Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 472: the boat blows up

   Chapter 472 The ship exploded

   Zuo Qiu Ran stared at the North Tower for a long time, and finally, chose to believe him.

   In fact, what she really believed was not Beilou, but Mo Yichen.

   She believed that the uncle would have a close relationship with the Beilou, which is definitely not without reason.

   "Tell me everything you know." Zuo Qiuran asked after letting Cheng Qi untie the North Tower.

Beilou did not hide, "An agricultural expert from Huaguo came to Yunguo to participate in a scientific research exchange meeting and showed his latest invention, but was secretly detained by Yunguo. Because there was no prima facie evidence, Huaguo could not publicly use his official identity. Asking for someone from the country of Yun, Master Chen's mission this time is to rescue this person."

   "Didn't you say that uncle asked you to contact his secret line? Where's the person?" Zuo Qiuran didn't forget what Beilou said just now.

  Since there are dark lines, why is the North Tower acting alone? This made Zuo Qiuran have no choice but to doubt.

   Beilou laughed softly and lifted his shirt to reveal the wound on his lower abdomen that was bandaged with gauze.

"This is thanks to that dark thread. My young master, I haven't been so embarrassed for many years. When I rescue that **** agricultural expert and repay the favor of Master Chen, I will definitely kill him again. Kill that guy!"

  Beijing's tone was full of ruthlessness. He was a man who would pay revenge. This time, he didn't immediately go to find the place because he didn't want to break the big thing.

   "The dark line has betrayed?" Zuo Qiuran couldn't help frowning, why are all the people here having problems? Uncle doesn't know at all?

   Beilou smiled coldly, "I heard that man contacted Hua Guo, and he called him, Vice President."

   Hearing this, Zuo Qiuran instantly understood that this dark line was probably from Ji Shiming's side from the very beginning.

   No wonder Ji Wenhuo got the news and went to the Mo house to try it out.

   At this moment, Mo Qi woke up on the bed, and the moment her vision returned to clarity, she was caught in an unfamiliar environment. She instantly looked alert, her eyes flashed sharply, and her hands subconsciously made a defensive posture.

   She didn't feel relieved until she turned her head and saw Zuo Qiu Ran beside her.

  Although Zuo Qiuran had already made a disguise at this time, Mo Qi was a Mo guard who had undergone special training and could still recognize her.

   "Second, Miss Er?" Mo Qi's voice was a little hoarse, but his face was a little more rosy than before. It should be the medicinal pill that worked.

   Mo Qi struggled to sit up, "Second Miss, Master, Master is in danger."

   "I know." Zuo Qiuran nodded, "Where did you guys happen, where is the uncle now? Do you still remember clearly?"

Mo Qi took a sip of the water that Cheng Qi handed over, and his throat felt a lot more comfortable, so he continued: "The same day we arrived at Sishama Village and found the scout Zhang Yuan, we originally wanted to show him the military defense map of Kaka City. , but Master found that something was wrong with Zhang Yuan, so I didn't fully detail him. When we approached Kaka City, we really encountered an ambush. Fortunately, Master was ready to take us from the waterway to Hegang. Originally , everything went well, but for some reason, when our ship was in the middle of the sea, it was suddenly surrounded, we fought, and just when we were already victorious, suddenly our ship blew up."

   Zuo Qiu Ran's heart suddenly lifted, "The boat blew up? What about the uncle?"

   (end of this chapter)

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