Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 505: In order to take care of Bei San Shao's emotions

   Chapter 505 In order to take care of the emotions of the third master of the North

  North Building calls this a good name, appreciate it.

   "It works well."

   Beilou smiled and nodded to Song Yi, "By the way, I vaguely heard my wife discussing with you in the backyard before. If I need help with anything, now I just have time, you can talk."

  Song Yi was startled and shook his head again and again, how dare he say anything about asking the Bei family to come forward as a guarantee, and even the hatred that has been suppressed in his heart has faded a little.

   Not because of figuring it out, but because of fear.

   I have long heard that the third master of the Bei family is a mentally ill person, a devil. He didn't believe it before, but now, he is really afraid.

   "Say it." Beilou urged, his whole body was languid, only the smile at the corner of his mouth was strange.

   "No, I have nothing to ask San Shao for help." Song Yi shook his head again.

   "Oh, then I'll go first without me." After that, Beilou seriously got up and left the room.

After the two who had been holding Song Yi also left, Song Yi was paralyzed, sat on the ground, panting heavily, raised his hand and wiped his forehead, covered in cold sweat, he could even feel his entire back wet .

   However, what he did not expect was that there were more terrible things behind.

"How dare you do something at our Mo family's banquet, and even soil our grandfather's place, you are very brave!" Mo Yi and Mo Er held Song Yi and threw him out of the Mo family gate, and He also walked through the living room very 'kindly' and made Song Yi's face shine in front of all the guests.

  Song Yi's heart was completely cold, and the network he just established was ruined just like that.

The most embarrassing thing was Qin Zhao. Song Yi was his most powerful subordinate, and he was the one who brought him into the Mo family. He even showed his face in front of the big bosses with him just now and praised him fiercely. In a blink of an eye, Mo Wei was thrown out.

   "Mo San, Song Yi was brought by me. He is also a guest of Lord Chen's banquet, but you threw him out. Is it in his face, or are you looking down on me, Qin Zhao?"

   Mo San smiled politely, "Minister Qin, we are here to take care of Bei San Shao's emotions."

   Bei San Shao?

   That mental illness?

  He came too?

   But what does this have to do with him?

   At this moment, Beilou appeared at the entrance of the stairs with his hands in his pockets, "Minister Qin wants to know why Song Yi was thrown out, why don't you come and see the answer yourself."

After   , the North Tower turned around and left.

   Everyone was at a loss, looked at Qin Zhao again, and saw that he rushed up to the second floor in a rage, so they followed.

   To tell the truth, it was the first time they had the fortune to come to places other than the first floor of the Mo Mansion after so many years, and they were still exposed to the light called Song Yi.

   However, when the North Building kicked the door of a guest room open, everyone was stunned.

  The smell of rottenness came from their nostrils, and they instantly understood what had just happened in this room.

   The smell is so strong, it looks like the battle is fierce.

   Beilou covered his nose in disgust, walked in, stood by the bed, found a good angle, and kicked Liu Wanmei, who was still sleeping on the bed, with one kick.

  Chi/Guoguo's body was displayed in front of everyone's eyes, including the spots that showed the fierce battle.

   "Huh? Isn't this Madam Beisan, Miss Liu Family?"

   "Tsk, I didn't expect her to look very serious, but in private..."

   "Dead ghost, are you still watching?"

   Those who brought their female relatives covered their eyes and dragged them aside.

   (end of this chapter)

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