Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 451: then you like it

   Chapter 451 Then you like it

"you like me?"

   In the face of this sudden confession, Zuo Qiuran did not show the shyness that a girl should have, and her reaction was very dull.

  The boy wasn't sure what Zuo Qiu Ran's reaction meant, but he still nodded, "Yes, since I saw you in the alchemy competition, I've fallen in love with you."

   "Oh, then you like it."

   turned his head, Zuo Qiuran walked in the other direction.

  The boy was stunned, and the other onlookers were also stunned. What is this operation?

   "Sister Zuoqiu, you, what do you mean?" The boy quickly chased after him and stopped Zuoqiu Ran again.

   Zuo Qiu Ran is very tired of this kind of stalking, what's more, she can see clearly that there is not much affection in this boy's eyes, and the so-called like in his mouth is at most superficial appreciation.

   "I have a boyfriend, you should give your flowers to others."

   As for relationships, Zuo Qiuran has never liked to be sloppy. If she doesn't like this boy, she will never leave him any hope. What's more, she already has an uncle now.

  The boy seemed to be very hurt, his head was lowered, and he looked very disappointed.

   "Cut, what are you being hypocritical? Xu Chao is a genius in our medical school. If you want to take Qiao, you have to see who he is."

   "Oh, it's not Na Qiao, don't forget, she is the one who had an affair with Lord Chen."

"I heard that Mr. Chen hasn't appeared for a long time, and even the school started by Zuo Qiuran himself. I think she must have been dumped. Now that a good boy like Xu Chao has confessed to her, he still takes Qiao , Hmph, I hate this kind of white lotus the most."

   Several girls witnessed the whole process of Zuo Qiuran being confessed. Their tone was full of sourness, and they did not hide their disdain and dislike for Zuo Qiuran.

Zuo Qiuran didn't care what other people thought of her, but she didn't like having annoying creatures barking in her ears, "You mean, if he likes me, I will accept it immediately, and thank Dade for treating him as a god. Do the same thing? You like to find someone to be your ancestor, but it doesn’t mean that others like it too, at least, I don’t like it.”

No matter how the girls reacted, Zuo Qiuran entered the teaching building after arguing. This class was originally taught by Lin Shu, but because she had not returned to the imperial capital, another girl named Zhu was given Teacher substitute.

   Throughout the class, Zuo Qiuran felt all kinds of malice from the substitute teacher.

   Within ten minutes, he was called up to answer questions eight times, and six of the questions were out of the syllabus, leaving Zuo Qiuran without doubting the teacher's motives.

After answering the question beyond the outline perfectly, Zuo Qiu Ran did not sit down, but looked at the substitute teacher and asked, "I heard that Teacher Zhu is preparing a paper for the evaluation of professional titles recently, and the core argument of your paper is just now. Those questions, is the teacher asking me for advice?"

   The substitute teacher's face froze. He didn't expect Zuo Qiuran to know that she was preparing the thesis, as well as the general content of her thesis.

"Zuo Qiu Ran, is this your attitude towards the teacher? The teacher asked you because he valued you and wanted to nurture you carefully, but I didn't expect you to question the teacher's intentions. Oh, the poor vice president Lin kept saying that you were He is a medical genius that is rare to see in a century, and praises you to the sky. I don’t think so. You can be so cruel to your own mother. How can you expect you to be benevolent to your patients in the future? Okay, You can stand up for this class."

   (end of this chapter)

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