It was only when Wu Wei entered the middle of the Cornflower Kingdom that he heard the rumor that the Shaping Wind Corps had been defeated and retreated to the capital.

But this was within his expectations. What really exceeded his expectations was that his plan to march into the capital was far from smooth as he imagined.

From the southern border area into the heart of the kingdom, all the way to the capital of the kingdom, the distance is not short, but it is not far either. Several professional officers he had previously subdued had estimated that at the current marching speed, they would be able to reach the capital within five days.

But Wu Wei overlooked an important factor.

The noble lords in several cities along the way actually became his stumbling blocks.

He really didn't expect that Grand Duke Lanshi said he had bribed a large number of inland nobles, but he didn't expect that he had bribed so many that even the nobles in power in several southern cities became his people.

How unpopular is this term of king among his subjects?

The specific course of events is as follows.

When Wu Wei's army marched to the first city, the huge army naturally attracted the vigilance of the garrison in the city.

No���Wu Wei was not going to enter the city. After all, he had many soldiers and generals, and sufficient food and grass, so there was no need to go into the city to rest.

The two sides just passed each other peacefully, without any conflict between the two sides - the key was that the garrison in the city did not dare to do so. They were scared when they saw Wu Wei's 200,000 troops, so how could they dare to provoke him?

The garrison in the city just saw the border army flag hanging in Wu Wei's army, and while they were curious, they sent people to inquire about Wu Wei's origins as a routine.

Wu Wei's rebellion suppression army is a righteous army and a heroic army. Naturally, the higher the profile, the better. Not to mention hiding it, he was afraid that he was not creating enough momentum! It would be great if someone came to ask.

So Wu Wei sent his number one lackey, Charles, to brag about himself.

When he left, he also deliberately sent down the order, asking the 200,000 soldiers to shout slogans in unison while walking:

"Defend the country and drive out the orcs! Return to the capital and quell the rebellion!"

"Defend the country and drive out the orcs! Return to the capital and quell the rebellion!"

"Defend the country and drive out the orcs! Return to the capital and quell the rebellion!"


Two hundred thousand soldiers shouted in unison, their morale was so high and their voices shook the heavens!

In short, this wave was full of momentum, passion and hype!

However, Wu Wei did not expect that after hearing about the origin and destination of this army, the nobles in the city could not sit still.

"Two hundred thousand? Didn't the southern border collapse? How could they bring back such a large army? Did the orcs grow up eating shit?"

"I heard that the troops and food were funded by the southern border nobles."

"I knew that these barbarians were unreliable. We had already agreed on it before, but now they suddenly turned against us and did this. What should we do now?"

"Please inform Lord Eric immediately, he is the one who should be most anxious."


Without Wu Wei's knowledge, his presence had quickly alerted the rebel leaders.

When Grand Duke Lanshi, who was still leading his troops on their way, heard the news, he was stunned:"How could a 200,000-man army suddenly appear to suppress the rebellion? There are actually such talents in the border army? How long will it take for them to reach the capital?"

"Five days at the earliest"

"Time is too tight, they may become a variable! Let the nobles in the southern border of the kingdom quickly gather troops to stop them. Even if they can't be eliminated, they must be held back for me! When I take over the capital and the dust settles, this unknown border army will naturally not make any waves."

"Yes! I will contact you right away."


That's how it was. When Wu Wei arrived at the second city, he found that the road ahead had been blocked by a group of noble coalition forces.

A full 100,000 noble private soldiers of varying quality, relying on the city walls next to them, formed a horn and directly blocked the only way to the capital.

It looked quite intimidating.

Only to hear a strong man on the city wall shouting:"Stop the border rebels ahead! Otherwise we will not be polite!"

Wu Wei, riding on his horse, turned around and asked Charles with a surprised look on his face:"What did they call us just now?"

"Sir, if I heard correctly, it should be the border rebels."

Wu Wei already had some guesses in his mind, but he still let Gruin explain and declare his position.

"Watch your words! We are retreating from the southern frontier, and now we are rushing to the capital to support the rebellion suppression army! Get out of the main road quickly, and don't hinder our march. If you delay the opportunity, you can't afford the consequences!"

However, the commanders on the city laughed:"Retreat? How come we don't know that His Majesty the King has issued an order to withdraw troops from the border? Moreover, the southern front has long been defeated, where can such a large army come from? I think you are just rebels disguised as border troops, and you must have ulterior motives for going to the capital!"

"No matter what you say today, don't even think about passing through here!"

Wu Wei couldn't help but laugh: To be honest, this guy is right. Doesn't he have ulterior motives?

Just when Wu Wei was about to stop the negotiations and solve the problem violently, the scouts in the rear suddenly brought bad news: a coalition force of tens of thousands of people appeared from the city they just passed and chased them.

Wu Wei finally understood everything:

"I really underestimated you, Lord Lanshi! You are quite capable."

"But you think you can rely on this bunch of scumbags to stop me? There should be a limit to underestimating others!"

"All troops, listen up! Within two hours, we must defeat the checkpoint ahead, and kill them!"

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