Chapter 536 Soul Search

   His life was constrained again. This feeling made Fang Huai inexplicably think about how he escaped death when he was at Zuoqiu's house.

   The fear of facing death made him fear from the bone marrow, trembling uncontrollably, but he had to remain calm.

  Yes, he needs to be calm, he is not Fang Huai, he is just a little medicine boy in the medical school.

   "Who is Mo Guoxing? I, I don't know, did you admit the wrong person?" Fang Huai tried hard to defend.

   "You still won't tell the truth, are you? Very good."

   Zuo Qiuran nodded, and with a flick of his body, he carried Fang Huai to the front of the pond not far from the door of the Medical Dao.

   "Have you seen the blood crocodiles inside? They have been hungry for a long time. Guess, if I throw you in, you will be divided up by them within a few minutes?"

Zuo Qiuran's voice was soft and somewhat strange. Fang Huai's body trembled again when he heard it, and his eyes slowly turned to the water in front of him. The head of a blood crocodile.

   They all stared at him with copper bell-like eyes, their mouths open, as if they were treating him as a snack before they were thinking about how to eat them.

   "No! You can't do this!"

  Fang Huai struggled hard, but he couldn't break free from Zuo Qiuran's shackles.

   "Now, talk?"

Zuo Qiuran asked again, in a light tone, looking at Fang Huai's eyes with light, as if saying, don't say anything, so I can throw you in and see if the blood crocodile eats the living person. What a sight.

  Fang Huai was trembling with fear, almost incontinent, and nodded again and again, "I said, I said!"

   Then, as if he was afraid that Zuo Qiu Ran would regret it, he directly explained, "I did not do what Mo Guoxing did, but the master, but the master only cooperates with others, I don't know who it is."

   "Who is your master?"

   "Elder Liu."

"then who are you?"

   "...Fang, Fang Huai."

  Under Zuoqiu Ranling's gaze, Fang Huai even forgot his instinct to lie, and said his name directly.

   It happened that Guan Ting and others had just arrived and heard this.

   Zuo Qiu Ran glanced at everyone, and said coldly, "Did you hear? His real name is Fang Huai, I'm just trying to settle personal grievances, the rules of the martial arts world, others are not allowed to interfere."

   After the words fell, Zuo Qiuran's hand shifted position, covering Fang Huai's head, and his soul power surged.


   Zeng Qing yelled, she really had some feelings for this little drug boy, and at this time, it was really impossible for her to watch him die.

   She endured the pain on her body, pointed her toes, and swept towards Zuo Qiuran, trying to stop her, but it was too late.

   Zuo Qiu Ran's soul power circled in Fang Huai's mind before withdrawing. Fang Huai's body softened and collapsed to the ground, which happened to fall at the feet of Zeng Qing who fell to the ground.

   "Xiao Kai." Zeng Qing helped Fang Huai up and leaned on his shoulder, calling out the pseudonym he used when he was a pharmacist in the medical school.

  Fang Huai woke up quickly, but his eyes were already dementia, looking at Zeng Qing with a smirk, "Hehehe, mom..."

   Zeng Qing, full of tenderness: "..."

   Guan Ting and others: "..."

   A good person suddenly becomes stupid?

  Some light flashed in Guan Ting's mind, and then, his pupils shrank, looking at Zuo Qiuran with fearful eyes.

   This is Soul Search!

   (end of this chapter)

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