Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 507: divorse agreement

   Chapter 507 Divorce Agreement

After listening to Zuo Qiu Ran, she pulled a long sound of 'oh', looked at Mo Yichen and said, "Uncle, didn't I tell you before that I saw Mrs. Bei San and someone kissing in the backyard? I thought that person at first. It's the third master of the North, and I thought their relationship as husband and wife was really good, but I didn't expect it to be Song Yi."

   This time, there is not only physical evidence, but also personal evidence.

  The second Miss Zuoqiu is now the person who is favored by Chen Ye, who dares to refute what she said?

   "Unfortunately, I originally wanted to change that room into a cat room. I even thought about the design." Zuo Qiuran looked regretful.

  Mo Yichen hated her the most, and suddenly felt that Liu Wanmei and Song Yi who had soiled this room were extremely hateful, and their faces sank, "North Building, what are you going to do with this matter?"

   Beilou raised his eyes and directly took out a divorce agreement, "No matter how bad my Beilou is, I won't want such a woman to be my wife."

   "Very good." Mo Yichen nodded and glanced at Mo, "Wake people up."

  Mo hurriedly went to the kitchen to get a bucket of ice water, the kind with ice cubes, and poured it directly on Liu Wanmei's body.


Liu Wanmei woke up suddenly, she shivered first, and then she realized that she was sitting on the ground without a trace, surrounded by everyone, looked down at the marks on her body, screamed again, and quickly turned around to grab the sheets and covered herself. Seriously.

   At the same time, he looked at the north building with help.

   "Husband..." Because she thought that she and Beilou were finally consummated, Liu Wanmei became more courageous and actually called out this title.

   Beilou's eyes widened, he sneered, and threw the divorce agreement directly.

   A lot of people watching the fun couldn't help but sneer: "I've never seen such a shameless woman. After doing such a bad thing, she still has the face to call San Shao 'husband'?"

Liu Wanmei looked at the signed divorce agreement in Beilou, her whole body was blinded. It was different from what she had imagined. She gave everything, so why didn't the Beijia give her best to the Liu family when she woke up? Support, but a divorce agreement?

   "Husband... San Shao, why is this? We just paid... How could you deny the account afterwards and divorce me?"

   Liu Wanmei's words made everyone roll their eyes.

   "What's the matter with you woman? Do you do such a shameless thing, and still want Bei Sanshao to take the blame?"

   "That's right, the green hat is not worn like this, it's forcibly pressed on the head of the third young master of the North."

   No matter what circle of women they are in, they hate such indiscreet women the most. At this time, whether they are distant or close, they form a united front, hostile and despise Liu Wanmei.

   "Sign it, so you can be with anyone you want in the future, such as Song Yi." Beilou threw the phone to Liu Wanmei again.

   Liu Wanmei was completely shocked, she really didn't know that she and Song Yi were photographed when they were in the backyard.

   What about Song Yiren?

   Liu Wanmei hurriedly looked around.

   "Looking for your concubine? Stop looking, he has been thrown out by Mo Wei." Beilou sneered.

  Liu Wanmei anxiously wanted to know about Song Yi's situation, forced herself to calm down and looked at the North Tower, "Then you can't divorce me either, we just..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Beilou, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I took medication for mental illness, and the side effect is that that aspect is not good for the time being, or why do you think we have been together since we got married? Living in separate rooms?"

   (end of this chapter)

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