Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 568: Coquettish is also a skill

   Chapter 568 Coquetry is also a skill

   Zhu Yun looked at Zuo Qiu Ran's eyes, full of scrutiny. Although the hostility in the bottom of her eyes was hidden, she was still discovered by Zuo Qiu Ran.

   "Thunder is an important military area, and no one can easily step into it, Boss, this is the rule you set yourself at the beginning."

"She is not an idle person, she is my fiancée, someone I plan to work with for the rest of my life. I brought her here today to introduce you to each other. Ran Bao is currently studying at Lei Ting University School of Medicine. After graduation, she will officially enter Lei Ting. ."

   While speaking, Mo Yichen had already walked to Zuo Qiuran's side. Even if the two of them didn't say a word, just a glance at each other was enough to show their affection for each other.

   They are very in love, this is the inner cognition of everyone at this time.

   Zhu Yun felt a pain in her heart, her hand clenched into a fist silently, her heart was full of unwillingness and jealousy.

   She has accompanied the boss for so many years, and made so many efforts to get close to the boss. Why did this girl take away the boss? She doesn't deserve the boss at all!

   "Everyone in Lei Ting has gone through layers of screening, and one out of ten is chosen. Why is she? Is she acting like a spoiled child?" Zhu Yun glared at Zuo Qiu Ran with jealous eyes.

   She knew about Zuo Qiuran's existence long before she returned to China.

Although the outside world described her as godlike, she did not believe that what kind of alchemy genius, it was definitely a smoke bomb put by the boss in order to raise her worth, she did not believe such a cute little girl who was not fully developed. The girl's film really has such a great ability.

The soldiers fell silent. Although they would not refute the boss's decision and would support it unconditionally, what Zhu Yun said was not unreasonable. Let this Zuo Qiu Ran enter Lei Ting as the boss's fiancée. All are dissatisfied.

   Mo Yichen was very calm about the reactions of Zhu Yun and the crowd. He had expected this before he came, and he also believed that his Ranbao was capable of solving these problems.

Zuo Qiu Ran smiled, "Being coquettish is also a skill, and it is a woman's innate advantage. Hundreds of years ago, the Alchemy God once said that a woman who can act coquettishly is the cutest, you won't Haven't you heard that?"

   Zhu Yun's face stiffened, and she looked at Zuo Qiuran with even more disdain.

  Oh, it really is a straw bag, does she really think that she can gain a foothold in Thunder by acting like a spoiled child?

At this moment, Zuo Qiu Ran took a few steps forward and stood at the place where Mo Yichen and the other soldiers had just fought, "But you are right, everyone in Lei Ting came in after thousands of choices. Yes, I can't be an exception, so let's pick a few people to play against me and see if I am qualified to enter the Thunder."

   Zhu Yun was thinking about how to provoke Zuo Qiu Ran to take on the battle, but unexpectedly, she brought it up first, and since that's the case, don't blame her for being rude.

   "You don't need anyone else, I'll show you a game. As long as you can beat me, I'll admit that you are indeed qualified to enter the Thunder. However, if you lose, you must swear that you will never step into the Thunder again."

   Also stay away from the boss.

However, Zhu Yun didn't say this last sentence. She couldn't say too much, otherwise the boss would be dissatisfied with her. Today, she just needs to teach this shameless woman a lesson, and do the rest. Intend.

   (end of this chapter)

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