Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 304: Repeated tricks

   Chapter 304 Replay

  Song Yan came out to meet Shangguan Mei, and the two made an appointment at a private kitchen in Xingzi Hutong. This private kitchen is purely membership-based, so privacy is very good.

   Zuo Qiuran was stopped at the door.

   "Sorry, this lady, our store only accepts members."

   Zuo Qiuran raised her eyebrows, she had a hunch that she could find some clues about the house grabbing today, "Then I will join your membership now."

   "Our platinum members need two million to join..."

   Before the manager could finish speaking, he saw Zuo Qiuran slap a check on the table.

  Two million, just right.

   The manager glanced at it and said regretfully, "Sorry, this lady, our store doesn't accept checks."

   Zuo Qiu Ran's downed fingers moved, secretly thinking about whether it would bring trouble to the uncle after smashing the store... No, why did she think about this in the first place?

  's eyes darkened, was it because she wanted to take her uncle home to raise him?

   At this time, someone approached behind her, and it was with great difficulty that Mo Jiu of Zuo Qiuran was found.

   Mo Jiu threw a card over, "Membership card, can our second lady go in now?"

   The manager's eyes are straight. This is a diamond membership card. There are only five cards in the entire flower country, and all of them are top figures in the pyramid. Which daughter is this lady, and why have you never seen it before?

  Unfortunately, the diamond member has a privacy protection function. Even if you swipe the card, you can't see the cardholder's identity. Therefore, the manager can only bend down 90° and put Zuo Qiuran and Mo Jiu in very politely.

   Zuo Qiu Ran and Mo Jiu were stumbling around, and Mo Jiu didn't dare to ask what she was looking for, only that she stopped outside the innermost private room, which looked like a tea room.

   Zuo Qiuran glanced at the room, then opened the door of the opposite room without hesitation, and walked in. Before she came over, she had already told the manager that no one would disturb her.

   Zuo Qiu Ran moved like water to boil tea, and at the same time listened to the conversation in the opposite room.

"Daughter, it seems that Mo Guoxing is as rumored, and he has no real power in the Mo family. However, the Huaguo is known to the world with filial piety. It's a good chess game, maybe it can make a big change in the Mo family."

   This was Song Yan's voice, Zuo Qiuran could hear it.

Within a second of his words, Shangguan Mei's voice sounded, "Mo Guoxing is currently robbing Mo's head office for a pharmaceutical project of the Chenghan Research Institute. I am going to cooperate with him. It is best to pull this project. Come to Zuoqiu's house, so that the Zuoqiu Group's heels in the imperial capital will be firmly established."

   "Chenghan Research Institute?" Song Yan asked in surprise: "That is one of the most mysterious places in the imperial capital. To impress them, you must have a special magic weapon."

   Shangguan Mei's mind changed, and she had an idea now. "I know how to do it."

   After a pause, Shangguan Mei asked again, "Have you been to see my mother?"

   "I'm going to go back to Wuqing City tomorrow and try to find a way to rescue your mother first, but if it doesn't work, I can only repeat the same trick and ask your mother to change her body again. It's not the first time anyway."

   "What's not the first time? My mother ever took the house?" Shangguan Mei looked surprised.

Song Yan didn't expect to leak, but the opposite was his daughter, not an outsider, so he nodded and admitted, "The former Sun Shuyi was a typical lady of the family, knowledgeable and sensible, do you think it's just like your mother, like? She and I were plotted against, and both were seriously injured, I'm okay, I have deeper internal strength and can hold on, but your mother..."

   (end of this chapter)

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