Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 364: are you ready

   Chapter 364 Are you ready?

  Because this mountain of corpses was already at the end of the road, the two of them just walked around the neighborhood, trying to find another exit, but suddenly they saw something unexpected.

   Zuo Qiuran bent down and picked up a dagger from the ground. It seemed that the dagger should have been left here for a long time, perhaps it belonged to one of the people in the pile of bones.

   What attracted Zuo Qiuran's attention was not the dagger, but the totem on the dagger.

   "Isn't this a totem that symbolizes the North family?" Zuo Qiuran remembered that in Wuqing City, those who suddenly sneaked into Qiuwuyuan to attack, also left this behind.

   Mo Yichen also glanced at it, and after confirming that this was the totem of the Bei family, he suddenly thought of something.

   "Medicine Man!"

   "Medicine Man!"

   The two said in unison.

   Then his face was solemn.

   In those days, the medicine man incident almost disturbed half of the martial arts world. I didn't expect that after so many years, the clues of the medicine man were found again.

   "Let's go back first, and then send someone here to investigate." Mo Yichen said.

After   , the two were led out of the labyrinth by the red fox.

   Zuo Qiu Ran felt a little strange, "Uncle, don't you think this fox is a little strange? It seems to be simply letting us discover the medicine man, and it actually knew that we were leaving and sent us out directly."

Even Zuo Qiuran had never encountered such a spirited fox in the Demon Realm, but he had heard of it. Hundreds of years ago, the owner and wife of the Yu family in the imperial capital raised a very spiritual fiery red fox. Foxes can also talk.

   "Can you speak?" Zuo Qiuran suddenly turned his head and said to the red fox who had not had time to leave.

   The red fox looked at her in confusion, then turned and ran away

   Zuo Qiuran was a little disappointed, thinking that he could speak, so he brought it back to raise him.

   "Like?" Mo Yichen asked with a smile, it was rare to see Ranbao interested in things other than Garfield.

   Zuo Qiuran nodded, "Well, but maybe we have no fate."

   In fact, she still prefers Garfield, after all, this creature only exists in the illusory and will not betray.

After returning to the town, the two found a hotel, Zuo Qiuran rested, and Mo Yichen went to contact Mo Qi and the others and asked them to send someone over.

   Several hours passed, Zuo Qiuran had even watched the Garfield movie twice, and Mo Yichen had not come back.

   "It won't happen, right?"

  Thinking of those medicine men, Zuo Qiuran couldn't help but think, maybe the people who make medicine people are in this town, what if the uncle encounters it and it is really dangerous?

  Thinking like this, Zuo Qiuran rushed out of the room.

   However, when she ran outside the hotel, she was stunned by everything in front of her, and her footsteps could not help but stop.

In the open space in front of the hotel, a big heart was surrounded by flaming rose petals, and there were some heart-shaped balloons floating beside it. Most importantly, in the middle of the heart, there was a person dancing in a Garfield doll suit. .

   I don't know who is playing the music next to it, Garfield jumps around, occasionally jumping a wrong step, and clapping his head with his big claws in annoyance, and then continuing to dance.

   Gradually, the music became gentle, like a love song.

   And the dancing Garfield also came to Zuo Qiuran step by step, knelt down on one knee, two big hands holding a big bouquet of roses that fell from the sky.

   "Ranbao, happy Qixi Festival."

   Mo Yichen's voice came from Garfield's head.

   For the first time, Zuo Qiuran clearly knew the taste of heartbeat. She thought that it was not an accident to fall in love with such a man.

   "The Qixi Festival is Valentine's Day, but I'm single, how can I be happy?" Zuo Qiuran tilted her head, the Garfield in her arms and Garfield kneeling in front of her had a similar expression.

   Mo Yichen's voice came from Garfield's head again, "That's right, I'm also single, why don't we make a couple?"

   "Not reluctantly?"

   "Not reluctantly."

   Said, Mo Yichen held a rose in one hand and took off the head of the huge Garfield with the other hand, revealing his face that was covered with sweat.

   "Ranbao, I said earlier, please guard your heart and wait for me to pick it up. Now, I'm here, are you ready?"

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   (end of this chapter)

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