Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 465: Too much self-esteem

   Chapter 465 Too high to see yourself

   When it was time to cut the ribbon, Ji Min invited Zuo Qiu Ran, Wen Wenqian and others over, and when he was about to start, Zuo Qiu Miao appeared with Chu Jiang.

   "You still have the face?" Xie Lang was the first to choke.

   He once thought that this person was the most trusted and powerful person around the Lord, but he never thought that he would dare to expand his power while the Lord was away, and even cheated them with potions in the name of the Lord twice.

   Although Wen Wenqian didn't speak, his eyes were full of coldness. They had been guarding Zuoqiu's house for generations, and this was the first time they heard of a hidden guard betraying the head of the family.

   What's more, Zuo Qiu Miao can actually endure the pain of being separated from the twins, and his perseverance is extraordinary. Given time, he will definitely be a formidable enemy.

   Zuo Qiu Miao didn't take the hostility of Xie Lang and Wen Wenqian to heart, but when he glanced over, he paused on Ying Wan, and then looked at Zuo Qiu Ran.

   "Xiao Ran..."

"Is it the wrong name for the sixth master Zuoqiu? I'm no longer your niece. This kind of intimacy between elders and relatives can be saved." Zuo Qiu Ran said coldly, but did not lower her voice deliberately, letting Zuo Qiu Ran speak coldly. Qiu Miao was very unable to get off the stage.

Zuoqiu pursed his lips and could only change his mouth, "Second Miss Zuoqiu, I'm here today to attend the opening ceremony of Baoshanfang, and they all say that if you come to the door, you will be a guest, and business will be prosperous only if you are kind. Come and host in person, you can't drive the guests out, can you?"

   Zuo Qiuran sneered, is this threatening her with the fact that the real owner of Baoshanfang is not Mo Yichen?

   "The Sixth Master Zuoqiu is right, there are always customers who come to the door. How can anyone in business drive the guests out? Ji Min, why don't you welcome the Sixth Master Zuoqiu in?"

  The ribbon-cutting ended, Ji Min and others continued to work, Zuo Qiuran came to the backyard again, opened the door of the last private room on the right, and walked in.

"looking for me?"

Zuo Qiu Miao first waved his hand to let Chu Jiang go out, and then looked at Zuo Qiu Ran with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, "Do you really hate me so much? You don't even want to see me and have a good talk with me once. ?"

   "Hate?" Zuo Qiu Ran raised his eyebrows and chuckled, "The Sixth Master Zuo Qiu thinks too highly of himself."

   Hearing that, the bitterness in Zuo Qiu Miao's eyes was even more bitter, didn't he even deserve her hatred?

   "If you have anything, just say it happily. If it's a man, don't make ink marks, Zuoqiu Miao, don't try to use some illusory things to get something from me. Don't make me look down on you."

   Zuo Qiu Ran's words made Zuo Qiu Miao's face pale, and after a long while, he sighed, his momentum changed, and he finally took on the appearance of the head of a noble family.

   "Miss Zuoqiu, I'm here this time because of a cooperation I want to talk to you about."

   "Don't talk about it." Zuo Qiu Ran refused without thinking, got up and was about to leave.

   Zuo Qiu Miao quickly stood up to stop her, "You didn't even listen to the content of the cooperation, so you simply refused?"

"It's nothing more than wanting to use my pharmaceutical skills and alchemy skills, Zuo Qiu Miao, although there is no twin relationship between us, I can still see what you are playing. I can keep Zuo Qiu's family. For the master's sake, do you still want me to cooperate with the Zuoqiu family?"

   Zuo Qiu Miao may be the person in the world who understands how deep Zuo Qiu Ran's resentment towards the Zuo Qiu family is, but now he has no other way.

"The Ji family is in a lawsuit with the Zuoqiu family, just because of the last elixir matter, if you are willing to cooperate with us and come up with the correct formula that can restore Wu Yuan, the Ji family will withdraw the lawsuit, and the Zuoqiu group will be able to There is a silver lining, Xiao Ran, you can help me because of the past relationship."

   (end of this chapter)

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