Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 502: Having you in this life is my greatest luck

   Chapter 502 Having you in this life is my greatest luck

  Song Yi came with Qin Zhao. These days, he has won Qin Zhao's trust and began to formally serve in the President's Office.

   Taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, Song Yi and Liu Wanmei went to the backyard and stopped at a corner.

   "Mei'er, how are you?" Song Yi asked in a low voice, at the same time looking around constantly, for fear of being seen.

  Liu Wanmei frowned, with a look of resentment, "These people don't know how to do it, it's like they have discussed it. As long as I mention cooperation, they all run away."

  Song Yi did not expect such an outcome, "What about the North Building? Did you tell the North Building?"

   Hearing this name, Liu Wanmei couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in her heart, "He didn't know where he went before, and he has never been in the imperial capital. Now that he has just returned, I haven't had time to mention this to him."

   "Meier, once this oil project is developed, we will gain both fame and fortune. Now there is only one guarantee left. You have to find a way to get the North Tower to nod."

  Song Yi's eyes flashed, and in the end, it turned into firmness.

   He put his hands on Liu Wanmei's shoulders, with an affectionate expression on his face, "Mei'er, there is actually a way to make Beilou have to nod, but... it just requires your sacrifice..."

"It doesn't matter if I sacrifice a bit." Liu Wanmei is now like many women who have fallen in love. For love, she is willing to give anything and interrupt Song Yi's words without thinking, "As long as this project is successful, our The future is guaranteed, and you can take revenge."

  Song Yi was very moved and kissed Liu Wanmei's forehead, "Thank you, Meier, it is my greatest luck to have you in this life."

When the words fell, Song Yi took out a medicine bottle from his pocket and stuffed it into Liu Wanmei's hand, "This is the latest colorless and odorless aphrodisiac/medicine, you can find someone to put it in the wine in the north building later, as long as you It's best to talk to him...men in bed."

   Liu Wanmei's eyes were wide open, her hands were shaking while holding the medicine bottle, her face was full of disbelief, "Ayi, you actually asked me to go with another man..."

  Liu Wanmei is really used to being domineering, and she is used to being scheming, but she has always been serious about her feelings, and she is also very traditional about certain things, thinking that she can only give it to the man she believes in.

   But now... the man she loves the most, has to push her to another man with her own hands.

"Mei Er, I don't want to, but this is the only way, you know, I love you, thinking of you wanting to be with another man... my heart hurts to death, and I hate myself, it's all my fault I don't have the ability, it's because I'm too cowardly, that's why I want you to go..."


  Song Yi slapped himself directly.

"It's all my fault, how could I come up with such an idea, Meier, you give me the medicine, we won't go, we don't want this project at all, and we won't retaliate, as long as I can be with you in my life Together, I am satisfied."

  The two kissed passionately, Liu Wanmei's heart was already moved in a mess, and the hand holding the medicine bottle no longer shook.

   The kiss ends.

   "Ayi, don't worry, I won't let your hard work go to waste, and I will also help you get revenge."

   After giving Song Yi another deep kiss, Liu Wanmei turned around and left, so she didn't see the triumphant smile on the corner of Song Yi's mouth.

   However, in the next second, Song Yi was startled by the sudden sound behind him.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, the pixel of this phone is good, even at night, it can capture the smile on the corner of people's mouth so clearly."

   (end of this chapter)

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