Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 468: small arms and legs

   Chapter 468 Small arms and calves


   The boy's hand holding the dagger added a little strength, the red mark immediately turned into a moderate wound, and bright red liquid flowed down.

   "What about now? Do you still think you're telling the truth?"

  The pain made the middle-aged man shudder uncontrollably. He felt a sticky liquid slipping across his neck. He subconsciously reached out and wiped it, and all he saw was bright red.

   "I, I said, I said everything, don't kill me." The man pleaded repeatedly.

   This person is too scary, where is this boy, he is a devil, a devil who kills without blinking!

"I, I'm not actually a native of Yunguo, I was sent by Huaguo, pretending to be a local gangster to collect information on the border of Yunguo, those people who came that day were from Huaguo Thunderbolt Special Team, and the line of defense map I gave them is also ,is fake."

   The young man's apricot eyes suddenly froze, and the dagger forced him again, "You've become a double agent?"

  The middle-aged man may know that he has no hope of living, and he did not deny it, "I, I just live, they discovered my identity, if I don't promise them to be a double agent, they will kill me..."

   "So you gave them the fake line map and let them die?"

  The boy's voice suddenly rose, with a bit of a sharpness, his small hand the size of a slap grabbed the man's shirt and lifted him up with great strength.

   "Is there a shortcut from here to Hegang?" the boy asked.

  The man was obviously afraid of death, and nodded again and again, "Yes, there is a small road, usually only the merchants will walk, few people know about it."

   "Lead the way!"

   threw the man to the ground, and the boy pushed him again. The two quickly walked out of the small alley, and finally came to the ferry when the morning light was faint.

"That's it, rent a small boat and go around the small island in front, and you can go directly to Hegang, but the boats here are all black boats, and the asking price is high." The man pointed to the front, and then the pair completed the task. "Can I go now?"


  The boy nodded, and the knife dropped.

   One of the man's hamstrings was punctured like this, and he fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

  This place belongs to the no-care zone, and there are a lot of dark and dark things on weekdays. Therefore, even if the ferry watchers see this picture, they should not see it, and they look like they are used to it.

  The boy threw two gold bricks on the ground, "Rent a boat, ask for the best."

   A few people who were pretending to be sleeping on the ferry saw the golden bricks, their eyes flashing, and they hurried over. In the end, a burly man grabbed the golden bricks and put them away as quickly as possible.

   "Brother, my boat is the best around here, and my boating skills are also top-notch. As long as you give me a location, I promise to deliver it to you." The big man said with a smile.

   "I'm going to Hegang."

The young man's words made the smile on the big man's face restrained a bit, with a hint of embarrassment, "This, brother, I see that you are also an honest person, so let me tell you, Hegang has been in chaos recently, I heard that it is The spies who have sneaked into other countries, we all dare not go there for days. You little arms and legs, maybe you will be swept away by those black-hearted soldiers with guns as soon as you arrive at Hegang. "

   Hearing the words, the boy's eyes flashed slightly, "How long has this situation been maintained?"

   "It's been about a week. I don't know who was so daring, and the army of Kaka City hit the sea from the land, and many people died. I heard that the blood dyed the sea red."

   (end of this chapter)

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