Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 385: Respect the strong

   Chapter 385 The strong are respected

   Mo Yichen, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly swept his sharp gaze, with scrutiny and alertness in his eyes.

   Gu technique is taboo in the martial arts world. When Lin Yuanzhou mentioned it now, did he intend to use it to threaten?

Although Mo Yichen felt that the Lin Yuanzhou he knew should be disdainful of doing such a thing, but when everyone is in a hurry, the life of the entire Lin family and his only daughter is at stake. In this case, he would do It's not surprising that anything happens, isn't it?

  Lin Yuanzhou naturally noticed Mo Yichen's hostile gaze, but he still stared at Zuo Qiuran, this was his only hope, and he must not give up.

Zuo Qiu Ran glanced at Mo Yichen's nervous look, patted his shoulder with a smile, and then turned to look at Lin Yuanzhou, "Grumpy Gu, Puppet Gu, I expelled both times in front of your Lin family. Since I have done this, I am not afraid that you will speak out, do you know why?"

  Lin Yuanzhou shook his head and suddenly felt that the handle in his hand might not matter to Zuo Qiuran.

   "Because... the strong are respected."

  In an instant, Zuo Qiuran's aura changed abruptly. The originally soft and cute little girl suddenly became the queen of the world.

  Lin Yuanzhou was shocked, yes, the martial arts world is always respected by the strong, as long as you have the strength, how can you care what others say and do?

   With the strength of Second Young Lady, if he does something against her, I am afraid that it will be solved in an instant. How can he really threaten her? Besides, there is still Lord Chen.

   "Second miss, save Xiaoshu."

  Lin Yuanzhou bowed to Zuo Qiuran again. This time, he was truly respectful and submissive. He even gave up the Lin family in his words, and only tried his best to save the life of his daughter Lin Shu.

   This time, Zuo Qiuran did not go to help Lin Yuanzhou, but just thought about it for a moment, nodded, and said, "Are you and Teacher Lin left in the Lin family now?"

   "And a few collateral lines."

   "Okay, I need everyone's blood for research." Zuo Qiuran said.

  Lin Yuanzhou looked puzzled, "Second miss, don't you need to take our pulse or do other tests?"

Zuo Qiuran shook his head, "You also said that every generation in the 99th generation will suffer from diseases and die, which means that the problem is not your body, but your bloodline, and there must be something in your eyes that is passed down from generation to generation through your bloodline. , that will cause this.”

   After saying this, Lin Yuanzhou understood, "The matter of blood is simple, I'll do it right away."

   Zuo Qiu Ran glanced at the back of Lin Yuanzhou leaving, "Uncle, I suddenly don't like him anymore."

   As soon as she finished speaking, she was thrown down by a force, and she collapsed on the sofa, pressing a man with a strong sour smell on her body.

   "Do you like him?" Mo Yichen's tone was full of questioning, those ruthless eyes seemed to be saying, do you dare to say that you like to try?

   Zuo Qiu Ran was speechless, why is this man different from the legend, wise? How cold? It's obviously a tiger, how did it become Hellokitty when she arrived?

   "I just admire him." Zuo Qiuran was telling the truth, she used to admire Lin Yuanzhou, "but now it seems that he is worse than her daughter."

Not getting the expected answer, Mo Yichen felt a little depressed, but he was still reluctant to embarrass Zuo Qiu Ran, and followed her words and asked, "Are you so sure that Lin Shu doesn't know about this? Or maybe it wasn't Lin Shu who asked Lin Yuanzhou to come here. ?"

   (end of this chapter)

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