Chapter 358 So Short

   Zuo Qiu Ran was indeed lacking in soul power. After all, she had given half of her soul power to Mo Yichen, and it was impossible for her to come back to practice so quickly. However, she was also at a loss in the face of the offensive from Song Yan and the two of them.

   After all, she has lived for two lifetimes and has been in the Demon Realm for so long. If she can't deal with these two soft-footed shrimp, how could she have been in the Demon Realm for so long?

   However, just as she was about to use the poison, suddenly, a footstep sounded behind her, accompanied by a low, cold, sinister smile.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I said why it was so noisy from a distance, it turned out to be a few mad dogs biting." Because the place where the man stood was too dark, people couldn't see him clearly, only from the sound Judgment should be a young man with a weird temper.

   Zuo Qiu Ran chuckled, but she did not expect to meet this person here.

   "Who! What kind of man is he who shrinks his hands and tails?" Song Yan shouted, and at the same time his subordinates kept moving, and the palm force that gathered internal forces moved towards Zuo Qiuran.

   But suddenly, he was shocked by another more domineering qi.

  Song Yan's eyes froze, not for anything else, just because the power in this Astral Qi is so familiar, this palm technique...

   Zuo Qiu Ran put away the poison in his hand, turned his head to look in the direction of the person coming, and his voice was a little cold, "When is the mental hospital also closed?"

   Beilou smiled and walked out of the dark place, with his hands in his trouser pockets, slowly, his demeanor was impossible to ignore, not to mention, he also had a face that was even more charming and charming than a woman.

   "The people in there are so boring, I couldn't help it, so I came out to breathe." Beilou walked over to Zuo Qiuran, bowed his head, saw that she was only as tall as his shoulders, and pouted.

   "So short?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran swept over with a cold eye, "Is he a big deal? When the sky falls, you are the first to be crushed to death."

   "Tsk tsk." Beilou shook his head, "You can believe this kind of deceit, shouldn't Master Chen tell you?"

   "He's not as boring as you, Third Young Master Bei, you won't tell me that you didn't take medicine in the mental hospital in the middle of the night, and you ran out to be a hero for thousands of miles, right?"

   Beilou looked down at her, and suddenly, the corner of his mouth twitched, "Fortunately you didn't say heroes save beauty, so you know that you don't look as good as me."

   Zuo Qiuran suddenly regretted, why did she have to fight with a mentally ill here?

   And the Beilou just had the intention to stop, because his eyes were falling on Song Yan. After a long time, he suddenly licked his lips and smiled, "Long time no see, uncle."

   Zuo Qiu Ran was also taken aback, "Is he your uncle?"

   Beilou nodded, "Although it's unfortunate, it's a fact."

Beilou glanced at the person next to Song Yan, and the person behind him who had been hiding in the dark and dared not walk on the road, and took another step forward, "It's true, uncle, I won't come to see my nephew when I return to the capital. I said that my mother’s uncle is big, but I have prepared a lot of great gifts for my nephew, and I want to give them to my uncle.”

  Song Yan looked at the sullen look in the Beilou, and suddenly felt like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. He couldn't help but think of a child in the Beilou who almost killed him, causing him to flee in embarrassment and was forced to remain anonymous for many years.

   Song Yan hated Beilou. Before returning to the imperial capital, he even fantasized about how to torture and humiliate him when he saw Beilou again.

   However, at this time, Song Yan found that all that was left in his mind was the **** and cruel picture of that year.

   (end of this chapter)

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