Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 342: Uncle, you have changed

   Chapter 342 Uncle, you have changed

   Mo Yichen nodded, "The Mo family is the only one who is related to me by blood."

   Zuo Qiu Ran raised his eyebrows in surprise, "That group just now..."

   "It's all outside the five servers, the relationship is too far." Mo Yichen explained.

   Zuo Qiu Ran understood it, and thought of what he had just said to Ye Qi, "They did what happened to you when you were injured a year ago?"

   She was also hurt by a close relative. Zuo Qiuran was particularly aware of the pain. She was thinking about how to comfort Mo Yichen, but she didn't want the person who was still in a wheelchair. She suddenly stood up and hugged her.

   "How are you?" Zuo Qiuran let Mo Yichen carry her upstairs.

   In response to Zuo Qiuran, Mo Yichen stepped at the door, kicked her door open, and then closed it again.

   took a few steps forward, Mo Yichen placed Zuo Qiuran beside the bed and hugged him tightly.

   Zuo Qiu Ran is a little confused, what is this operation, uncle? Shouldn't you be thinking...

   "Uncle, I haven't agreed to your pursuit, there are some rights you are not qualified to enjoy."

Mo Yichen hugged her again for a while, then let go, scratched her index finger on her nose, looking helpless and doting, "What are you thinking about? Or, what does Ranbao really want me to do? "

   Zuo Qiu Ran's apricot eyes stared, "Uncle, you have changed."


   "If you are unstable, you will be tempting."

   made her heart beat so fast all of a sudden, it was all his fault.

   "Ran Bao." Mo Yichen looked at her, his expression suddenly serious.


   Mo Yichen took Zuo Qiuran's hand, "I won't let people have the chance to hurt you again."

   His tone was flat, without any excitement or frustration, but Zuo Qiu Ran knew that what this man said, he would definitely do it.

Zuo Qiuran sighed softly, "No one can hurt me now, as for those people, I kicked them out of my heart three years ago, and finally came back. I live by myself."

   Mo Yichen held Zuo Qiu Ran's hand a little tighter, "Then, what about her? Where is the original Zuo Qiu Ran?"

   He didn't know why she was reborn on Zuo Qiu Ran's body, he just wanted to know if the original Zuo Qiu Ran would come back, and his Ran Bao would disappear again?

Zuo Qiu Ran shook her head, "I don't know, when I woke up on this body, I found that the original body had been swept away. I tried to use a secret method to summon her soul, but it didn't work, I don't know her Is the soul flying away, or is it imprisoned by someone."

   "Then, will you still leave?"

   This is what Mo Yichen is most concerned about.

   He admitted that he was a little selfish. He loved the current Zuo Qiuran, and naturally hoped that she would stay for a long time.

   "I don't know." Zuo Qiuran was telling the truth. She broke through the **** and returned from the Demon Realm. The body that her soul was looking for was not found by herself, but seemed to be summoned by something.

   Maybe this is fate, let her wake up on her own sister.

This is also the reason why she insists on looking for her original mother, Zhang Li. She inherited the original body, so she naturally wants to avenge her. The pain of slaughtering her soul is not much lighter than the pain of losing her body. In this way, the fate of their sisters is Pretty similar.

   The two talked for a long time, chatting and chatting, and they actually talked about their first encounter.

   Not this life, but the previous life.

   "At that time, you were very ruthless. There were very few people who could hurt me. You really used your strength to make me remember you fiercely." Mo Yichen touched the scar on his lower abdomen with a grin at the corner of his mouth.

   (end of this chapter)

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