Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 485: Enter chat mode

   Chapter 485 Entering chat mode

   Mo Qi squeezed his clothes' hands, suddenly clenched them tightly, anger in his eyes, and finally, struggling to get out of bed, enduring the pain of the wound on his leg, he limped to find the medicine box.

   Fortunately, because she was also injured, Cheng Qi put the medicine box in this room for convenience, without her having to go too far.

  The casino business was booming outside, full of hustle and bustle, but suddenly, a group of people broke in.

  Cheng Qi greeted him with a smile, "Major Cook, I'm tired from duty, want to come over and play two games? What do you want to play? Pai Gow or dice? I'll have someone make a table for you."


  Cook's face was cold, he flicked Cheng Qi's hand away, and then made a gesture to the person behind him, "Search for me!"

   "Major Cook, what do you mean? Our casino has a license, and it's legal? You came to search with such a big fanfare and disturbed the interest of my guests. How can I do business in the future?"

  Cheng Qi stood in front of Cook, as if you didn't give me an explanation today, don't even think about going one step further.

  Cook is the second-in-command of the entire Hegang garrison. He acts very ruthlessly on weekdays. If someone else talked to him like this and blocked him from performing his official duties, he would have been shot.

   But this person is Cheng Qi.

  Cheng Qi has been very mysterious since he appeared in Hegang. He couldn't find any background, but he was able to manage the casino in the mixed Hegang. Many people have tried his ideas over the years, but no one has succeeded.

  Everyone is guessing that there must be some great background and background behind Cheng Qi, so slowly, his attitude towards him is also very subtle, not to provoke, and try his best to make friends.

   And Cheng Qi happens to be a sociable person who likes to make friends. Over the years, he has been socializing with real and fake, and his network has really widened. As long as he touches him, I am afraid that the entire Hegang underworld will make a sensation.

  Thinking of this, Cook took out a search warrant and stuffed it into Cheng Qi's hands, fortunately, he had prepared well before he came.

Cheng Qi took the search warrant, smiled, folded it carefully, put it away, and then turned around with a smile to appease all the guests. His sleek and sophisticated appearance was no different from that of an ordinary casino boss, except for the eyes in his eyes. The dim light that flashed by, and the faintly suppressing killing intent.

   Cook led people to search inside and outside the casino, even the attic and wine cellar were not spared, and ultimately found nothing.

   Before leaving, Cook looked at Cheng Qi and said, "There was a riot in the prison. Someone robbed the prison and shot and killed a lot of people. We are trying our best to arrest the perpetrators. If you find any suspicious people here, you must notify us immediately, understand?"

  Cheng Qi smiled, "Major Cook, rest assured, I have always been a good citizen who obeys the law."

  Standing at the door, Cheng Qi watched Cook take someone to the opposite casino again, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  Fortunately, the Lord made an arrangement early and set up a formation in the back building so that others could not find it.

   That night, everyone in Hegang didn't sleep well, except for Zuo Qiuran.

   They only walked out of the room after three poles on the same day. Mo Yichen's back injury was treated with medicine. After a night of tempering his soul power, he was almost healed. Next, it was time for him to deal with the follow-up problems.

  Yan Yibin was sleeping on the sofa in the small living room outside. Hearing the sound, he immediately sat up, looked at Mo Yichen, his lips moved slightly, and he instantly entered the chattering mode.

   (end of this chapter)

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