Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 527: This is affection

   Chapter 527 This is family love

   On this side, Mo Yichen has secretly started an investigation into the medical sect. On the other side, Zuo Qiuran went to Lin's house to treat Lin Yuanzhou for three consecutive days, and he was finally done.

   Lin Yuanzhou, who learned that he had recovered, was excited and excited, not because his life was saved, but because he saw hope.

  Lin's family, there is hope.

   "Second miss, thank you, your kindness to Lin and the Lin family will be forever remembered by the Lin family. If it is useful to my Lin family in the future, feel free to speak up."

   This is Lin Yuanzhou's promise.

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't care about this, he just said that he would start treating Lin Shu in a few days and then left.

   But what she didn't expect was that before she could treat Lin Shu, Lin Shu would fall ill first.

"What's the matter? Wasn't Mr. Lin alright a few days ago? Why did you suddenly get sick?" Zuo Qiuran was sent to the Imperial Capital Hospital by Lin Yuanzhou. Many Lin Yuanzhou.

  Lin Yuanzhou seemed to have some confidence the moment he saw Zuo Qiuran, and the anxiety in his heart was much lighter.

"I don't know, these days Xiaoshu leaves early and returns late. When I asked her what she was busy with, she wouldn't say. I just thought she was busy with some new topic and didn't ask any more questions, but today, she But her assistant suddenly called me and said she had fainted."

   At this moment, the door of the operating room opened and a doctor came out.

   "President, the tumor in Lin Shu's brain is broken, and the bleeding is not stopping, I'm afraid it is..."

   The next words don't need to be said, Lin Yuanzhou also understands.

  Xiaoshu, this is not going to work.

   At this moment, Lin Yuanzhou felt like the sky was about to collapse, his legs went weak, and he fell directly to the ground.

   "God, what did our Lin family do wrong? You want to punish us like this? If you really want to punish, then it's all on me."

  Lin Yuanzhou cried, not crying loudly, but only with shallow tears, but that's what made it even more disturbing to watch.

"I'm fine, but Xiaoshu is gone. Is this exchanging my daughter's life for me? If so, let me die and let my daughter come back. She's still young, and her days are still long. ."

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked at him, and for the first time he was touched by something like family affection.

   "Are you really willing to give up your own life for your daughter?"

Lin Yuanzhou raised his head suddenly, and then remembered Zuo Qiuran's existence, he stood up suddenly, his expression very excited, "Second Miss, you must have a way to save Xiaoshu, right? As long as you can save Xiaoshu, what can I do? I promise."

   "What if I say, kill you?" Zuo Qiuran asked.

  Lin Yuanzhou was startled at first, then nodded vigorously, "As long as Xiaoshu can live, what does it matter if my old man is dead?"

   He was serious, not lying, which Zuo Qiuran could still see.

  It turns out that this is family love.

   "I'll go in and have a look."

   Zuo Qiuran turned around and entered the operating room, and Lin Yuanzhou hurriedly followed. This did not meet the regulations of the operating room, but at this time, no one cared about this detail.

   "I'm going to give her acupuncture right away. Elder Lin, give me a hand, and everyone else will go out." After seeing Lin Shu's condition, Zuo Qiu Ran said with a serious face, and took out the acupuncture bag at the same time.

   Several doctors and nurses were very dissatisfied with this person who suddenly came in and pointed fingers. Just as they were about to refute, they saw Lin Yuanzhou wave to them, "Didn't you hear, why don't you go out?"

   (end of this chapter)

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