Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 554: Silly white sweet is a bit too much

   Chapter 554 Silly white sweetness is a bit too much

Huo Shiting looked at Chen Juan and took Chen Ping upstairs as if nothing had happened. She was angry, but she didn't know how to vent. She always knew that Sister Chen had some thoughts of her own, but in this world, who can Wouldn't you think about it for yourself?

  So, she didn't care too much. Sister Chen took care of her for so many years, so it's okay to let her get more cheap.

   But she didn't expect that in the end, she would hit her mind on herself.

  Huo Shiting cried, squatted on the ground, buried her head in the blanket, and cried like a child.

Mo Ling lowered his head, looked at her, and listened to her cries. He always felt very irritable in his heart. At this time, the rain outside was getting heavier and heavier, and the pounding on the doors and windows made the irritability even worse. point.

"Why are you crying?" Mo Ling frowned and didn't know why, he just didn't want to watch her cry, cowardly, when she was bullied, she only knew how to cry, "You are the daughter of the vice president, the little princess of the Ji family, but a Servant, it's just a piece of shit, if you bully you, you will go back, even if you slash them with a knife, your father and your brother have the ability to settle it for you, and you know how to cry, the daughters of ordinary third-rate families are better than you."

Huo Shiting's cry was so inexplicably lighter, she raised her head and looked at Mo Ling like she was angrily, flattened her mouth, looking very aggrieved, "I was bullied, why are you so fierce? I can't beat them. ."

   She has never fought since she was a child, okay?

  Mo Ling was speechless, "Don't you have a mouth? Won't you sue? With such a powerful father, and an almost wealthy brother, they dote on you so much that they will allow you to be bullied?"


Huo Shiting flattened her lips again, "In the past, when people saw that I didn't live at home all the year round, they thought that I was not favored, not favored by my father and brother, so they despised me and bullied me, and I complained. Later, those who Everyone is gone, although my father and brother both told me that those people were just fired, but I know it's not true, they..."

   Huo Shiting didn't say anything next, and Mo Ling could guess what kind of personality the two Ji family father and son were like? The person they favored in their palms was bullied, and it would be good if they didn't bring down the other person's bones and ashes.

   The reason why she said she was fired is because she didn't want to stain the ears of this little princess.

"The signal here has been blocked by their equipment. Would you like me to lend you my cell phone and call your father and brother?" Mo Ling didn't know what was going on. He looked at the little princess's crying red eyes. , I couldn't help but soften my heart, and even regretted that I didn't kick the man a few more times just now.

  If he hadn't just watched her, if he hadn't just paid more attention tonight, this little princess would have been caught by that man...

  What happened to the two fathers and sons of the Ji family? Since you want to protect her, why don't you send some bodyguards here? A servant can take away those bodyguards casually. What is the use of such bodyguards?

  Tonight, he also came to take a look with some doubts because he noticed that the bodyguards of the Ji family who were originally near the villa had all withdrawn. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

   However, Huo Shiting shook her head, "I, I don't want to call."

   "Then what do you think? The aunts and nephews are obviously uneasy and kind, do you really want to continue to be in the same room with them?" Is this little princess being a little too silly and sweet?

   (end of this chapter)

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