Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 431: Ambition has a price

   Chapter 431 Ambition comes at a price

   This was the most real reaction in his heart, and it was this reaction that made Zuo Qiu Miao even more afraid to look at Zuo Qiu Ran.


   Suddenly, Zuo Qiu Miao felt a sharp pain in his heart, he stretched out his hand to cover it, his body swayed twice, and Chu Jiang next to him quickly supported him.

   "Liu Ye, are you alright?"

  Chu Jiang's face was very pale, that was because he was injured in the Tang Emperor's tomb before, but Zuo Qiu Miao's face was even more ugly than his, and his blood was gone in an instant.

   "I'm not, it's okay."

   Zuo Qiu Miao shook his head, pushed away Chu Jiang's hand, gritted his teeth and stood up straight. He knew that it was Twins who started to fight back, which also proved that he really betrayed her and betrayed the original oath.

  The position of the head of the family, when did you start thinking about it?

   It should have been three years ago, the moment she learned that her soul was destroyed, right?

It was as if the shackles were suddenly broken free, and an unspeakable ambition suddenly sprouted in his heart. Therefore, under the guise of wanting to avenge her, he endured the humiliation and continued to develop new forces, and dispatched her in her name more times. People hiding in the dark.

   Did she see it too? Otherwise why say something that they don't need to see each other again?

  Thousands of thoughts went back and forth, but it was only in an instant that when he regained his senses, Zuo Qiu Miao had followed the second elder to the very center of the ancestral hall, where there was a chair, which only the head of the family was qualified to sit in.

   The next paragraph of the oath of taking office as the head of the family, Zuo Qiu Miao did not know how to say it, it seemed that he had already made a draft in his heart and practiced it countless times.

   But it was precisely this that made him feel more guilty, and the piercing pain was even more unbearable.

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked at Zuo Qiu Miao's painful appearance, and there was no turbulence in his apricot eyes. Ambition has to pay a price, as long as he can bear it.

   "Sister." At this moment, Shangguan Mei suddenly came over, "Can we talk alone?"

   Mo Yichen frowned subconsciously and held Zuo Qiu Ran's hand, that nervous maintenance appearance did not require any language, only one expression and one movement, it was very clear.

   It was so clear that Shangguan Mei was going crazy with jealousy.

But she didn't show it, she smiled, with a bit of bitterness on the corner of her mouth, and whispered: "I know it was you who came back, now, I have returned all the things I stole from you, and I have nothing on me. Don't have any inner strength, are you still afraid that I can't do anything to you? Don't worry, I'm just tired, tired, I want to thoroughly understand what's going on here, and then I leave."

  Shangguan Mei's expression is sincere, so sincere that Zuo Qiuran wants to applaud her, this person can actually go to the entertainment industry, and I'm sorry for this acting if I don't get the actress trophy.

   "Okay." She just looked at what medicine the woman was selling in the gourd.

   "Ran Bao..." Mo Yichen was a little worried.

   Zuo Qiuran patted his hand and smiled at him, "Don't worry."

   Shangguan Mei brought Zuo Qiuran to her bedroom, to be precise, it was Zuo Qiuran's bedroom.

"If you have something to say, I don't have much time to waste on you." Zuo Qiuran sat down on the sofa at will, without even looking at the room, as if someone who had lived here for more than 20 years was not She is the same.

  Shangguan Mei just kept staring at Zuo Qiu Ran and suddenly asked, "Should I call you Zuo Qiu Ran or Zuo Qiu Han?"

   (end of this chapter)

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