

“Can the technology that combines magic and mechanical technology be analyzed?”


Think of this.

He looked at the study fund again.

Know that this is where the building pre-deposits your study money.

If there is no money.

I’m afraid no one is allowed in to study at all.

“Another expensive building!”

He whispered softly and deposited 1 billion learning funds into the college.

This was the second time he invested money in a building.

The first building was a nuclear fusion wireless power station.

He also invested 1 billion in adaptive maintenance. Funds.

See here.

He increased the attributes of the Workers’ College.


A brilliant light lit up.

The Workers’ College completed the attribute increase in an instant.

Its area did not become larger.

But the floors changed from 6 to 11 floors. building

“call! I hope I don’t need the limit-breaking booster boat!”

Su Wen said softly and looked at the attribute panel of Workers’ College again.……

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