Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 551: can not wait anymore

   Chapter 551 Can't wait

  Huo Shiting thought that when she brought a stranger back home, Sister Chen would always nag a few words, as before, saying that she was too gullible and would drive them out.

   Unexpectedly, Sister Chen was very enthusiastic and even went to get the medicine box to help the young man get medicine.

   "My name is Chen Ping, Miss Huo, thank you for taking me in, can I call you Tingting?"

Can not.

  Huo Shiting subconsciously wanted to refuse. For some reason, this young man had a friendly face and every word with a smile, but she felt that it was very discordant and could not have a good impression.

However, before she could say anything, Chen Juan said: "Of course it is, our young lady is lonely on weekdays, you are about the same age, and both of you are learning dance, like-minded, there must be a lot of topics to talk about, I'll cook first, you young people talk more."

  Chen Juan left and winked at Chen Ping before leaving, which Huo Shiting didn't notice.

   During the meal, Chen Juan deliberately asked Chen Ping and Huo Shiting to sit together, and there was a connection between the two, intentionally or unintentionally, so that after a meal, Chen Ping had become Huo Shiting's "talking about everything" close friend.

   Of course, this is just Chen Juan and Chen Ping's self-perception.

"I'm sorry, I like someone when I practice dancing." Huo Shiting stopped Chen Ping outside the dance room and rejected his offer to practice dancing with her, "Besides, don't you have a sprained foot? How can you practice dancing with me? "

   Chen Ping's face stiffened, and then he smiled, "Haha, yes, but although I can't practice dancing with you, I can watch Tingting dance and give you some advice."

  Huo Shiting was very disgusted with his behavior, "I'm sorry, I don't like people entering my dance room."


  The door of the dance room was closed, Chen Ping looked at the door, the smile on his face withdrew, and his eyes became a little gloomy.

  Chen Juan came over at this time and asked softly, "What's the matter? Didn't you want to please her by catering to her temperament?"

"Auntie, if it really doesn't work, we'll take plan B. This is a foolish white sweet. As long as I get her body and cook cooked rice with raw rice, I'm afraid she won't obey me? At that time, with the help of the vice president and Young Master Ji Is it possible to love her without my benefit?"

   Thinking of being the son-in-law of the vice president's family in the future, Chen Ping couldn't help laughing proudly.

   "Stinky boy, your aunt and I helped you pave this road. Don't forget me when it develops."

   "Don't worry, Auntie, it's alright, go and prepare things, I can't wait."

   The two aunts and nephews smiled smugly and began to prepare.

   After a few minutes, the lights in the villa suddenly dimmed.

   Huo Shiting in the dance room suddenly fell to the ground because of a sudden power outage.


   My feet are swollen, it hurts.


  The door was suddenly knocked open, and Chen Ping rushed in.

   "Tingting, how are you? Don't be afraid, brother Ping is here."

  Chen Ping picked up Huo Shiting and felt the warmth of the nephrite jade under the palm of his hand, as well as the fragrance from the girl that burst into his nose, and his body immediately tensed up.

   No, he couldn't help it!

   Put Huo Shiting down in place, Chen Ping pressed it directly, ignoring Huo Shiting's struggles and efforts to catch her lips.

   "Tingting, I like you, I fell in love with you at first sight, I know, you like me too, right? Don't worry, I will definitely treat you well..."

   (end of this chapter)

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