Chapter 315 Strike

   Mo Yichen's deep eyes fell lightly on Shangguan Mei's body, and Shangguan Mei could hardly breathe because of her impassive and self-pretentious aura, and even the courage she had managed to muster collapsed at that moment.

   "What's the matter with me?" The cold tone, without the slightest ripple, made Shangguan Mei clearly realize once again that she was really nothing special to this man.

Mo Yi also nodded with a sneer, "That is, your Zuoqiu Group went bankrupt, what does it have to do with our grandfather? What the hell, thought that if you married the old man, you could use your identity to touch porcelain? I didn't see that even the old man left. ?"

   At this moment, Shangguan Mei's cell phone rang. Three seconds after she picked up the phone, her face changed suddenly, and she didn't care about choking with Mo, she picked up the bag hanging on the ground, turned her head and left.

  This is gone, it's boring.

   Zuo Qiu Ran pouted with a dull expression on his face.

   Mo Yichen smiled helplessly, "Go, accompany me back to dinner."

   It was dinner again, and she was almost regarded as a pig.

   I complained in my heart, Zuo Qiuran still pushed Mo Yichen to the restaurant.

  I don't know when it started, as long as she was around, the work of pushing the wheelchair would be hers, and the Mo guards would have nothing to do with it.


   When Shangguan Mei arrived at Zuoqiu Group, she felt that the atmosphere was not right. Although the employees still greeted her in a polite way, they looked at her a little more strangely.

   "What are you doing standing here? Not going to work? Don't you want the salary?"

   Shangguan scolded a few employees who were standing at the elevator mouth and ran away, and then took the elevator to the top floor.


   The elevator door opened.

   Before Shangguan Mei could go out, she saw Ying Wan and Zuo Qiu Miao, who was standing in front of her in a confrontational state with him.

   "Zuoqiu Miao, what are you doing here?" Shangguan Mei stepped on Heantian Gao and walked over, the tattering sound was particularly harsh on the top floor where there were not many people.

Zuo Qiu Miao still looked gentle and elegant, and when he saw Shangguan Mei, he gave a smile, "I received a notice that the factory below has not paid the workers for six months in a row, and some workers are rioting. I went on strike, so I wanted to ask the president if this was really the case, but I was stopped here by Assistant Ying."

  It was only then that Shangguan Mei noticed that standing behind Zuo Qiu Miao was not Chu Jiang, but a few strange men. By looking at the overalls, he knew that they were workers from the pharmaceutical factory below.

   "There will naturally be a situation where the cash flow is not working properly when running a business. I will have someone repay the owed wages as soon as possible. Okay, you can take these people back to work quickly, so as not to delay production."

A worker got angry when he heard this, stood up from behind Zuo Qiu Miao, and glared at Shangguan Mei, "President, you said this last month, or even last month, but which time did you actually honor it? The people in the factory are all old and young, and they are all waiting for this little salary to support their families. You don’t give us money for half a year, do you really want to kill us?”

"Yeah, the daughter-in-law that Xiao Zhang just talked about last year, originally wanted to get married this year, but he didn't get paid for half a year, and he couldn't get the money for the betrothal gift, so the marriage was just blowing up, you rich people, patronize yourself and enjoy yourself. , but don't care about the lives of us workers, my mother has been sick for two months, if it wasn't for the sixth master to help advance the medical bills, I'm afraid now..."

  PK enters the second round, babies, thank you, don't save money, let's continue to work hard together, love you, alright

   (end of this chapter)

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