Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 514: poor reception

   Chapter 514 Poor reception

  When Mo Yichen saw Zuo Qiu Miao in the basement, the two looked at each other for a while, sparks in their eyes.

   has the urge to tear the opponent apart.

   But obviously, Mo Yichen's emotions were better controlled. He sat down on the only chair here, with his legs crossed and his hands on his lap.

   "I'm sorry for the poor reception, Zuoqiu Patriarch."

   Zuo Qiumiao had a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, hehe, do you also know that the reception was not well done? Is there anyone entertaining guests in the basement?

"Master Chen has been in charge of Lei Ting for many years, and he should be very familiar with the laws of the Hua Kingdom. It is illegal to imprison others at will and restrict their freedom." Zuo Qiu Miao also forced himself to calm down and tried to infer something from Mo Yichen's expression. .

  Unfortunately, he failed.

   Mo Yichen's face was used to being cold, except when he was beside Zuo Qiuran, his expression was more expressive, no matter what other times, his face didn't change.

"Patriarch Zuoqiu is joking, when did Mo imprison others? It's just that at the banquet yesterday, I suspected that there were spies from the enemy country infiltrating them, and now they are investigating them one by one. Patriarch Zuoqiu is very righteous and must be happy to cooperate with Mo's work. ."

   Zuoqiu raised his eyebrows contemptuously, shocked by Mo Yichen's words.

  Why no one ever told him that Mo Yichen was so black-bellied and could make up such shameless lies?

   "Then dare to ask Master Chen, what is the result of the investigation? When can I leave?" Zuo Qiu Miao asked through gritted teeth.

   Mo Yichen still looked indifferent, "I still have to ask Patriarch Zuoqiu a few questions. As for when you can leave, it depends on whether Patriarch Zuoqiu cooperates with you."

   means that if you don't cooperate, you have to continue to be locked here?

It's not that Zuo Qiu Miao didn't think about breaking out. He is eager to find Zuo Qiu Ran now. He has a hunch that the child must be Mo Yichen's. , will definitely leave the Mo house, now is the time when her heart is the most vulnerable, and it is also her best chance.

"What's the problem?" After thinking about it, Zuo Qiu Miao still felt that it would be better to cooperate a little bit. If he really fought, he would be invincible with his fists, so he might be charged by Mo Yichen at that time. , it is even more difficult to leave here to find Xiao Ran.

   Mo Yichen seemed to have guessed that Zuoqiu Miao would cooperate, so he was not surprised by his choice and reaction, and said, "First question, what is your relationship with that woman?"

   That woman? Does it mean that the woman who came with her child but died in the Mo family in the end?

   "I don't know her before. I met her at the entrance of Mo's house. You can confirm this with the Mo guards who are guarding your door." Zuo Qiu Miao replied.

  Mo Yichen didn't even think about the authenticity of his answer, and quickly started the second question, "She was shot, but it has something to do with you?"


   "The third question, how did you bring her into the Mo family?" A lingering flash suddenly flashed across Mo Yichen's eyes.

  The Mo house was heavily guarded, and even if Zuo Qiumei brought the woman in, it was impossible for Mo Wei to report in advance.

   This question finally made Zuo Qiu Miao's eyes flash slightly, he touched his nose, and then looked at Mo Yichen, knowing that a lie would definitely not stand up to scrutiny, and he didn't bother to use another lie to convince him for a while.

   "I stuffed her in the trunk of my car."

The Mo's house is very big. Yesterday's banquet specially allowed guests to drive their cars into the courtyard. Originally, this behavior was just because I didn't want to cause traffic jams at the entrance of Mo's house to make it easier for others. convenient.

   (end of this chapter)

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