Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 353: he is finished

   Chapter 353 He's Finished

   "I announce that the winner of this alchemy test is Zuo Qiuran." Lu Zhiyuan announced the result himself.

Song Lin refused to accept it, but when Lu Zhiyuan handed the medicinal pill made by Zuo Qiuran to his nose, he was stunned. He really boasted most of his abilities, and even made some small tricks every time he was assessed, but , but there are still some real skills, this medicine pill is much better than what he has refined.

   Zuo Qiu Ran was not surprised by this result, raised his eyebrows and looked at Song Lin, "Is there anything else to say? The first alchemist?"

The name    is now like a slap, slapped **** Song Lin's face, loud and painful.

   At this moment, Ye Qi brought someone out again and put the pair of handcuffs on Song Lin's wrist again.

   Everyone was shocked, what's the situation? Don't get caught if you lose the game?

  The media also noticed the spearhead and quickly zoomed in on the camera. They even gave Song Lin a close-up of the handcuffs on his wrist.

   Song Lin never felt so embarrassed in his life, he stared at Ye Qi sullenly, "Do you have to come and arrest me at this time?"

   In front of so many people, he was taken away by people from the Special Adjustment Department. Even if he came out intact and his reputation was reduced, no one would pursue and maintain him as the first alchemy master.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qi sneered and suddenly raised his voice: "Song Lin, you are suspected of causing an accident, wounding others, running away, selling counterfeit drugs, seducing/raping an underage girl, and intentional murder. The evidence is conclusive, and you have been arrested. If you have anything to say, tell me back to the special department."

  Song Lin's heart trembled, it's over, he's over.

   Looking at the passers-by who instantly despised him and even began to spurn him because of Ye Qi's words, Song Lin knew that his life was really ruined.

   "Ye Qi, you are ruthless!"

  Song Lin swore in his heart that as long as he could come out, he would definitely avenge this.

   At this moment, Mo Yichen maneuvered the wheelchair and walked over with an impatience on his face, "What are you talking about? Why don't you take it away?"

   Ye Qi didn't know why this master was unhappy, but he didn't dare to scratch the tiger's beard at this time, and quickly took Song Lin and Li Ming away with his subordinates.

The dean of the medical school suddenly walked in front of Zuo Qiuran, held her hand, and was very excited, "Son, you are very promising, I am now recruiting you to the special class of Danxiu in the medical school, and the admission letter will come later. I'll send it to you."

   Zuo Qiu Ran pouted, with a simple expression on his face, tilted his head, and said, "But, I have already been rejected."

   Dean was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lin Shu quickly, Lin Shu then explained, "It was Song Lin who put pressure on it, plus the matter of Wei Dahai, so..."

No need to say it clearly, the dean understood, "Zuoqiu student, this matter has wronged you, I have just received the news that Wei Dahai has been cured, and that person is also a good deed without leaving his name, save me. You leave, but this matter has finally come to an end. You are a rare talent. How could the medical school reject you? Just hurry up and prepare, and report it when the school starts. If you have any difficulties, just tell the school. Mention it, the school will satisfy you.”

   In order to retain the talent of Zuo Qiuran, the dean really did everything possible.

   On the other hand, Zuo Qiu Ran gave Mo Yichen a surprised look, and without guessing, he knew that the hospital rescue was caused by him.

   "No problem, I will report when the school starts." Zuo Qiuran nodded at the dean.

   (end of this chapter)

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