Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 565: nine numbers

   Chapter 565 Nine Numbers

   "Is this the legendary little princess of the Ji family?"

   Nanyue smiled, she had heard from Mo Qi who had returned to China one step earlier about the 'elopement' of Mo Ling with the little princess of the Ji family.

I have to say that she admires Mo Ling's courage. The whole Huaguo knows that one of the Ji family's father and son is the daughter's control, and the other is the sister's control, and they spoil the little princess of the Ji family. It can be said that Huo Shiting is Ji Shiming and Ji Wen. Huo's only bottom line and inverse scale.

   But now it looks like this bottom line has been in Mo Ling's hands.

   "You are this?"

   Mo Ling looked helpless, first reached out to catch Huo Shiting to prevent her from falling, and then pushed her away.

   "It's a long story, I'll tell you later, let's take a look at what I found."

   After finishing speaking, Mo Ling rubbed Huo Shiting's head, "Watch TV by yourself, Nan Yue and I have important things to discuss."

  Huo Shiting watched the two enter the study, and felt a little sour in her heart. Is this woman called Nanyue? What is her relationship with A Ling?

   There were layers of doubts in her heart, but Huo Shiting still didn't bother. She knew her identity and Mo Ling's work, so many things were inconvenient for her to know.

   In the study, Mo Ling turned on the computer, and the location tracking of several mobile phone numbers was on it. There was very little information, and even all the numbers were only used once.

  However, looking at the 9 numbers together, unexpectedly found a meeting point.

   "Look, these numbers are used in the same position." Mo Ling pointed to a red dot on the screen.

   This red dot is not a specific location, but just an orientation, but even so, it is enough to shock Mo Ling and Nan Yue.

   "Thunder Base?"

  Nan Yue was shocked, because all the locations around the red dot belonged to Lei Ting, which was Lei Ting's training base and also Lei Ting's command headquarters.

   "That is to say, the person who sent someone to deal with the little princess of the Ji family is at the Thunder Base?"

  Mo Ling nodded, "I've already contacted Shao Yan. There is no mission in Thunderbolt recently, and there is only one woman still in the base."

   That is Zhu Yun, who just returned from a mission.

   This point, Mo Ling and Nan Yue are very clear.

"Ji Wenhuo is in Liguo now. If the little princess of the Ji family really has an accident here, Ji Wenhuo will definitely come over soon, and then he will definitely put the account on the Lord, and he will be furious. It's really hard to say what the Ji family will do. Maybe they were hesitant to cooperate with Liguo in the past, so once this happens, the Ji family will not hesitate to choose an alliance with Liguo. "

   What Nanyue thought was almost the same as Mo Ling, which was why he contacted Nanyue quickly.

   "So, in order to prevent the Ji family from ruining the boat, I have to leave with the little princess as soon as possible. You can only rely on yourself for things here. In order not to expose the things you report to the Lord, I have to trouble you."

   said, Mo Ling handed another photo to Nanyue.

   "This is a beggar I found when I went out yesterday. He even has a medal of thunder on his body. I originally wanted to investigate him, but now I have no time, and I can only rely on you."

   Nanyue took the photo, glanced at it, and nodded, "Where are you going to take the little princess?"

   (end of this chapter)

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