Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 390: all headlines

   Chapter 390 is the headline

Bei Qin smiled, "Xiaolou, look how good your wife is to you, in the future, just live with her well, with your abilities, you can work hard to create a family business of your own, as for Bei Qin. Family……"

After speaking for a while, the smile on Bei Qin's face suddenly turned back, he walked two more steps forward on crutches, and said in a voice that only Beilou and the Liu family's father and daughter could hear: "A murderer who can be the Beijia family. The head of the family? Don't implicate the entire Bei family because of this."

"Master Bei Er! What do you mean by that? Do you mean that Beilou killed someone? Where's the evidence? If you don't have any evidence, you slander Beilou and deprive him of his right to inherit the Bei family, then we will never let it go. of."

   Liu Qisheng roared abruptly, this time, everyone heard his words.

  Everyone was in an uproar, did the North Tower kill anyone?

   "Haha." Suddenly, Beilou let out a low laugh, "Second uncle refers to those people who are now lying in the Beijia ancestral grave?"

   Beijia ancestral tomb?

  It was instantly clear to everyone that when the Shangguan family had an accident, the Bei family was also implicated. They didn't know the specific reason. They only knew that the Shangguan family disappeared completely, and the Bei family was also killed and injured, and their vitality was severely damaged.

   Today, although the Bei family still ranks among the first-class families in the imperial capital, how can it compare to the splendor of the first family?

   What's more, the Bei family has suffered one after another over the years, and now, only the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, as well as Beiqin and Beilou.

  The voice of the North Tower rang again, low, accompanied by a faint smile, as if he was gossiping, "Shouldn't their death be attributed to you, Second Uncle?"

For some unknown reason, a cold wind suddenly blew up from Bei Qin's back, hitting his entire body from the soles of his feet. He quietly took two steps back with a look of alertness, "What do you mean? Field, you lost your parents since you were a child, so you hide it from you, when you…”

"Back then!" Beilou suddenly interrupted Bei Qin's words and raised his head abruptly, his eyes were full of anger, but the corners of his mouth were still smiling, "If it wasn't for the second uncle who sent the news to the six factions and eight factions, it was the Shangguan family. My mother's things are in the hands of my mother, how could they find the Bei family? So, the deaths of those people, including the deaths of my second aunt and my cousin, are all thanks to you."

   After finishing the words, Beilou turned to look at the reporters again, "All cheer me up and take pictures. Everything I'm going to say next will be the headlines."

Turning his head, the North Tower snatched the microphone from the master of ceremonies, walked up a few steps, and stood in the place where he should have sworn as a newcomer, "Recently, I was fortunate enough to reunite with a relative I haven't seen for many years, and today I am getting married. , I invited him too, I think everyone here should be familiar with him, especially the second uncle, you will see an old friend later, don't get too excited."


   Beilou clapped his hands twice, and then two men walked in while pressing another man with a black cloth on his head.

   Zuo Qiuran raised his eyebrows when he saw it, Mo Wei?

   She turned to look at Mo Yichen, "Uncle, what the **** are you and Beilou doing?"

  Mo Yichen shook his head with an innocent look on his face, "Beilou borrowed someone from me, I borrowed it. I don't know exactly what he wants to do, but I can guess a little bit."

   is nothing more than hatred that has been suppressed in my heart for too long, finally unable to hold back, ready to explode.

   (end of this chapter)

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