Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 482: Chang Yu is dead

   Chapter 482 Chang Yu is dead

  Mo Yichen suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Shihua Daoist, his eyes were firm, "It's a blessing, I'll enjoy it with her, it's a disaster, I'll share it with her."

Daoist Shihua stared at him for a long time, and finally turned into a sigh, "Forget it, you young people's affairs, you can figure it out for yourself, and the Demon Domain's affairs, I will also try to hide it, but from the It has been half an hour since the incident happened, and the demonic energy has already leaked out. I am afraid that not only the demonic cultivators who are hidden in the dark have noticed it, but even the old people who are in seclusion should wake up. Don't be fooled, let your little girlfriend be careful."

   "Besides, I have already calculated the birth date you gave me before. That person is no longer there, so I don't need to look for it anymore." After speaking, Shihua Taoist left.

   When Zuo Qiuran came back, she saw Mo Yichen sitting on the head of the bed with her brows furrowed. She put the food in her hand aside and asked, "Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

   "Chang Yu is dead."

When he received this task, he left Chang Yu's birth date to Daoist Shihua, but he happened to have something to do at the time, so he didn't make a divination immediately, and he only left for Yunguo, and Daoist Shihua disconnected.

   Now, Shihua Taoist has calculated that Chang Yu is dead, which means that this whole incident is indeed a carefully planned conspiracy.

   At this moment, Zuo Qiuran suddenly remembered something she had forgotten.



   "The Beilou is still looking for Chang Yu in the prison."

   She and Beilou were separated from each other. She only wanted to save the uncle, but Beilou wanted to fulfill his promise to the uncle and help him rescue Chang Yu.

   When she was in prison just now, she forgot about the North Building, so he should also be stuck in a time loophole.


   "Cheng Qi, go to the prison and bring back the North Tower." Zuo Qiuran gave an order, the voice was not very high, but Cheng Qi still heard it, and appeared strangely at the door of the room, and left with a reply.

   Mo Yichen stared at Cheng Qi's back for a long time, "He..."

   "Oh, it's the same as Ji Min, but it's not a soul body, but a half-human half-demon." Zuo Qiuran picked up the bowl and chopsticks, took a mouthful of vegetables, and fed it into Mo Yichen's mouth.

   Mo Yichen enjoyed this kind of service, but he didn't forget the question in his heart, "Didn't the demon world be wiped out hundreds of years ago, before the chaos of the demon world?"

"Well, Cheng Qi's mother is an inconspicuous little demon with a low cultivation base. She was lucky enough to escape and lived in the human world for hundreds of years, hiding her identity, but she fell in love with a man inexplicably. Everything was fine. But when she gave birth to Cheng Qi, Cheng Qi's body was different, and her demon clan identity was exposed. The man was afraid that she would also hate her, so he ran away, and he didn't even want his son. It's all over, but fortunately, she gave all her cultivation to Cheng Qi before she died, so that Cheng Qi could grow up safely."

   While speaking, a bowl of fried rice with eggs and two plates of side dishes were all fed into Mo Yichen's stomach by Zuo Qiuran. Mo Yichen, who was treated gently throughout the whole process, expressed that he was very sweet.

   However, in the next second, a bowl of medicine that was so bitter that he mistakenly thought it was bile was poured into his mouth.

   "What is this?" His voice was so bitter that it was hoarse, but since Zuo Qiuran fed it, Mo Yichen still drank it all.

  The hand is almost done, and tomorrow I will make up for what I owe for the past two days

   (end of this chapter)

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