Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 435: break away from the family

   Chapter 435 Leaving the Family

   Zuo Qiu Ran got out of the mental hospital and grabbed a car and drove to Zuo Qiu’s house.

   That lunatic Shangguan Mei actually set a bomb and didn't even know what to do!


  When there was only one street away from Zuoqiu's house, there was a sudden loud noise in front of him, and then, a mushroom cloud shot straight into the sky.

   Zuo Qiu Ran's pupils shrank, instead of stopping, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

   You can't die, Mo Yichen, you can't die!

   Zuo Qiuran drove the car into the ruins and jumped off before he could stop the car.

   She quickly ran in the direction of the ancestral hall, and she did not forget to look around along the way, but she never saw a single person.

   Not to mention people, not even corpses.

   "Mo Yichen!"

   Zuo Qiu Ran was standing in the ruins, and there was a burning fire next to her, which made the anxiety on her face even more obvious.

   "Ran Bao."

  Suddenly, two arms stretched out from behind, dragged Zuo Qiuran over, and hugged him into his arms.

   Feeling this familiar warm embrace, Zuo Qiuran's heart finally loosened.

   Immediately, she pushed Mo Yichen away, looked up and down, left and right, and finally gave him a pulse, "Are you injured anywhere?"

  Mo Yichen shook his head, "I'm fine, what about you? I received a message from Mo Jiu and went to the mental hospital to find you, but Mo Jiu said you're gone."

  The two were worried about each other and rushed towards each other desperately, but it turned out to be a false alarm.

Zuo Qiuran briefly told Mo Yichen what happened in the mental hospital, "I don't plan to kill Shangguan Mei, death is too easy for her, what she has to do is to atone for the things she once did. ."

   "Well, I will explain to Ye Jing and let him take good care of Shangguan Mei." Thinking that Shangguan Mei wanted to seize the treasure again, Mo Yichen couldn't wait to tear up this woman immediately.

   However, Ran Bao is right, for Shangguan Mei, death is liberation. She should always live and endure all the hardships of this time.

   "Where are my masters and the others?" Zuo Qiuran asked.

   "The moment before the explosion was transferred, and now everyone is in the Nader Restaurant. Zuoqiu Miao sent someone to do the final investigation and cooperated with the police to track down the source of the explosives."

  Mo Yichen took Zuo Qiuran's hand and walked out. There was still fire in the ruins. Not far away, Sun Ju was leading people to collect evidence.

   "Your leg..." Zuo Qiuran was a little worried, Mo Yichen is not in a wheelchair now, if others see him, he will not be able to hide the fact that he has recovered.

Mo Yichen rubbed her head, "When I was evacuating with people just now, I took a medicine in front of everyone, don't worry, they won't doubt it, just after the medicine's effect, I will have a period of time. In the weak period of time, taking advantage of that period to travel on business will not arouse suspicion."


  Nader Restaurant, Zuo Qiuran handed the USB flash drive to the fourth elder, Zuo Qiucheng.

   "Master, I know that you have a lot of doubts about what happened today. This USB flash drive will give you the answer. After you read it, whether you decide to disclose the content or not, I have no opinion."

   After saying that, Zuo Qiu Ran turned to look at the second elder, "If the Zuo Qiu family wants to leave the family, they must cut themselves off. Today, I will ask you to leave the Zuo Qiu family in front of all of you."

   After the words fell, Zuo Qiuran clenched his fist with his right hand, and a force went straight to the Ren Meridian, and then it collapsed.

   (end of this chapter)

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