Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 497: Does Mo Qi take a fancy to someone else?

   Chapter 497 Mo Qi has a crush on someone else?

   "Well, the second lady will treat you personally, and you should recover quickly. Well, it's getting late, so go to sleep."

   helped Mo Yi to lie down, and covered him with the quilt, Mo Qi also lay down, turned off the bedside lamp, turned his back to Mo Yi, and soon came a well-proportioned breath.

  I fell asleep?

   Mo Yi looked at Mo Qi's back, and his heart became depressed again.

   In the past, Mo Qi always slept with his arms around him, but now he didn't even look at himself, and when he looked at the distance between the two, he could sleep with one more person. Could it be that his charm has declined?

   Or, did Mo Qi have a crush on someone else?

   Mo Yi pondered until dawn. When Mo Qi pushed him to the dining table in his wheelchair, he swept all the men in the room with a suspicious and scrutiny look.

   Of course, except for their grandfather.

  Master already has a second young lady, so it is impossible for him to like Mo Qi.

   The key point is that Mo Qi has only respect and admiration for his father, and it is impossible to develop other feelings.

   Yan Shao?

  Mo Yi set his eyes on Yan Yibin, looked up and down, and finally shook his head.

  Impossible, Mo Qi is the most annoying man.

   Bei San Shao?

  Mo Yi looked towards the restaurant and was walking towards the restaurant. He was dressed in a lazy north building and looked more feminine than a woman. At first glance, he looked like a bee and butterfly. How could Mo Qi like this?

   Finally, Mo Yi set his eyes on Cheng Qi.

He looks handsome, but not too outrageous. He has a burly stature. At first glance, he is a trainer. The most important thing is his firm eyes, which means that he is very upright, and he is not bad. The most important thing is that he is still Mo Qi's. Savior!

  Thinking of this, the alarm bells all over Mo Yi's body rang.

   This man is a formidable enemy!

   for what? You still want to help Mo Qi serve the rice?

   Mo hurriedly stretched out his hand and blocked the bowl of millet porridge handed over by Cheng Qi, "Mo Qi doesn't like to eat this."

  Cheng Qi didn't think much, nodded, put the bowl of millet porridge in front of Yan Yibin, and then squeezed another cup of fresh and rich soy milk over.

   Mo Yi stopped again, "Mo Qi is allergic to soy milk."

After   , he grabbed the soy milk and drank it himself.

   Mo Qi didn't have time to stop him, but he drank a whole cup of soy milk into his stomach.

   "Naughty, are you dying?"

  Mo Qi hurriedly pushed Mo Yi back to the room, pulled out the allergy medicine and fed it to him, "You know you're allergic to soy milk and still drink it?"

  The corner of Mo Yi's mouth was slightly raised, even though he had started to feel itchy, it couldn't stop his good mood.

  Humph, that Cheng Qi wanted to take this opportunity to court Mo Qi? dream!

"I just wanted to drink soy milk all of a sudden. Besides, I haven't had this stuff for so many years, so I thought it was okay, just right, let's have breakfast in the room." There are opportunities.

   Mo Qi has always seldom rejected Mo Yi's words, nodded, and went out to bring the two of them's breakfast into the room.

   Outside, Zuo Qiuran and others naturally noticed Mo Yi's abnormality.

   "Uncle, what happened to him?"

   "Spring is here." This was Mo Yichen's answer, and then handed the hot milk to Zuo Qiuran's hand.

Cheng Qi was also confused. Originally, Mo Qi had always had a good relationship with him, and sometimes they would discuss martial arts or something. Why did he just want to talk to her when she came out, but he was ignored, and Are you trying to keep the distance apart on purpose?

   (end of this chapter)

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