Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 454: ready to be discharged

   Chapter 454 I can be discharged

  The surroundings were silent for a moment, and then someone immediately refuted.

   "What are you kidding? No one has ever scored full marks on a medical test since ancient times."

"That's right, she's a layman who doesn't know how difficult the medical exam is. It's not a short time to memorize the theories of Chinese herbal medicine. If you talk so much, you don't really think that you can cheat by cheating. Got full marks?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't intend to care about these children. That's right, to her who has been in the Demon Realm for three hundred years, these are children.

  Children, it is understandable to be a little bit capricious.

   But she has not been in a good mood recently. The uncle has never sent back any news since he left. Since this morning, her heart has been in a panic, and there is always an ominous premonition lingering in her heart.

This feeling of    made her inexplicably irritable, and now, someone happened to hit the muzzle, so don't blame her for doing everything.

  Who is not a baby yet?

   "If I don't get full marks, I'll drop out of school and never step into the gates of medical school, and give everyone involved in the game a gold brick."


   Zuo Qiuran took out a gold brick from his messenger bag and threw it on the ground.

  The eyes of the onlookers were straight, and they couldn't believe that someone was carrying such a large gold brick with them and threw it on the ground so carelessly.

   The sound of swallowing in the throat sounds from time to time, and greed overflows in the eyes of many people.

   "Are you serious? If we lose, do you really give us the gold nugget?" Someone suddenly asked, obviously not believing Zuo Qiuran's words.

   Zuo Qiu Ran smiled casually, then took out another piece from his messenger pocket, and threw it on the ground.

  Two gold nuggets are stacked together, and the sound is crisp and attractive.

   "Whatever you say." Zuo Qiuran said with a smile.

  The power of money is huge, and many people joined in one after another, and even for fear that Zuo Qiuran would regret it, they signed an agreement with her on the spot.

   Throughout the whole process, Zuo Qiuran had a smile on his lips. After the end, he bent down, picked up the two gold nuggets on the ground, and put them back into the messenger bag under the gaze of a bunch of people.

   turned around, Zuo Qiuran was about to leave, but was stopped by Zhang Li again.

   "Ran Ran, you..."

Zuo Qiu Ran paused in footsteps, turned his head slightly, and swept his gaze over, his voice was slightly cold, "The cost of Shengshi Sanatorium is not low, the money Shangguan Mei gave you should not last a few days, right? But don't worry, I am not. I will lend you money, because the relationship between you and me was completely bought out by the five million three years ago."

   Zuo Qiuran's bet with most of the students in the same period quickly spread in the medical school. When the dean of the department came to report, the dean just smiled and waved his hand.

   "Young people, it's a good thing to have a little fighting spirit. Maybe because this incident can arouse more passion and enthusiasm for their studies, let them do it."

After the dean of the department left, the dean picked up the phone that had not been hung up, and smiled more respectfully, "Third Master, the matter has been settled, you can rest assured that Zuo Qiuran will not suffer any harm in the medical school. Those who are treated unfairly, it is time for these children to hit a wall, and they know what it means to have a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the human body."

On the other end of the phone, Beilou smiled and said a few more words, then hung up the phone and turned to look at the nurse who had been waiting for a long time, "Tell me to take medicine again? I won't take it today, I will tell you. Dean, I'm fine and can be discharged from the hospital."

   (end of this chapter)

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