Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 378: talk about cooperation

   Chapter 378 Talking About Cooperation

   Zuoqiu Group President's Office, when Xie Lang came, he saw a group of migrant workers surrounded here, and the leader was still wearing explosives?

   He raised his eyebrows with a look of interest, tsk tsk, really lively.

  It turned out that today was the last day of the seven-day period agreed by Shangguan Mei and the workers, so a group of workers stayed here early in the morning, waiting for their hard-earned money.

   Shangguan Mei was feeling restless. She wore a mask and sunglasses on her face, and her wig was loose, covering her profile. It could be said that at this time, only her forehead and nose were exposed.

   And this is where she is most similar to 'Zuoqiuhan'.

"Zuo Qiu Miao, didn't you see that I still have guests here? Can you deal with that group of people first?" Shangguan Mei asked Ying Wan to welcome Xie Lang into the office first, and then sneered outside the office. Zuo Qiu Miao said.

These days, Zuo Qiu Miao put forward many suggestions for improvement of the group, and won a lot of cooperation in one go, and established a firm foothold in the company. With the support of the seven elders and the others, Shangguan Mei was unable to bring him from Company kicked out.

Zuoqiu smiled contemptuously, "CEO, you are the one who made an agreement with them. I think they won't leave easily if they don't get a satisfactory result today. The money is really important to them, you let them go. Why would they be allowed to give up the money to support their families and save their lives?"

   Zuo Qiumiao's words made Shangguan Mei speechless, and successfully won some goodwill in the hearts of those workers.

   At this time, they all thought that compared to the cold-blooded and ruthless Zhou Papi, it would make them feel more at ease with someone like Liu Ye as their boss.

Xie Lang is a person who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun, especially if it's the liveliness of Zuoqiu's house, he shrugged, "I don't mind that they are here, I heard that President Zuoqiu used to implement transparency in the company's office. , why don't we have a transparency today? Let the workers see how good their bosses are at work, so they can be more confident in their work, right?"

   After finishing speaking, Xie Lang sat down directly on the sofa outside the office, took out the prepared contract, and didn't mind the group of workers and Zuo Qiu Miao watching.

"President Zuoqiu, the experiment on the medicinal pill you took out has ended, but the data shows that the effect of Wu Yuan has been restored. Therefore, our Chenghan Research Institute has agreed to cooperate with your Zuoqiu Group. This is a contract, please Take a look."

   Xie Lang didn't come by himself, he was accompanied by a small elite man, "This is the lawyer I brought, called Qu Ce."

   Shangguan Mei was a little surprised, "Changsheng General Qu Ce?"

   The small elite man, Qu Ce, nodded, and admitted it.

   Qu Ce is well-known both in the mortal world and in the martial arts world. Since he graduated from law school and took over his first lawsuit, he has never been defeated. Therefore, someone gave him the title of General Changsheng.

   He is a legend in the legal world, and countless people tried to hire him, but they were all turned down.

   Shangguan Mei didn't expect that Xie Lang could actually invite him to move.

   Shangguan Mei didn't bother to look at the contract, she just glanced at it symbolically, and handed it over to Ying Wan, who also graduated from law school, Shangguan Mei has always been handed over to Ying Wan to deal with these things.

   "I developed the medicinal pill, and I proposed the cooperation. It stands to reason that the contract should be drawn up by us, Director Xie, you..."

   (end of this chapter)

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