Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 361: Peerless magic

   Chapter 361 Peerless Divine Art

   "The North Building sent you back?" Mo Yichen put down the watering can that actually had no water in his hand, got up, took Zuo Qiuran's hand naturally, and walked into the house.

   "Yeah." Zuo Qiuran nodded, and didn't think there was anything wrong with Mo Yichen holding her hand from time to time.

   This man's hand is very warm, and she likes the feeling of being held by this big hand.

   "Why is it so cold?" Mo Yichen took Zuo Qiuran's hand to his mouth, blew a breath of warm air, and then gently rubbed it with his hands to warm it up.

   Zuo Qiu Ran smiled. She likes everything with temperature, especially the body temperature of the uncle, which will make her feel that she is no longer alone.

   Then, Zuo Qiuran told Mo Yichen what had just happened.

   "I didn't expect that Song Yan was actually Shangguanyan, the uncle of the North Tower." Zuo Qiuran felt that this world was really too small.

  Mo Yichen was also very surprised by this, "The matter of Shangguan's family has always been a knot in Beilou's heart. He felt that if it wasn't for the Shangguan family's accident, his mother would not have died."

   "By the way, Shangguanyan seems to be afraid of the North Building, what's the matter?" Zuo Qiuran recalled that when he was in the back alley of the bar, Shangguanyan was really afraid of the North Building, and even ran away.

  Mo Yichen nodded, "When Beilou was a child, he almost killed Shangguanyan."

   Zuo Qiu Ran thought it was incredible, "When the Shangguan family had an accident, the North Building shouldn't be that big, right?"

"Well, Beilou was only four years old at that time, because he was born with an abnormally active brain and was judged to be mentally ill, so even people from the Bei and Shangguan families rarely approached him, so no one knew, At a young age, he actually practiced peerless magic."

   "Peerless magic?"

"Sound wave power." Mo Yichen took Zuo Qiuran's hand and walked towards her bedroom, saying as he walked, "The North Tower's sonic power is very powerful. Back then, he only had one voice, and he almost asked Shangguanyan's. Now, he has been able to end other people's lives with just a smile."

   Zuo Qiuran only knew why Shangguanyan was so frightened when he heard the Beilou laugh at that time.

   "Huh? Why did you get to the door of my room?" Zuo Qiuran looked at the door in front of her with a look of surprise. She usually doesn't go back to her room to sleep so early.

  Mo Yichen rubbed her hair and said with a smile, "Go to bed early and get up early to grow up. The milk will be warmed for you and put in your room. After drinking, go to bed early, be obedient, and take you to play tomorrow."


The next morning, Zuo Qiuran woke up sitting cross-legged on the bed. The moonlight essence absorbed in the night was only enough for her to increase her soul power, but it was better than nothing. She really didn’t want to encounter the situation of last night’s lack of soul power. , If you encounter a master, you will be in trouble.

   Dong Dong Dong!

   There was a knock on the door, Zuo Qiu Ran thought it was Mo Qi who usually woke her up and brought her hot milk, so she didn't care, she said 'Come in' and continued to change her clothes.

   But he didn't want to, and suddenly heard a loud gasping sound behind him.

   Zuo Qiu Ran turned around, only to realize that it was Mo Yichen who came in!

   Zuo Qiu Ran calmly buttoned Xiao Nei Nei's button, put on a dress, and then walked to Mo Yichen, took the milk in his hand, and drank it.

   "Thank you, Uncle." Zuo Qiuran licked the milk around her lips with the tip of her tongue, and smiled and handed the empty cup back to Mo Yichen's hand.

  Mo Yichen made a swallowing motion in his throat, looking at Zuo Qiuran's naughty tongue licking around, his eyes darkened a bit, and his voice became hoarse.

   (end of this chapter)

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