Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 525: door of medicine

   Chapter 525 The Door of Medicine

   "Master Chen, this is what the Lord asked me to hand over to you."

   Xie Quan handed over a porcelain vase.

   The porcelain bottle is very delicate and small, and the texture is high. You can see that it is not ordinary at a glance. When you open it, the rich medicinal fragrance wafts out.


   "Well, the lord said that those who make pharmacists must be proficient in medicine and poisoning. This medicine pill can prevent hundreds of poisons. When you ask Chen Ye to investigate this matter, you must be careful."

  Xie Quan hid his figure after he finished speaking. There was no way, Mo Yi was already paralyzed on Mo Qi's body in fright.

   On the other hand, Mo Yichen raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes were full of smiles, and the little bit of sourness and depression in his heart just now disappeared.

  Look, Ran Bao was worried about him a lot, and even prepared a medicinal pill for him.

   Mo Qi and the others looked at the sky for a while, and the ground for a while, but they didn't look at their grandfather's spring-hearted appearance, they really didn't see it.


The headquarters of   Yi Daomen is located on the top of Qishan Mountain in the eastern suburbs of the imperial capital. It has occupied this area with the most spiritual energy for hundreds of years.

   It is said that the master of the sect of the medical way has not been born for nearly ten years, and there are even rumors that he has passed away, but the sect of the medical way has not officially announced it.

But today, Guan Ting, the sect master of the Medical Dao Sect, who has not been out to see anyone in ten years, personally led a group of elders and disciples and stood respectfully at the gate of the Medical Dao Sect, as if waiting for some distinguished guest to arrive. .

   "Master, here we are."

  Mo Qi stopped, Mo Yi, Mo San and the others got off the car with Mo Yichen and walked over.

   Guan Ting was very excited, "Master Chen, I haven't seen you for a year. Seeing that you have recovered and your cultivation has soared, Guan is finally relieved."

  Mo Yichen doesn't have much feeling for Guan Ting. This person has succeeded as the master of the Medical Dao Sect for many years, and he has not made much achievements. However, since he does not form gangs and stands in a line for selfishness, he does not deliberately make things difficult.

   "The owner of the door is very kind. Mo is here this time, and he will inevitably trouble you."

   "Master Chen is serious. You are the God of War in the Flower Country, and the umbrella in the hearts of the people. Being able to help you is a blessing to my medical sect."

   After Guan Ting finished speaking, he invited Mo Yichen and others in.

The interior of the   Medical Taoist Gate is very elegant, because many herbs in the medicine field have already matured at this time, so the air is filled with the fragrance of medicine.

   "Elder Taishang isn't in the Medical Daomen?" Mo Yichen asked first after taking a seat in the living room.

Guan Ting nodded, "Elder Taishang has been busy with some things recently, and he didn't explain his whereabouts, and he doesn't like to use electronic devices, if Chen Ye wants to find him, I'm afraid he will have to wait here for a few more days. already."

  Mo Yichen immediately shook his head, "No, I'm here today for a very simple purpose. I just want to ask about the abandoned factory under the Medical Daomen. I believe the owner of the door can give Mo a satisfactory answer."

   During the conversation, a young man who looked like a drug boy walked in and served a few cups of tea that had just been brewed. Before leaving, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but he looked up at Mo Yichen one more time.

   "Master Chen, this is a special medicinal tea made by our Medical Daomen. If you take it for a long time, it has the effect of strengthening your body and solidifying Wu Yuan. You can try it. If you like it, I will have someone pack some for you to take back."

From the moment he entered the door to the present, Guan Ting kept showing his goodwill towards Mo Yichen, with a faint intention to please and make friends. Mo Yichen could see it naturally. He took a sip of tea and watched Guan Ting secretly. reaction.

   (end of this chapter)

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