Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 570: Internal force sensor

  Chapter 570 Internal Force Sensor

   Seeing that there were more and more voices of dissatisfaction with Zuo Qiuran, she herself didn't care at all, she still looked at Zhu Yun with a smile.

   "I just saw the epaulette on your jacket, is it the captain?" Zuo Qiuran asked suddenly.

   Zhu Yun's chest was raised, her chin was slightly raised, with a proud look on her face, her nose overflowed, "Hmm."

   Zuo Qiu Ran smiled, "I didn't expect you to be a leader, so this is what you rely on to only allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps?"

The irony between   's words is so obvious that as long as you are not a fool, you can hear it.

   "What do you mean?" Zhu Yun frowned.

   "Your third move just now was the Cloud Flip Palm. This is the family martial skill of the Zhu family in Wangjiang City. It must be combined with pure internal strength to be truly effective."

   Zuo Qiu Ran's words made Zhu Yun's eyes flash, and she quickly hid the guilty conscience in her heart, "You said I used internal strength, is there any evidence?"

She calculated the position and angle accurately, and even controlled the internal force within 20%, so that the surrounding airflow would not fluctuate. Therefore, except for Zuo Qiuran, no one else would find out. The one-sided confession is not credible. Does this stupid woman really think that it is enough to have the support of the boss?

These warriors of   Thunder are not decorations!

   Even if she enters the Thunder, she will be isolated by everyone!

   However, Zuo Qiuran's next sentence made Zhu Yun completely dumbfounded.

   "Don't you know that Thunder's training ground has just installed the latest equipment newly introduced by the President's Office, an internal force sensor?"

   Internal force sensor?

what is that?

   Zhu Yun's face was covered in circles.

   Not only her, but also the other warriors were all confused.

   "Someone was arranging the line in the training ground early this morning. Could it be that it was installed at that time?"

   "Boss Yan specially told us to come to the training ground after nine o'clock, is it just to install this sensor?"

   Just when everyone was wondering, Yan Yibin suddenly took out a remote control from his pocket and pressed it lightly.

  In an instant, the big screen on the wall lit up, and at the same time, the alarm sound of 'Didi Di Di' sounded.

Everyone looked over, and saw the scene of Zuo Qiu Ran and Zhu Yun's move just now appearing on the screen. It was divided into nine grids and could be seen very clearly from all angles. When Zhu Yun made the third move, the alarm sound was obviously eager, and the picture On the top of Zhu Yun's palm, a red light spot visible to the naked eye appeared, and it kept flashing.

   "What's going on? Why is there a red dot on Captain Zhu's palm?"

Yan Yibin squinted his face, stepped forward, and explained to everyone, "This sensor is the latest invention newly introduced by the President's Office. It can sense all fluctuations in the surrounding internal forces, even if it is only a little bit, it cannot escape its discernment. And will use a red dot on the screen to mark and track the source of the internal force, making it invisible."

   In other words, Zhu Yun's third move just now really used internal strength?

   The eyes of everyone looking at Zhu Yun changed.

   In their hearts, Zhu Yun is a brave and decisive thunder warrior, a heroine just like them, or even better than them, but now, she is cheating on the training ground and using her inner strength.

   This greatly reduced the image of the goddess in their hearts, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

   Zhu Yun was also blinded, and shook her head again and again, "I don't have it, this, this instrument is inaccurate, Zuo Qiuran, is it you? You deliberately let the boss install this instrument to frame me, right?"

   (end of this chapter)

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