Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 500: I want to eat soft rice

   Chapter 500 I'm going to eat soft rice

  Hertz pushed his men away.


   One shot hit his arm.



   was another shot in his thigh.

   There was blood on the ground, and his subordinates did not care about their own injuries, and hurriedly came to Hertz again, "General, what are you doing?"

   Hertz's aching facial features grimaced, gritted his teeth and said, "If anyone asks, just say that you and I fought hard and fought with the enemy to the death. You lost the seeds accidentally because you were seriously injured, you know?"

  Only in this way can he have a chance.

  The sound of gunfire startled the rest of the military, they rushed over and quickly transported the injured two to the hospital for rescue.

   When the bullets on Hertz's legs were taken out and people were sent to arrest Mo Yichen and others, they were already on the plane back to Huaguo.


On the plane, Beilou was still slumped on the chair, with a lazy look, he raised his eyes to scan the surroundings, and chuckled, "Xiao Ran is really wise, she even prepared the plane in advance, but, you The configuration of the plane is better than that of Chen Ye, look inside, eat, drink, sleep, eat, drink, sleep, yo, and red wine? I have to have a glass."

   got up, and the North Tower poured himself a cup very rudely, shook it, put it under his nose and smelled it, raised his eyebrows, "Cabernet Sauvignon? Good stuff."

   took a sip, and he sat back in place again, but this time he looked at Mo Yichen, "I said, Lord Chen, it seems that you will have soft rice in the future."

  My daughter-in-law is actually richer and more powerful than me. I'm afraid most men can't stand it, right?

   Who knows, Mo Yichen nodded with a doting and proud look on his face, "That means my Ranbao is better than any woman, you can't envy it."

   Beilou's drinking action stopped, when did he envy it?

   Forget it, he doesn't talk to people in love.

   After drinking, Beilou closed his eyes and fell asleep, but beside him sat Yan Yibin, who was always unable to keep his mouth shut and always turned on chatter mode.

"Mo Yi, why are you always staring at Cheng Qi? You don't envy his six-pack abs, right? I told you that I learned from him yesterday, and my strength is not inferior to me, and I don't know him. How did those six-pack abs come out, Cheng Qi, why don't you teach us..."

   "Shut up!" Beilou was so annoyed that he couldn't help but use some internal strength. The power of the sound wave technique should not be underestimated. Even the wine glass he had just put aside was blown up.

Yan Yibin shivered and glanced back at him, seeing that he was looking at him with murderous eyes, and pouted, "If you have the ability, you can shout at Heitu and the little sister-in-law, remind you, the cup you just broke is the little sister-in-law. property, to the extent that the black soil is now protecting the calf..."

   Beilou turned his head and saw Mo Yichen's face sank as expected, with both hands on Zuo Qiuran's ears, as if she was afraid that she would be hurt by his sonic power.

   Beilou was stunned, gave Yan Yibin a white look, and then followed Cheng Qi to the side, his gaze stopped for a moment at his lower abdomen, as if he was thinking about whether Cheng Qi had six pack abs.

   Mo Yi was also looking at Cheng Qi, but his focus was not on Cheng Qi's abdominal muscles.


  Why does this person want to go back to China with them? Could it be that he really liked Mo Qi, so he didn't even want such a big casino?

  Okay, just follow along. When you reach the imperial capital, Lao Tzu will show you, whose territory is there!

   (end of this chapter)

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