Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 488: Finally let me see the value of your existence

   Chapter 488 finally let me see the value of your existence

   Two hours later, Cheng Qi brought back a corpse.

   is Xianglong.

   One shot in the head, right between his eyebrows, his eyes were wide open, and he could vaguely feel his surprise and wonder.

   "The person who killed him was someone he knew." Zuo Qiuran came to this conclusion.

   Mo Yichen looked at the corpse on the ground with a sullen face, thinking that if he caught Xianglong, he could find out the truth of the whole thing and the person who controlled everything behind it.

  But now, the only clue is broken.

The North Building was sleeping on the sofa, bored and raised his eyes and swept the corpse on the ground, but when he saw the face, he suddenly paused, then quickly stood up, walked over, squatted down and looked carefully for a while.

   "I've seen this face."

  Mo Yi looked at the north building with a look of "Don't talk nonsense", "Xianglong is a dead man. He never leaves the house except on assignments. How could you have seen him?"

   Beilou stood up, dragged his chin with one hand, and continued to look at the corpse on the ground, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.

   "I'm sure I've seen this face, where is it... ah! I remember it! That busker's drawing board!"

   Beilou excitedly turned his head to look at Mo Yichen, "It's the dark line you asked me to find. I accidentally knocked over his drawing board and saw this face was drawn on a piece of paper."

  Mo Yichen suddenly frowned, "My dark line is a school doctor in an elementary school. Didn't the message I sent you make it clear? When did it become a street performer?"

   Beilou was also stunned for a moment. He took out his mobile phone and found the message, but it was already garbled.

   This is a communication method exclusively used by the Mo Family and Lei Ting. The information can only be viewed once, and it will become garbled.

   "The message I received at the time did say that the dark line you asked me to find was a street performer in Hegang, and it also marked several places where he often went to paint."

   Things are big.

   This was the only thought in Mo Yi, Mo Qi, and Yan Yibin at this time.

"This communication firewall is directly controlled by the President's Office, but now there is a sudden problem. Could it be that the President's Office is also involved in this incident?" Mo Yi once again used his boundless imagination and turned it on again. inference mode.

   "Could it be that the president finally felt that our grandfather had a high degree of success, and it happened that he was about to change his term. In order to reduce a competitor, he designed and arranged all this, and wanted to let the grandfather die in this foreign country?"

As he spoke, Mo Yi nodded, as if he felt that what he said was very reasonable, "The incident happened in the country of Yun, so you can push six, two, five, and throw the blame on the country of Yun, and then use it to crusade against the country of Yun. For the apparent peace between the two countries, Yun Guo must give some benefits, and these benefits are political achievements for the president, just to help him get re-elected."

   "You're right."

   Zuo Qiuran became the first person to agree with Mo Yi's words, which made Mo Yi find a strange sense of satisfaction, and instantly felt that his relationship with the future mistress was much closer.

   "Second miss, you also think my reasoning is very good, right?"

   Zuo Qiuran nodded, "Well, you finally let me see the value of your existence."

   Mo Yi: "..."

   Have I never existed in your eyes? Second Miss, have you forgotten that we were the ones who used to walk strawberries together?

Yesterday I promised you that I will update today, but I am now sleepy as a dog, my eyelids are fighting, I can't do it, I will squint for a while, and I will write the rest when I wake up. Anyway, I will definitely pay my debts. Even though I don't know what time I woke up, please believe me and look at my sincere eyes

   (end of this chapter)

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