Chapter 376 Fusion


   Mo Qi kicked Qingzi's knee, making him kneel in front of Mo Yichen.

Only then did Zuo Qiu Ran know that Qingzi actually had a baby face. No wonder he could easily let Mo Yi put down his guard. Such a person, such a face, did have that kind of magic power.

   Suddenly, Zuo Qiuran frowned, got up and came to him, reaching out to hold Qingzi's wrist.

   Qingzi also attacked her at the same time, but was bounced back by another palm wind, and the whole person fell to the ground.

   Then, Qingzi looked at Mo Yichen who was sitting in front of him with a shocked expression. He clearly knew that the palm of his hand just now came from him.

   "Master, has your cultivation been restored?"

   Qingzi began to be afraid, because he clearly knew how terrifying Mo Yichen was when he recovered his cultivation.

   "Master, I... poof!"

   Qingzi hadn't had time to say a word before he was slapped again. This slap almost cost him half his life.

   Lying on the ground, Qingzi regretted what he had done, "Master, I have difficulties, I am controlled, and I don't want to do it."

  Yes, everything he does is not from his heart, he is still loyal to the Lord, but he is involuntarily and out of control.

   Zuo Qiu Ran chuckled, "Are you trying to say that you betrayed your uncle uncontrollably because you have puppet Gu in your body? You just shot Mo Yi?"

  Qingzi nodded again and again, "Yes, sir, you must believe me, it was me who was influenced by puppet Gu."

   "How long have you been in Puppet Gu?" Zuo Qiu Ran asked suddenly.

   Qingzi's eyes flickered slightly, with a hesitant expression on his face. After a few seconds, he said, "No, it won't be long."

   "Do you think that I can find out that you have a puppet Gu on your body, so I can't tell how long this Gu worm has been on you?" Zuo Qiuran's smile became brighter, and the pair of pear vortexes looked so attractive.

   Of course, this is only very attractive to Mo Yichen, but to Qingzi, Zuo Qiuran's smile is terrifying, as if there is a cold aura surrounding him, and his back is cold.


   Qingzi wanted to explain something, but Zuo Qiuran suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist, then frowned.

   "The puppet Gu in your body has merged with you?"

She closed her hands and stood up, Zuo Qiu Ran looked at Qing Zi and sneered, "Being able to integrate with the puppet Gu means that you are not strong-willed, and you have to choose between fighting with the Gu insect to the end, and betraying the uncle. After the latter, you chose to save your own life, is this also what someone forced you to do?"

   Qingzi's face turned pale, her lips moved, she wanted to explain, she wanted to justify, but she couldn't think of a reason.

At this time, Zuo Qiu Ran continued: "I heard that you and Mo Yi play the best on weekdays. They say that things gather together and people are divided into groups, but I don't think that's the case. Mo Yi wants to play with puppet Gu. He almost lost his life when he resisted, even in a coma, his brain consciousness has never stopped this kind of resistance, you should learn from his loyalty."

   Qingzi's body softened and he gave up resistance completely. He lowered his head, not daring to look up at Mo Yichen.

   At this moment, Mo Yichen spoke without any warmth in his voice, "Since when did you become a puppet gu? Who gave you the puppet gu on your body?"

"Five years ago, the day I was just promoted to the vice-captain of a small team, because I was too happy and wanted to go out to celebrate, Mo Yi was called away by Mo Qi again, so I had to go out alone, that is, that day, I got puppet Gu. "Qingzi finally said it.

   (end of this chapter)

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